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    posted a message on Social Engineering
    Now that we are done, can this thread be locked now? OP should post something less boring next time.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Favorited Vegetable or fruit ?
    Quote from Disethas

    You're welcome to use the meme at the expense of looking ignorant.

    That's not exactly expensive on the internet.

    Also, please prevent a video of the proceedings and list notable times. I will not watch the entire thing.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Favorited Vegetable or fruit ?
    Quote from Disethas

    -snipped long post-

    Well it's a meme now that everyone is going to use until it becomes old meme.

    Also, the food pyramid isn't very exact. One could say it was.. biased.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Social Engineering
    Quote from Raynbow

    Oh and by the way guys, you can type your password out here and it totally works.
    Try it :iapprove:


    Did it work yet?

    Quote from CrazyJayCloudz

    Yes, that is one of the scenarios lol. People do that, but they usually still are curious, unlike you were. They eventually give me teh password.

    Maybe all you people are just bad con artists. I am also rather good at pick-pocketing, I don't steal though, just take things from friends bags, like their bus-passes

    You seem like a fun friend.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Social Engineering
    Someone tried doing this to me a while back. I knew right away that my password was not going to be censored so I kept giving him fake ones and watching the lulz unfold.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Nerf Guns
    Quote from Limfy

    What is a potato canon?
    Just a canon that shoots potatoes?! xD

    Yes. It doesn't always have to shoot just potatoes though. Mine shoots wooden or molded ceramic bullets.

    They are usually made out of PVC pipe and use hair spray as a propellant. I prefer lighter fluid though.

    >Last post I make about this here to prevent off topic.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
  • 2

    posted a message on Nerf Guns
    Modding? Nerf guns? How? I actually feel too old for nerf guns. Now I only hold interest for potato cannons.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Social Engineering
    This only effects grannies and soccer moms. The soccer moms are one thing, but why would you harm a sweet old granny?
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Anyone else finds Hardcore relieving?
    Used for actual gameplay, hardcore is win but the relief comes when you finally beat everything and finish the game and look back over all the challenges you've overcome.

    Using it to lord yourself over everyone else is downright stupid.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on I'm getting bullied...
    Don't tell normals anything. That will save you from future trouble if you can't handle them bitching about everything.

    Yes, I think bullying is a form of bitching.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Betting about the fall of america
    Quote from ratelslangen

    -video snip-

    i bet for 10 euro america already is covert in protest. its a police state. Screw the amarican people who think there great.

    Since you are going to be general about all americans, I challenge you for proof. Can you prove that all americans think they are better than everyone else?

    I can wait for you to come up with something.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on i got mugged :(
    Quote from Filby

    This video will show you how to defend yourself against a mugger.

    I prefer capsicum powder instead of sand. They are going to have their eyes wide open and will be breathing heavily especially after you put up a good struggle.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Betting about the fall of america
    I don't see any real way to respond to this thread. There are many things I could say:

    "You will lose the bet. " Because I do not believe baseless foresight predicts anything.

    "Canada should come up with a means of supporting every American who crosses over, no matter what." I will say this for anyone who comes in and boasts about the stability of their own country. Is Canada or Europe even helping America in any way?

    "Not this ****ing thread again. " Don't make stupid duplicate threads. If you want to experience a thread like this then use search and find one of the other "talk **** about america" threads and stop wasting forum space.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Favorited Vegetable or fruit ?
    Favorite Vegetable = Pizza

    Favorite Fruit = Pie

    This new logic set is fun.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on EU after a 3 year investigation concludes there is no proof that water prevents dehydration.
    Not you too, europe. I was going to move to you after picking up a few of your languages.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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