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    posted a message on [1.20.4] The "BETTER THAN DEFAULT" resource upgrade - v2.7
    Quote from einsteinsci

    Do you know if this works yet with Optifine 1.6.2 A3? Or do I have to use McPatcher? I have Optifine installed and I can't select the Better than Default. It just reverts to default as soon as I click it.

    Thats the same problem im having except I dont have optifine installed
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on [1.20.4] The "BETTER THAN DEFAULT" resource upgrade - v2.7
    Quote from _zombiehunter

    Everything works fine on my side. What do you mean with "randomly stopped"? Did it crash? Ran out of memory? Are you sure you had a clean 1.6.2 and patched it with MCPatcher 4.1.0_04?

    Yes it was a clean jar that I patched, I'll do it again, If I still get the probelm I'll try and make a video to show you.

    Quote from _zombiehunter

    It's possible with the new resource pack format, maybe I'll do something like this for the next update (no major color differences though, just making the top/bottom of birch logs slightly brighter, jungle logs slightly more reddish and spruce logs a bit darker).

    Alright thanks, it just bothers me that the logs all look the same but the planks are different, meaning the logs should be different. Hopefully default minecraft will change that soon
    Posted in: Resource Packs
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.20.4] The "BETTER THAN DEFAULT" resource upgrade - v2.7
    Anyone else getting problems with this pack to work? Had it working fine then it randomly stopped, I can't select the pack under resource packs minecraft acts as if I didnt click it and then if I load back into the game without switching back to another pack or minecraft default the ground doesnt show up, and I can see underground...

    Also to OP, is it possible to have the inside of each trees log be different? So that the inside of the Birch log matches the birch planks, etc?
    Posted in: Resource Packs
  • 1

    posted a message on Biomes O' Plenty - Over 50 new biomes, with new trees, plants, mobs, and more!
    Has anyone suggested/you thought of adding some sort of underwater biome where trees and stuff generate at the bottom of the ocean or maybe even a rare atlantis sort of thing. Also since I'm here a biome sort of like we see in pandora in Avatar
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on Sonic Ether's Unbelievable Shaders [compatible with Minecraft 1.12.2 via OptiFine]
    What are the minimum specs if I want to install this or the GLSL shaders? I'm thinking of building my own rig soon and want to make sure I can run this beaut on it for sure lol
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Redstone Lamps
    Damn, alright thanks a lot guys (especially UK Legend and The 112924) wasn't expecting so much responses so soon lol.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 0

    posted a message on Redstone Lamps
    Hey guys seem to have trouble getting this to light up, any help? I get some but not all lamps, in the middle is the lever. Forget how to make it resize the image.

    //puu.sh/DwaA" target="" data-ensure-absolute>http://puu.sh/DwaA" width="" height="" alt="" />

    For those that cant see the image it looks like so.

    :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
    :: :: :: :: :Glass: :Glass: :Glass: :Glass: :Glass: :: :: :: ::
    :: :: :: :Glass: :: :: :: :: :: :Glass: :: :: ::
    :: :: :Glass: :: :: :Glass: :Glass: :Glass: :: :: :Glass: :: ::
    :: :Glass: :: :: :Glass: :: :: :: :Glass: :: :: :Glass: ::
    :: :Glass: :: :Glass: :: :: :stone: :: :: :Glass: :: :Glass: ::
    :: :Glass: :: :Glass: :: :stone: :feather: :stone: :: :Glass: :: :Glass: ::
    :: :Glass: :: :Glass: :: :: :stone: :: :: :Glass: :: :Glass: ::
    :: :Glass: :: :: :Glass: :: :: :: :Glass: :: :: :Glass: ::
    :: :: :Glass: :: :: :Glass: :Glass: :Glass: :: :: :Glass: :: ::
    :: :: :: :Glass: :: :: :: :: :: :Glass: :: :: ::
    :: :: :: :: :Glass: :Glass: :Glass: :Glass: :Glass: :: :: :: ::
    :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

    Glass = Redstone Lamps
    Stone = Stone
    And Feather = lever
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 0

    posted a message on throw your tools
    Quote from minionmaster1

    i dont post much but i think if your done with your tools that includes sword and shovels you should be able to right click or hit some key to throw your tool at an enemy to kill em...it would instantly brake your tool but do alot of damage to the enemy...sound good? cuz i have no idea how to mod :huh.gif: so...

