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I've added you ign is RedFoxMaster
IGN RedFoxMaster
Age 15
I am very experienced with the game in fact I played when it was fresh and came out I'm just looking for a world I can survive on.
HI I would like join your realm I need a nice fresh start and I would love to kill the ender dragon and all that my IGN is RedFoxMaster I hope you add me.
Discord Fox#7070
I've added you ign is RedFoxMaster
IGN RedFoxMaster
Age 15
I am very experienced with the game in fact I played when it was fresh and came out I'm just looking for a world I can survive on.
HI I would like join your realm I need a nice fresh start and I would love to kill the ender dragon and all that my IGN is RedFoxMaster I hope you add me.
Discord Fox#7070