I have just recently learned of this, but as an update to anyone who even reads this thread anymore I will be taking on this mod in honor if its creator's legacy, and the reason being is because James Hite, also known as LycaonX, passed away on Thursday, May 12, 2016...
James, may your soul rest in peace, because you didn't deserve to die so young...
- RandomSomething98
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Member for 12 years and 1 month
Last active Sat, Apr, 8 2017 13:11:18
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MonzterAssassin posted a message on Advanced Thaumaturgy - Thaumcraft AddonPosted in: Minecraft Mods -
P3pp3rF1y posted a message on Reliquary v1.3Posted in: Minecraft ModsAnd the Nian Zhu changes are now released, plenty of stuff has changed/was added so vampire369 you may want to check these out.
- Nian Zhus are no more, now the items are called mob charms
- The old Nian Zhus can be crafted into new Mob Charms, just put them in the crafting grid
- Mob charms take damage when the mob they protect from is killed by the players
- They can be repaired with the special drops that were used to craft the mob charms
- When damaged they will show up in the HUD for a bit
- there are 3 settings related to this- all accessible in the ingame mod config GUI
- position where they show
- number of damaged mob charms that show at the same time
- setting to determine whether very damaged mob charm will stay displayed in the HUD
- Mob Charm belt is now a thing
- Can store mob charms
- Can be put in the baubles belt slot
- Renders on the player when in the baubles slot (totally didn't check how botania does this :D)
- Of course player is protected from mobs when charms are in the belt the same as if they were in player's inventory
- And they do take damage in the belt as well
- Both mob charms and mob charm fragments got new graphics -
CaerMaster posted a message on BiblioCraft [v2.4.5]-Bookcases, armor stands, shelves, printing presses, seats, clocks, the Atlas and more! Updated 06/21/2018Posted in: Minecraft ModsArgh! BiblioCraft for 1.8.9 comes out the day after I kill my 1.8.9 personal server to jump to 1.10.2 ....
...ya just gotta laugh.
Nuchaz posted a message on BiblioCraft [v2.4.5]-Bookcases, armor stands, shelves, printing presses, seats, clocks, the Atlas and more! Updated 06/21/2018Posted in: Minecraft ModsI just released BiblioCraft v2.0.0 which supports Minecraft v1.8.9. I posted a detailed blog on it at www.bibliocraftmod.com. Go there to read more and download it.
I also just wanted to let everyone know here that I do still read the forum, even if I don't have much time to respond these days, I still like to read it.
Shirololl posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]Posted in: Minecraft ModsQuote from TimeToStryke»
Is it possible to make the latest thaumcraft support 1.7.10? There are like no decent modpacks that support 1.8 because most of the other mods are still stuck on 1.7
Change your avatar, blasphemer!
And no, new Thaumcraft won't be made for older MC versions, at least not by Azanor, because he is already buried in work.
KingEdward9830 posted a message on Intangible (0.0.25 Alpha)Posted in: WIP Mods
No in fact, I checked after I posted that and he hasn't made any public posts on the Minecraft Forums since the 1.9 Intangible teaser back in April... Strange to say the least.
Edit: I sure hope Witchery and Intangible aren't going the way of Thaumic Horizons...
P3pp3rF1y posted a message on Reliquary v1.3Posted in: Minecraft ModsI have released a new version of Reliquary earlier today that include's new Hunter's handgun by Wiiv
There are quite a few tweaks done to it in addition to the new model that hopefully people will enjoy.
A sneak peak of the handgun.
Tuhljin posted a message on [TC4+5 Addon] Automagy - Automation and Logistics (v2.0.3 - Thirsty Tanks for Thaumcraft 5)Posted in: WIP ModsComing soon:
Sorry for the long delay. Suffice it to say, this took longer than expected and I had less time available than expected. Also, Automagy doesn't pay the bills.
Lumaceon posted a message on Clockwork Phase 1.7.10_1.0 - Time magic all wrapped up in brassPosted in: Minecraft ModsQuote from CrossinLight»
This mod is amazing! Its all steampunk and clockwork, i love it!
What are the permissions exactly for modpacks/addons, or something like Luckyblocks?
will they be the same when 1.8 is released? 1.8 is going to be released, right?just checking.
Thanks, glad you like it! I will pretty much always allow my mods to be used in modpacks. As far as luckyblocks and addons-mods go, I can't guarantee they'll work properly, but you're welcome to create them. For using other people's add-ons, you'd have to ask them.
Clockwork Phase won't be updated past 1.7 unfortunately. I am developing Clockwork Phase 2 for 1.8 though. At this point it's a very different mod altogether, but there's plenty of new stuff to look forward to:
MoridinIshamael posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]Posted in: Minecraft ModsQuote from majestyc2k1»
Blame 1.8 game mechanics.
Blame everyone who whined about scanning all the things in Thaumcraft 4. - To post a comment, please login.
Do you have a source for this?
It's a shame the mod author disappeared. This mod had so much potential, especially for TC5.
I'd bet on 1.9 since modders seem to be transitioning towards that.
Hopefully Eminoph says yes, as I love your Thaumcraft LP's, and would love to see an Intangible one by you.
Yeah, you're definitely using forge 1.8. This is where you want to go. When you're on the forge site, mouseover on 1.8 to get to the 1.8.9 jars.
He's taking it so slowly though! Honestly, I want to just do the research for him so I can see the Dioptra and aura mechanics!
Yeah it is a ridiculous question, I'm aware, but other then how absurd 150,000 sounds, I didn't have a real argument against it, save possible lag. He pretty much wanted to use it to make a flying citadel, and not wanting to seem like the bad guy for no good reason, I wanted to check what other people would say. So thanks for replying and giving me a reason to hold me resolve on the size.
First off, please use a spoiler when you're making a huge post, and second, have you tried it for yourself? If it didn't work with those mods, feel free to post a crash report. As far as I know though, I use a good portion of those mods in a custom modpack, and I have no problems.
If you are implementing the Crimson Cultist's attack as a focus, that you beat me to it! I have been brainstorming on how to get into MC modding through a TC addon, and that was one of my ideas I had in place, since I hadn't seen it implemented yet. It's good that it's getting made by SOMEONE anyways! Back to the drawing board for me!
TC5 is looking pretty good! I'm looking forward to seeing more updates on the progress.