    Borderlands 2 much?
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [32x,16x][1.3.1] Mixcraft - SemiRealistic (v47) Emeralds and Trip Wires!
    Hey Kool would you mind doing a small project for me, shouldn't take you too much time.

    I'm hoping you could make me some furnace textures (Iron furnace and gold furnace), are the only ones needed for now, I was hoping for something more than just pasting the furnace holes on top of the gold and iron textures but if thats all you can/want to do I wouldn't mind.

    Please PM me with a response. Sorry for being off topic
    Posted in: Resource Packs
  • 0

    posted a message on CubeX2's Mods - All mods available for 1.8.9
    Hey Cube I dont mean to spam you but I'd just like to get some information from you about your more furnaces mod.. I recently made a request in the request thread but just found your mods now.

    So the idea is to change the original stone furnace so that it can only be used once,
    and would not be usable again(maybe self destruct and leave the materials in the spot? not too sure yet).

    An Iron furnace would be added which would be the original stone furnace.

    And then finally a Gold furnace which would be able to smelt 2 items at a time,
    not sure if with the same fuel source or 2 separate (would save space).
    Also would give a good use for Gold finally.

    Additional Idea #1(9 pm 9/26)
    Got an idea of adding more furnaces with more slots or other benefits to them,
    but we would only really use materials or items not used much,
    because we are already taking up a couple ID's and don't want to take too much up.

    But what about a LAPIS furnace, or Obsidian... Ideas? Feedback?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on [Update! (3/28)] Bordercraft ver.1.5
    Quote from rofltom

    I love the creator of this mod, i love him!
    Continue like this, if you open a donation system ,i'll surely donate!
    You're a great man , bordercraft is the greatest tp i've ever seen

    Not a Mod its a Texture Pack, also its made by a WOMAN im pretty sure
    Posted in: Resource Packs
  • 0

    posted a message on [REQ] Furnaces Mod
    Quote from WastelandModding

    Alright so furnaces now break and release their items correctly, as well as save their state when the game closes...

    In other words, all that remains is the iron furnace (Should be easy) and the gold furnace (Smelting 2 at a time -- do you want 2 smelting stacks or just smelt 2 at a time?)

    Remember to (+) my posts!

    Quote from fightlight55

    i think two slots and one in each melts simultaneously. also, the output stacks to 128. id gladly make a video btw raposa add me on skype its jcr71197. and you can too wasteland


    :: -> ::
    :: -> ::

    This is what I thought of.


    Got an idea of adding more furnaces with more slots or other benefits to them but we would only really use materials or items not used much, because we are already taking up a couple ID's and don't want to take too much up.

    Obviously diamond would come to mind but I would want to waste diamond on a furnace, thats a potential EIGHT pieces we could use for something else.

    But what about a LAPIS furnace, or Obsidian... Ideas? Feedback?

    (Will add this to first post)
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [REQ] Furnaces Mod
    I'm thinking these would be the recipes

    :Iron: :Iron: :Iron:
    :Iron: :: :Iron: = :Grey:
    :Iron: :Iron: :Iron:

    :Grey: = Iron Furnace

    :GoldBar: :GoldBar: :GoldBar:
    :GoldBar: :: :GoldBar: = :Yellow:
    :GoldBar: :GoldBar: :GoldBar:

    :Yellow: = Gold Furnace


    Maybe add coal in the middle of the recipes,


    Change the furnaces recipe to:

    :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone:
    :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: = :Furnace:
    :cobblestone: :: :cobblestone:

    I know there are some other mods that use these recipes for iron chest and gold chests.
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [REQ] Furnaces Mod
    Quote from fightlight55

    i just thought 8 because a whole stack is 64 and it all just divides out evenly but any amount works. we just need a modder... lol i would do it but im clueless about modding on a mac. i could do it for pc though when i get one

    Only problem with more than 1 is people might just skip on using the other furnaces all together, will be interesting though I dont think this should be to hard hopefully we can get a modder to work on this soon :tongue.gif:
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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