Before I continue, a bit of warning. This map is MASSIVE. If you're expecting a quick and easy challenge that you can just walk in and complete in a few hours, TURN BACK NOW. This map is challenging and extremely long, especially from a Single Player point of view. I have put at least 8 hours a day into this map from when he rereleased on January 13th, and I've just made it to Intersection 4. I consider myself a farely expert CTM/Minecraft player, who plays through areas faster than the average player and on Normal Difficulty. Please remember this as you read my review, and consider playing this map.
Hey all. I've gotten to the last intersection in Savage Realm and I decided to go ahead and do a review for everyone who is thinking of possibly playing this map. I've broken my review down into four sections: Map Design, Difficulty, Fun Factor, and Overall. Without further ado, here we go.
Map Design
This map is insanely beautiful. Each and every dungeon and intersection is beautiful, diverse, and impressively themed. Without giving too much away, you can experience everything from frozen forests to abandoned mines to great lakes of lava. Each and every dungeon is themed perfectly without a piece of it feeling rushed or out of place. Scenic vistas in almost every dungeon allow you to take time and truly appreciate how massive and beautiful the map is. Unlike a lot of maps, where you just want to get in, complete the objective and get out, Savage Realm makes you want to explore each and every nook and cranny it has to offer to see what new there is to discover. It's all conveniently connected by a transportation network powered that makes use of one of Minecrafts best features for mapmaking: command blocks. However, the system makes sure that you have reached the intersection before the dungeons so you cant cheat ahead and it forces you to explore the different dungeons for the route to the next Intersection. And trust me, some of them are not obvious and use diversion to fool you (*cough* Intersection 4 *cough*). But that doesn't matter, because the beauty of the map makes it fun and exciting to explore. The transportation hub is just used for shear convenience and access to certain parts that are otherwise inaccessible.
As I said before the review began, this map is INSANELY DIFFICULT. If you came for a good challenge, turn away and go find something easier. If you're a beginner to CTM maps and you think this is a great map to start on, WRONGGG. I consider myself an expert CTM/Minecraft player who plays through CTM maps aggressively, fast, and on Normal difficulty. I don't find much of Minecraft a huge challenge. However, this map made me frustrated, die A LOT, and cry myself to sleep at night. However, that's not me trying to tell you never to play this map. On the contrary, this map pushed me to my limits. It made me think about situations in different ways, adapt to my environment very quickly, slow down my play in some areas, and speed up my play in others to make it through. In fact there is one section of the map where the mapmaker encourages you to go as fast as possible to make it through. It is a fantastically hard challenge, but after every single wool grab and proceeding placement on the monument, you will feel like you just completed one CTM map. And I can't way to see how I feel when I conquer the entire experience!
"What makes it so hard, Red?" you may be asking. Well, let's talk about that. The first is a throwback to the Map Design section. This map is ENORMOUS. Each area is probably about the size of two or three dungeons you've played through in any other CTM map. That makes getting to the wool in each section that much harder. If you're a fast player, like myself, expect to spend at least 2 hours punching your way through each dungeon. Some even longer because it almost forces you to slow your play style to make it past the mobs.
Mobs happen to be the next point. Krose, the mapmaker, makes heavy use of custom mobs in Savage Realm. This makes you have to be ready to quickly adapt to every single dungeon you come across. You constantly need to change your play style to make it past new and challenging mobs. One example of this is one of the dungeons at the first intersection. They contain Gilded mobs. If you get to close to them, you will be temporarily blinded by their armor, so that means you need to fight them from a distance. Each area has new mobs with the new challenges you have to overcome to make it to the wool.
Yes, this is a hard map. You are gonna be fighting all the way through it, and I promise you will never think its easy. There is no rest in this map, not even in the Wool Monument. While he ranks it in scale from Medium to Hard, I don't think people understand exactly what that means. I know I sure didn't. I came in expecting a decent challenge, but what I got out of it was so much harder, but also so much more rewarding. This map is truly deserving of it's title Savage Realm.
Fun Factor
As a played in Single Player, I can't really speak for how fun this is as a multiplayer map. I'm sure it would be awesome to do it with a friend and I'd love the chance to do it sometime, but for now I'll just talk about singleplayer.
If you are always looking for ways to test yourself and revel in a really hard challenge, this map will be fun. If you get scared walking into a dark cave in vanilla Minecraft, you will poop your pants and this map will not be fun for you. If you enjoy working towards a goal, this map will be fun for you. If you want everything to be handed to you on a golden platter, this map will not be fun for you. If you can pick yourself up after a death and keep on working towards your goal, this map will be fun for you. If you quit the game after a death, this map may still be fun for you, but it will take you forever to complete. If the thought of pushing yourself to your absolute survival Minecraft limits excites you, this map will be fun for you. If you've never stepped out of creative mode before, this map will not be fun for you.
Overall Also known as tl;dr
From it's beautiful design, to it's difficult challenges, to it's extreme fun factor, there is only one way I can think of to describe this map: a beautiful, dangerous challenge. Savage Realm is one of the best experiences I have ever had in Minecraft, and I'm still going. To anyone who is ready to put themselves to the test and experience a great map, go ahead and download this map and start playing. You will not regret it.
Hello Everyone! I'm still kinda new to Minecraft and definitely new to the forums, but right now I'm working on a large creative project, involving the Books of Ember. If you have ever read that series, you will know it is about an underground city and much much more (no spoilers). Anyways, I am currently recreating The City of Ember and Sparks as they were described in the books as closely as I can! If you are interested in helping, just post a reply and let me know! I can't wait to see it when it's done!
EDIT: If you would like to be a part of a collective save, email, edit for this project, send me a message and we can get the details worked out! I'd love to do servers, but my computer can't take it.
Copy the 1.8 folder, rename the files to something involving TMI, edit the JSON, create new profile... as usual.
Play in 1.8, edit your inventory with TMI.
Once you are satisfied, you can use the same would in 1.8.1. If you read the blog post, Mojang said that it is 100% compatible with 1.8. That means 1.8<->1.8.1 compatibility!
Ever unsatisfied with 1.8.1, just switch the version back to 1.8 TMI.
Really enjoying the map so far, I've managed to get to the first intersection so I'm past where I was when I had to restart due to the lag fix. The white wool area seems pretty lengthy for a white wool, but I guess it's just a sign of what's to come.
Pretty much my only complaint is that I really don't like the fact that there's mobs in the intersections and monument cavern, as I usually like to think of those as peaceful areas to relax in. That's more of a personal preference thing than anything else, though.
Hey all. I've gotten to the last intersection in Savage Realm and I decided to go ahead and do a review for everyone who is thinking of possibly playing this map. I've broken my review down into four sections: Map Design, Difficulty, Fun Factor, and Overall. Without further ado, here we go.
Map Design
This map is insanely beautiful. Each and every dungeon and intersection is beautiful, diverse, and impressively themed. Without giving too much away, you can experience everything from frozen forests to abandoned mines to great lakes of lava. Each and every dungeon is themed perfectly without a piece of it feeling rushed or out of place. Scenic vistas in almost every dungeon allow you to take time and truly appreciate how massive and beautiful the map is. Unlike a lot of maps, where you just want to get in, complete the objective and get out, Savage Realm makes you want to explore each and every nook and cranny it has to offer to see what new there is to discover. It's all conveniently connected by a transportation network powered that makes use of one of Minecrafts best features for mapmaking: command blocks. However, the system makes sure that you have reached the intersection before the dungeons so you cant cheat ahead and it forces you to explore the different dungeons for the route to the next Intersection. And trust me, some of them are not obvious and use diversion to fool you (*cough* Intersection 4 *cough*). But that doesn't matter, because the beauty of the map makes it fun and exciting to explore. The transportation hub is just used for shear convenience and access to certain parts that are otherwise inaccessible.
As I said before the review began, this map is INSANELY DIFFICULT. If you came for a good challenge, turn away and go find something easier. If you're a beginner to CTM maps and you think this is a great map to start on, WRONGGG. I consider myself an expert CTM/Minecraft player who plays through CTM maps aggressively, fast, and on Normal difficulty. I don't find much of Minecraft a huge challenge. However, this map made me frustrated, die A LOT, and cry myself to sleep at night. However, that's not me trying to tell you never to play this map. On the contrary, this map pushed me to my limits. It made me think about situations in different ways, adapt to my environment very quickly, slow down my play in some areas, and speed up my play in others to make it through. In fact there is one section of the map where the mapmaker encourages you to go as fast as possible to make it through. It is a fantastically hard challenge, but after every single wool grab and proceeding placement on the monument, you will feel like you just completed one CTM map. And I can't way to see how I feel when I conquer the entire experience!
"What makes it so hard, Red?" you may be asking. Well, let's talk about that. The first is a throwback to the Map Design section. This map is ENORMOUS. Each area is probably about the size of two or three dungeons you've played through in any other CTM map. That makes getting to the wool in each section that much harder. If you're a fast player, like myself, expect to spend at least 2 hours punching your way through each dungeon. Some even longer because it almost forces you to slow your play style to make it past the mobs.
Mobs happen to be the next point. Krose, the mapmaker, makes heavy use of custom mobs in Savage Realm. This makes you have to be ready to quickly adapt to every single dungeon you come across. You constantly need to change your play style to make it past new and challenging mobs. One example of this is one of the dungeons at the first intersection. They contain Gilded mobs. If you get to close to them, you will be temporarily blinded by their armor, so that means you need to fight them from a distance. Each area has new mobs with the new challenges you have to overcome to make it to the wool.
Yes, this is a hard map. You are gonna be fighting all the way through it, and I promise you will never think its easy. There is no rest in this map, not even in the Wool Monument. While he ranks it in scale from Medium to Hard, I don't think people understand exactly what that means. I know I sure didn't. I came in expecting a decent challenge, but what I got out of it was so much harder, but also so much more rewarding. This map is truly deserving of it's title Savage Realm.
Fun Factor
As a played in Single Player, I can't really speak for how fun this is as a multiplayer map. I'm sure it would be awesome to do it with a friend and I'd love the chance to do it sometime, but for now I'll just talk about singleplayer.
If you are always looking for ways to test yourself and revel in a really hard challenge, this map will be fun. If you get scared walking into a dark cave in vanilla Minecraft, you will poop your pants and this map will not be fun for you. If you enjoy working towards a goal, this map will be fun for you. If you want everything to be handed to you on a golden platter, this map will not be fun for you. If you can pick yourself up after a death and keep on working towards your goal, this map will be fun for you. If you quit the game after a death, this map may still be fun for you, but it will take you forever to complete. If the thought of pushing yourself to your absolute survival Minecraft limits excites you, this map will be fun for you. If you've never stepped out of creative mode before, this map will not be fun for you.
Also known as tl;dr
From it's beautiful design, to it's difficult challenges, to it's extreme fun factor, there is only one way I can think of to describe this map: a beautiful, dangerous challenge. Savage Realm is one of the best experiences I have ever had in Minecraft, and I'm still going. To anyone who is ready to put themselves to the test and experience a great map, go ahead and download this map and start playing. You will not regret it.
EDIT: If you would like to be a part of a collective save, email, edit for this project, send me a message and we can get the details worked out! I'd love to do servers, but my computer can't take it.