What do you look forward to most in a server: New ideas and landscapes to work with. I always try to better myself as a builder and creator. I also enjoy the chance to meet new people in the community.
IGN: Alshain
Age: 26
Why are you interested in this server: a friend plays on it.
Have you played other servers: yes
Can you play this server at least an hour a day: yes
Gender: m
How long have you been playing MC: since it was released to the public to test back in the day.
(An odd question, but please answer) How do you play survival: I focus on getting a steady food supply first, then building.
Think you have what it takes to be an Admin (yes/no): I have been an admin before, but I prefer to just play and have fun.
What's the Ip of the server:
Were you recommended by anyone: pewww1
Do you currently play any other server: no I was taking a break for a while, just now starting back.
Misc. (518)Info you want to tell us: you guys have to be cool to put up with pewww1 :tongue.gif:
-What makes you a good addition to this server?: I am very creative and willing to help with anything.
-Did you read all of the rules section, understand it, and can you comply with them?: yes
-What would you do if you did not like an aspect of the game-play?: Look at the positive and offer suggestions if needed.
-How would you handle a conflict with another player?: I avoid conflict, I play to have fun. :smile.gif:
-Have you ever been banned from a server and why? (If you lie, I deny this application.): Nope
-What brought you to this server? (Friend, Forum, Etc...): MC Forums.
-Location: USA
-Favorite movie: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
-In game name: Alshain
In-Game Name: Alshain
Age(16 and above only): 26
Have you read the Rules and Agreement?: yes
Have you ever been banned from another Minecraft server?(please be honest): no
How did you hear of us?: MC forums
Will you vote for Mine2Craft daily?(You are rewarded in game for doing so): yes!
Do you have/use Ventrilo?: Yes, I actually own my own private vent server.
IGN (In Game Name): Alshain
Age: 26
Steam (optional):
Referred? By whom?: Found you guys on the MC forums!
Reason for joining: Looking for a nice laid back sever to relax and do some building on.
What you do best in minecraft: Houses and Pirate ships are my specialty.
Favorite Movie: The good, the bad and the ugly.
Did you log into Synesthesia?: not yet!
If yes, What was your impression?: .....
What makes you a good addition to this server?: I am mature, and willing to help in any way that is needed.
What brought you to this server? Looking for a good server on the MC forums.
Age: 27
Location: USA
In game name: Alshain
In-game name: Alshain
Age: 27
Why you want to join: Looking for a good public server to build on, this looks organized and fun.
How did you hear about this server: MC forums :smile.gif:
1. In Game Name: Alshain
2. Age: 26
3. How long have you been playing minecraft?: since about midway through Alpha
4. What do you like doing in minecraft?: Being able to build just about anything you want.
5. What will you bring to the server?: I am really laid back, and willing to help others.
Age: 26
Why are you interested in this server: a friend plays on it.
Have you played other servers: yes
Can you play this server at least an hour a day: yes
Gender: m
How long have you been playing MC: since it was released to the public to test back in the day.
(An odd question, but please answer) How do you play survival: I focus on getting a steady food supply first, then building.
Think you have what it takes to be an Admin (yes/no): I have been an admin before, but I prefer to just play and have fun.
What's the Ip of the server:
Were you recommended by anyone: pewww1
Do you currently play any other server: no I was taking a break for a while, just now starting back.
Misc. (518)Info you want to tell us: you guys have to be cool to put up with pewww1 :tongue.gif:
-Did you read all of the rules section, understand it, and can you comply with them?: yes
-What would you do if you did not like an aspect of the game-play?: Look at the positive and offer suggestions if needed.
-How would you handle a conflict with another player?: I avoid conflict, I play to have fun. :smile.gif:
-Have you ever been banned from a server and why? (If you lie, I deny this application.): Nope
-What brought you to this server? (Friend, Forum, Etc...): MC Forums.
-Location: USA
-Favorite movie: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
-In game name: Alshain
Age(16 and above only): 26
Have you read the Rules and Agreement?: yes
Have you ever been banned from another Minecraft server?(please be honest): no
How did you hear of us?: MC forums
Will you vote for Mine2Craft daily?(You are rewarded in game for doing so): yes!
Do you have/use Ventrilo?: Yes, I actually own my own private vent server.
I would like to play on your server :smile.gif:
Age: 26
Steam (optional):
Referred? By whom?: Found you guys on the MC forums!
Reason for joining: Looking for a nice laid back sever to relax and do some building on.
What you do best in minecraft: Houses and Pirate ships are my specialty.
Favorite Movie: The good, the bad and the ugly.
If yes, What was your impression?: .....
What makes you a good addition to this server?: I am mature, and willing to help in any way that is needed.
What brought you to this server? Looking for a good server on the MC forums.
Age: 27
Location: USA
In game name: Alshain
Age: 27
Why you want to join: Looking for a good public server to build on, this looks organized and fun.
How did you hear about this server: MC forums :smile.gif:
2. Age: 26
3. How long have you been playing minecraft?: since about midway through Alpha
4. What do you like doing in minecraft?: Being able to build just about anything you want.
5. What will you bring to the server?: I am really laid back, and willing to help others.