What would be a method to summon a written book with a random set of characters on the first page or a single random character on each of the 20 pages? Additionally, another route would be to summon a template book and then modify the NBT data with a random character on each of the 20 pages. However, it is accomplished I am trying to create a way to make a written book with random data that is different each time a command is run. I would need this to function on the 1.6.5 patch as I am trying to make this work with infinite dimensions. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
you punch them, they are designed to be killed by one hit, then you simply spawn in the new piece with your spawn egg. Overall its best to play in creative tho you can load up 64 of each egg and it works just as well.
Looks cool, you should move this to maps tho. Overall nice design, build suggestion - replace the brick outside the lane with sea lanterns, put some eye candy like giant zombie sttues ect around the lane.
I have thought about somthing like this myself, but mine would be a library. Sadly the limitations on ingame books really hinder making readable stories. Tho to solve that i toyed with the idea on embeding clickable links to much longer books stored in somthing like google drive or dropbox.
Anyone have the link for the server part of the download?
What would be a method to summon a written book with a random set of characters on the first page or a single random character on each of the 20 pages? Additionally, another route would be to summon a template book and then modify the NBT data with a random character on each of the 20 pages. However, it is accomplished I am trying to create a way to make a written book with random data that is different each time a command is run. I would need this to function on the 1.6.5 patch as I am trying to make this work with infinite dimensions. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
Here are the guys from Yogscast playing my map =)
The guys at Yogscast played this game as well, check it out here
1k views, woot =)
you punch them, they are designed to be killed by one hit, then you simply spawn in the new piece with your spawn egg. Overall its best to play in creative tho you can load up 64 of each egg and it works just as well.
You use json, there are some json editors that will le you do it very easily.
One possible work around is a no ai golem teleported to an invis zombie, this would give the effect of an aggro iron golem.
Looks cool, you should move this to maps tho. Overall nice design, build suggestion - replace the brick outside the lane with sea lanterns, put some eye candy like giant zombie sttues ect around the lane.
I have thought about somthing like this myself, but mine would be a library. Sadly the limitations on ingame books really hinder making readable stories. Tho to solve that i toyed with the idea on embeding clickable links to much longer books stored in somthing like google drive or dropbox.
Cool, you can alo make a dual weilsing armorstand using this stacking method.
Wither affects any mob
wither is the best way to go as nothing protects you from wither effect
You could also give the mob a specific drop that could be tested for then removed quickly.
Only issue is you can get diamond gear from villagers