I play Minecraft often times while travelling (with a laptop), and enjoy messing around with command blocks. However, I can never seem to remember all those commands and their syntaxes and strings and such, and resort to using online generators for my commands. They are far easier, but hard to use on my phone (as my laptop doesn't have any sort of connection while travelling). I'm wondering if there is any OFFLINE program available for these command generators, and where I could get the application for my laptop.
Any other suggestions on how to solve my problem are welcome, thanks.
I've been looking for a long ass time for a minecraft modpack with spooky / scary mods that have SERVER FILES. I want to set up a server for friends, but none of these scary modpacks have any server files. I've reached the edge of my ability, it would be greatly appreciated if anyone knew of any particularly spooky modpacks with the server files available for download.
The problem is that everyone hacks on these big servers. You just notice the particularly mean ones. If you ever see any 3 or 4 person factions, ones that never try to communicate, it's usually because they are all hacking. They usually don't bother anyone else though, so you probably wouldn't notice. The truth is that hacked clients are literally the easiest thing ever to install, and that people who use them aren't always out to kill, and are more in it for the xray, freecam, and all that crap that can be used to a defensive advantage.
I feel like the real chodes are the guys who run the big servers, who are usually so overrun with things to do that they just stop moderating and start screwing people left and right. Often staff hack as well for that added bonus, I know from experience
I have roguelike dungeons and I love exploring them. Problem is, the loot is very vanilla. Bread, coal, string, maybe a music disc if i'm lucky. The pyramids have a lot of diamonds, emeralds, and gold and that's just kinda of boring. Thaumcraft has provided some interesting loot, up until the point where I get too far into the mod for the thaumic loot to matter. I'm looking for an interesting mod with really cool items, and those items just happen to spawn in dungeons too.
Going on about a 20k long rail trip. Anything I can do with my menus and stuff to keep myself occupied in game? Maybe a mod I can use on an unmodded server, with a menu with games in it?
Very bored, and looking for some creativity with this. Post ideas.
I'm making a custom map where I use custom mobs. I want to disable the spawning of regular mobs, and have it so the only mobs allowed are my custom ones.
Hi guys, im beginning work on a horror map disguised as a family friendly puzzle map, where it will begin with a cutscene of "Super happy puzzle land", the place where people will be solving said puzzles. I want to teleport the player to where they are frozen in the air, and they are looking at a certain area. I know the FNAF map achieved this, but since im not sure how, id like to ask how this is done. Basically, I want them to push a button, and be teleported above "Super Happy Puzzle Land", and be looking at it, so they arent allowed to look anywhere besides where I am directing their view.
Yes but that means it wont turn off, making a glitchy infinite redstone source that doesn't go away until you remove a repeater from the loop, this is why im asking this question.
I fear you dont understand. There's so many pistons that the redstone wont power it the whole way. Which means I need to continue the power with a repeater, but that means I'd have to skip a piston, and for what im building I cant do that.
I have a long row of pistons (Maybe about 21?) and I want to power and unpower all of them at once. There is also a corner with another wall of pistons which I also want to power. Any tips on how to do this?
Since im not that great with describing things, check the attachments for what I mean.
I play Minecraft often times while travelling (with a laptop), and enjoy messing around with command blocks. However, I can never seem to remember all those commands and their syntaxes and strings and such, and resort to using online generators for my commands. They are far easier, but hard to use on my phone (as my laptop doesn't have any sort of connection while travelling). I'm wondering if there is any OFFLINE program available for these command generators, and where I could get the application for my laptop.
Any other suggestions on how to solve my problem are welcome, thanks.
I've been looking for a long ass time for a minecraft modpack with spooky / scary mods that have SERVER FILES. I want to set up a server for friends, but none of these scary modpacks have any server files. I've reached the edge of my ability, it would be greatly appreciated if anyone knew of any particularly spooky modpacks with the server files available for download.
The problem is that everyone hacks on these big servers. You just notice the particularly mean ones. If you ever see any 3 or 4 person factions, ones that never try to communicate, it's usually because they are all hacking. They usually don't bother anyone else though, so you probably wouldn't notice. The truth is that hacked clients are literally the easiest thing ever to install, and that people who use them aren't always out to kill, and are more in it for the xray, freecam, and all that crap that can be used to a defensive advantage.
I feel like the real chodes are the guys who run the big servers, who are usually so overrun with things to do that they just stop moderating and start screwing people left and right. Often staff hack as well for that added bonus, I know from experience
I have roguelike dungeons and I love exploring them. Problem is, the loot is very vanilla. Bread, coal, string, maybe a music disc if i'm lucky. The pyramids have a lot of diamonds, emeralds, and gold and that's just kinda of boring. Thaumcraft has provided some interesting loot, up until the point where I get too far into the mod for the thaumic loot to matter. I'm looking for an interesting mod with really cool items, and those items just happen to spawn in dungeons too.
I'm trying to target a bat named Wewlad with the witchmagic particle, and have it follow the bat as it flies around.
The video i'm referring to to do this is this:
The command I'm using to do this (which doesn't work) is this: /particle witchMagic ~ ~ ~ .01 .01 .01 0.02 100 @e[name=Wewlad]
This doesn't put any output errors, but it also doesn't follow the bat, it just repeatedly spawns the particles inside the command block.
╚═( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)═╝
Going on about a 20k long rail trip. Anything I can do with my menus and stuff to keep myself occupied in game? Maybe a mod I can use on an unmodded server, with a menu with games in it?
Very bored, and looking for some creativity with this. Post ideas.
I'm making a custom map where I use custom mobs. I want to disable the spawning of regular mobs, and have it so the only mobs allowed are my custom ones.
Can you give me an example line without the scoreboard part?
I'm guessing its
tp - the command obviously
@p - targetting the players
~~~ - x y z coords
0 0 - What is this? How do I use this?
Hi guys, im beginning work on a horror map disguised as a family friendly puzzle map, where it will begin with a cutscene of "Super happy puzzle land", the place where people will be solving said puzzles. I want to teleport the player to where they are frozen in the air, and they are looking at a certain area. I know the FNAF map achieved this, but since im not sure how, id like to ask how this is done. Basically, I want them to push a button, and be teleported above "Super Happy Puzzle Land", and be looking at it, so they arent allowed to look anywhere besides where I am directing their view.
EDIT: Similarly to the cameras in this map:
Since im not that great with describing things, check the attachments for what I mean.