Hey there, basically subject spells it out I keep getting attacked by random monsters when I sleep in my shelter. The area is well lit no gaps for any sneaky monsters to get in and im even behind 2 sets of doors!...
Is this a known issue or is there somthing im doing wrong? I couldnt find anything about this just other people keeping their house too dark
Name: Michael
Minecraft user name: Recognise (Premium User)
Servers your have run: Recognise's Half/Half, Recognise's Flatgrass
Approximate number of in-game hours as OP: 100-150+ (Been playing for a fair while)
Reference: No one on the forums really :sad.gif:
Email address: [email protected]
Eddy is a pretty bad griefer, 1 block in random patterns, way to easy to fix. But yeah this is a good thread with actual evidence, I can use it for my own servers banlist.
Munther wins Minecraft trolling award, LG just ignore it, he feeds off your rage. Im sure in the future there will be stats pages and friends lists etc, Which will most likely get rid of your problems. As long as they arent using the hack I wouldn't worry about it.
ok i went on the joy blocks erver for the first time. i was let out of the spawn prison by and op and the op left. There was one other person with me as well i forgot his username (the last four charaters are 9999). He said he was a griefer and told me to flood different areas. He actually helped me and suddenly he said ("did i mention im an op?") and then banned me. He never said anything during the time i was there untill the last minute when he banned me.
So if in real life, you were to buy drugs from a "dealer" then he arrests you saying "did i mention i was a cop?" does that make you in the wrong, or him? Its pretty much the exact same scenario, minus the illegal substances. :wink.gif:
I always have had the idea to build a simple replica of Call of duty 4 maps, But ive never been bothered to sit down and flesh out the idea. I think it would be cool for some different game modes later on like CTF and other team related gamemodes
Tried refreshing, still not working. although I just noticed that you had /play.jsp?server=, just wanted to check is that meant to be ip= because I normally connect with the ip= url, but i tried using server= and it comes up with "you cant connect via this URL anymore"
Perfect! You were right bed against the wall was spawning the monsters cheers for the quick response.
Is this a known issue or is there somthing im doing wrong? I couldnt find anything about this just other people keeping their house too dark
Minecraft user name: Recognise (Premium User)
Servers your have run: Recognise's Half/Half, Recognise's Flatgrass
Approximate number of in-game hours as OP: 100-150+ (Been playing for a fair while)
Reference: No one on the forums really :sad.gif:
Email address: [email protected]
So if in real life, you were to buy drugs from a "dealer" then he arrests you saying "did i mention i was a cop?" does that make you in the wrong, or him? Its pretty much the exact same scenario, minus the illegal substances. :wink.gif:
I think he means the little shrubbery lol. :wink.gif: