Try Papers, Please. It's free, it has two-dimensional retro-styled graphics, it's extremely simple and somewhat fun to play. But if you get bored easily, don't play it.
(( Yes - the game is dead c: Sorry. Not very active :c I'll try to update at least every two days or something ))
<ElectromagneticRailgun> A magical elephant suddenly appears and eats you. You reach your apartment. The door was opened, and the inside was a mess. Looks like a robbery or something.
<FearTheKumquat> You find the First Federal Bank. The source of all the evils of capitalism. The plague of the land spreading greed. This is what we came for comrades. This is why we wage war against the capitalist pigs. We must destroy it in the name of Mother Russia!
You find a Standard Chartered bank. It's closed though. The ATM looks functional.
<KaBling> Just as you open the cabin, a tsunami of cheese flows through. The whole city became flooded by its sweet and salty cheesy-ness. The cheese almost drowns you, but you decided to drink the cheese! You drank, and drank, and drank the cheese until the entire city was free from its flooded-ness. The city praise you as their hero and you violently explode because you were lactose intolerant.
You walk inside your cabin to find it completely messy. All your stuff was broken. Your aquarium was shattered and the water spilled everywhere, making your books all wet.
It was your professor. You replied:
From: Melissa I forgot my last name DAMMIT (1-800-NOTASCAM) Topic: Re: REMINDER Wut. I always thought the Queen jumped into a giant potato salad and flew to Luxembourg where she ate potato salads for the rest of her life surviving the flood.
After sending the message, your face exploded and the Queen ate potatoes for the rest of her life. The end.
You slept. The night passed and you woke up, your stomach growling, your eyes still tired. You check your phone for any messages. It was out of battery.
<Goodtvus> You found a Motel. It was filled with CANDY. There was also an old lady who offered you CANDY. So you went in and found CANDY. She fed you with CANDY. Turns out she was a CANDY WITCH THING. And put you in a CANDY CAULDRON. You got out by stabbing her with CANDY. And you got diabetes. The end.
You headed west and found a motel. It looks old, but there was someone in the lobby.
<Gales92> A magical yellow elephant exploded and you violently died in a pit of CANDY.
The gunmen have fallen to the ground, but you hear a grenade explode. The mayor and the soldiers both died. But one survived, his leg was burning. "AHHH- HELP! DAMMIT. HELP!" he shouted.
<KaBling> (The pack is dead) "Sure sure... sheesh. You might want to skin those wolves. The butcher likes buying hunting stuff," the guard says.
<Slowpoke> You moved from alley to alley, and found your apartment. It was in a mess. Probably some robbers trying to take advantage of the riot. You notice your phone ring. It was a text message from Cheryl.
Subject: Plans for tomorrow From: Cheryl (833)824-2959 Message: Revolutionists are taking the train to New Enfield. That's where most of the weapons and cars are manufactured. Or you might want to wait until the day after tomorrow for the train to New Bristol. I heard it's peaceful down there.
Anyway, I'll see you later. - Cher
<FearTheKumquat> Still no one. The entire residential district is empty.
<ElectromagneticRailgun> You see a sign. You are in New York. Not the New York in the United States. I guess they forgot NY already existed and named the underground version of York as New York. Like how they call the other places New Bristol. New Enfield. New London. New Liverpool. Etc.
<Slowpoke> You managed to run off, but the police are patrolling the streets. "Better get back home. I'll see you tomorrow!" Cheryl says as she runs off back into her apartment.
<KaBling> [OoC: Of course there are more than one, wolves travel in packs]
"Goddammit. Where did they come from?" the guard says.
<FearTheKumquat> You search every cabin. You didn't find anything but you found a bankbook. It has 50 dollars deposited. But you need to withdraw them from a bank.
<ElectromagneticRailgun> You order some painkillers from the local pharmacy. They were almost out, so they cost fifty pounds a bottle.
<Gootvus> The man you need to kill. He's an expert on computer hacking. There was no name given, but his last known location was New Bristol. But the contract was written a long time ago, so he's probably somewhere else.
[ I like how no one is in Capitol Atlantic. Probably because the place is rather horror-themed ]
The game takes place in England, 1754. It is a FPS/RPG game. The protagonist is a man from Manchester who was captured for killing a farmer. At the start of the game you encounter a time machine that takes you to 2013. But it malfunctioned and transported you to Vichy France, 1940. The man is seen as an enemy by the French and is captured. But he escapes because the Germans let him out since Vichy France is the formal way of saying Nazi-occupied France. He is then recaptured and left to die at a remote Island near Japan. He finds a pig and eats it. But it turns out that pig was mutated and turned him into Spider Pig. He then spends the rest of his life in agony. He climbs onto a magical rock that turns him back to normal. But, in 2 hours the condition comes back and its even worse because the pig was mutated by that same rock. He is eaten by a clone of himself that is immune to the condition. He then violently explodes and the player controls a different protagonist in Colonial America, 1754. This new protagonist invents a machine that can put people into video games but is useless because they were not invented yet. A new character is introduced, a man who will use this machine for evil purposes by throwing people into videogames and leaving them there to slowly grow insane for the rest of eternity. However, they can escape the game if the enter this code: up up down down left right left right, and if you got escape there was i big mansion and its a abandoned mansion and you'd force to go in and the door closed and you'd trap inside and there was I code to unlock the door and the code was: 10 , 5, 6, 2 and the door was opened it have a time machine outside and you forced to go in and you'd teleported to the future, so far in fact that the player character would end up at the exact moment the universe was about to poof and had to do several quick time events to... and he'd saw himself running from wolfs. So he ate a poisonous sandwich and died. However, the character still had three extra lives left so he used one of those. But he respawned as an elephant in Russia, a curse and he needs to go to the healer to rermove the curse and he's cures removed. Along with the gift of becoming free from the curse, he also gave him the gift of correct grammar, which turned him into a Nazi and started the Second World War in 1939.
<Slowpoke> Cheryl fires on him. And he drops to the ground dead! Meanwhile, the police are starting to gain the upper hand. The revolutionists start to fall back.
Aurigus O'Connor (Sagittarius) 23 Years Old ♂ Occupation: Aurigus once worked in visual arts, selling his paintings and drawings for money. Personality: Aside from being talented in artwork, Aurigus also had an interest in computers. He currently holds a Win98 laptop which he has heavily modified (considering none of the additional operating systems would have come out in ruined, warring cities, right?). Due to his father's genes, Aurigus has bad eyesight, so he is always wearing glasses. Aurigus usually wears a long black trench coat which usually gives him an eerie, disturbed look. Abilities: Aurigus has no special abilities, other than being able to hack just about anything he can connect to. Inventory: Assuming a shoulder bag does not count as inventory, Aurigus has his laptop, which he carries with him at all times. A sketchpad, pencil, and sharpener also rest in his bag. Lastly, a bag of eight stale crackers are in his bag. When he is away from food for long periods of time, he consumes one or two crackers to replenish his hunger. Positive: Aurigus has a sharp eye, and notices minor details most people wouldn't. Aurigus is also thin and agile, allowing him to move swiftly and sometimes even silently. Negative: Has Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, so his hands are usually numb. This makes holding things (Guns, heavy objects, etc.) somewhat difficult. Suffers from supposed anemia, which causes him to fall asleep and forget what he was doing shortly before. Starting Location: Aurigus starts his adventure in the underground city of U. England. How he got there is explained in the bio. Biography: Named after the star Auriga, Aurigus was supposed to become an astronomer. Aurigus's interests changed to computers when he discovered the potentials they held. In 1996, he was arrested for distributing a program that essentially hacked into a desired computer with ease. Upon release, Aurigus boarded a boat to the United Kingdom, trying to escape his past. Moving into the underground city, Aurigus became somewhat distant from the few acquaintances he made. Living in a world of his own, Aurigus often found himself spending more time in his mind than he did in the real world. He often found himself waking up in places he never remembered visiting (usually in alleys or trash piles). It just so happened one night (presumably, the city is underground, so you can't quite say what time of day it is), that he awoke in a lonely pub...
<KaBling> The wolf is blasted backwards by the shot. It's twitching on the ground. Meanwhile, the guard fired his gun on the remaining wolves, but he got his leg bitten.
<Gales92> The first gunman was fatally stabbed in the chest. The other gunmen keep firing at the soldiers, and one gets hit in the head.
You: 100/100
Mayor 10/10
Soldier DEAD [Headshot]
Soldier 10/10 [Taking Cover! Need assistance!]
Gunman DEAD [Stabbed by You]
Gunman 5/5 [Engaging with SMG]
Gunman 5/5 [Engaging with Pistol]
<Slowpoke> He grab him by the throat, but he bites your hand off. The revolutionists fire but his body armour and shield block the bullets.
<Goodtvus> You purchase a sushi for £5. £15 remaining.
The game takes place in England, 1754. It is a FPS/RPG game. The protagonist is a man from Manchester who was captured for killing a farmer. At the start of the game you encounter a time machine that takes you to 2013. But it malfunctioned and transported you to Vichy France, 1940. The man is seen as an enemy by the French and is captured. But he escapes because the Germans let him out since Vichy France is the formal way of saying Nazi-occupied France. He is then recaptured and left to die at a remote Island near Japan. He finds a pig and eats it. But it turns out that pig was mutated and turned him into Spider Pig. He then spends the rest of his life in agony. He climbs onto a magical rock that turns him back to normal. But, in 2 hours the condition comes back and its even worse because the pig was mutated by that same rock. He is eaten by a clone of himself that is immune to the condition. He then violently explodes and the player controls a different protagonist in Colonial America, 1754. This new protagonist invents a machine that can put people into video games but is useless because they were not invented yet. A new character is introduced, a man who will use this machine for evil purposes by throwing people into videogames and leaving them there to slowly grow insane for the rest of eternity. However, they can escape the game if the enter this code: up up down down left right left right, and if you got escape there was i big mansion and its a abandoned mansion and you'd force to go in and the door closed and you'd trap inside and there was I code to unlock the door and the code was: 10 , 5, 6, 2 and the door was opened it have a time machine outside and you forced to go in and you'd teleported to the future, so far in fact that the player character would end up at the exact moment the universe was about to poof and had to do several quick time events to... and he'd saw himself running from wolfs. So he ate a poisonous sandwich and died. However, the character still had three extra lives left so he used one of those. But he respawned as an elephant in Russia, 1917.
<Slowpoke> The enforcer looks to his left and tries to hit you with his baton. Cheryl fires at his helmet, and knocks it off. He's still alive, but one more shot to the head and he's dead.
The game takes place in England, 1754. It is a FPS/RPG game. The protagonist is a man from Manchester who was captured for killing a farmer. At the start of the game you encounter a time machine that takes you to 2013. But it malfunctioned and transported you to Vichy France, 1940. The man is seen as an enemy by the French and is captured. But he escapes because the Germans let him out since Vichy France is the formal way of saying Nazi-occupied France. He is then recaptured and left to die at a remote Island near Japan. He finds a pig and eats it. But it turns out that pig was mutated and turned him into Spider Pig. He then spends the rest of his life in agony. He climbs onto a magical rock that turns him back to normal. But, in 2 hours the condition comes back and its even worse because the pig was mutated by that same rock. He is eaten by a clone of himself that is immune to the condition. He then violently explodes and the player controls a different protagonist in Colonial America, 1754. This new protagonist invents a machine that can put people into video games but is useless because they were not invented yet. A new character is introduced, a man who will use this machine for evil purposes by throwing people into videogames and leaving them there to slowly grow insane for the rest of eternity. However, they can escape the game if the enter this code: up up down down left right left right, and if you got escape there was i big mansion and its a abandoned mansion and you'd force to go in and the door closed and you'd trap inside and there was I code to unlock the door and the code was: 10 , 5, 6, 2 and the door was opened it have a time machine outside and you forced to go in and you'd teleported to the future, so far in fact that the player character would end up at the exact moment the universe was about to poof and had to do several quick time events to... and he'd saw himself running from wolfs. So he ate a poisonous sandwich and died.
<Gales92> [Sorry] You try to walk out, but the door was blocked by a van. "You have five seconds to go back behind the desk," says the man pointing the gun at you.
<Hexacore> You headed for the local pub. The place is now occupied by people. The waitresses serving drinks, and the men playing pool.
<KaBling> Current Action: Pointing gun at wolf. The wolf prepares to pounce on you.
<Goodtuvs> You saw a nearby vendor. He sells all kinds of commodities.
<Slowpoke> "I don't know. Maybe we can- OH CRAP. ENFORCER," he says as he fires his gun at an armoured police officer. He has a shield and an electric baton.
Personality: Very disciplined (He IS a Navy SEAL). He’s generally friendly, but very distrusting in this environment. His best friends are in his SEAL team, but he does what he can not to grieve when he loses a friend; he’s still sad, but people with his job die, so he tries to move on. Whenever someone he doesn’t know well dies, he has no reaction at all.
Negative: Distrusting, mostly indifferent to death
Starting Location: HMAS Sydney
Biography: Derek always wanted to be a Navy SEAL. When he was a kid, he would play alone pretending to be in the military rather than playing with other kids. When he was finally old enough to join the U.S. Navy, he did, and after a time decided to volunteer to become a Navy SEAL. He passed the training and was assigned to SEAL Team 2, the only SEAL team with full-fledged arctic warfare capabilities. Because of this, Derek’s platoon was deployed in Antarctica at the time of the incident, and they were allowed onto the HMAS Sydney because there was no time to get them back to the U.S. During the evacuation, the platoon got entirely separated, not even the fire teams were together. Derek is desperately trying to find the members of his fire team (if not the entire platoon) and get back to America.
Yes - the game is dead c:Sorry. Not very active :c I'll try to update at least every two days or something ))<ElectromagneticRailgun>
A magical elephant suddenly appears and eats you.You reach your apartment. The door was opened, and the inside was a mess. Looks like a robbery or something.<FearTheKumquat>
You find the First Federal Bank. The source of all the evils of capitalism. The plague of the land spreading greed. This is what we came for comrades. This is why we wage war against the capitalist pigs. We must destroy it in the name of Mother Russia!You find a Standard Chartered bank. It's closed though. The ATM looks functional.
Just as you open the cabin, a tsunami of cheese flows through. The whole city became flooded by its sweet and salty cheesy-ness. The cheese almost drowns you, but you decided to drink the cheese! You drank, and drank, and drank the cheese until the entire city was free from its flooded-ness. The city praise you as their hero and you violently explode because you were lactose intolerant.You walk inside your cabin to find it completely messy. All your stuff was broken. Your aquarium was shattered and the water spilled everywhere, making your books all wet.
You slept, and got a message. You quickly stood up and read it.From: Albert Norton (1-800-SCAM)Topic: REMINDER TO ALL STUDENTSMessage:MONDAY CLASSES WILL BE TUESDAY BECAUSE MONDAY CLASSES ARE CANCELLED FOR PRESIDENT'S DAY (BECAUSE I THINK THE QUEEN DROWNED IN THE FLOOD OR SOMETHING.), SO TUESDAY CLASSES ARE CANCELLED TO MAKE ROOM FOR MONDAY'S TUESDAY.It was your professor. You replied:From: Melissa I forgot my last name DAMMIT (1-800-NOTASCAM)Topic: Re: REMINDERWut. I always thought the Queen jumped into a giant potato salad and flew to Luxembourg where she ate potato salads for the rest of her life surviving the flood.After sending the message, your face exploded and the Queen ate potatoes for the rest of her life. The end.You slept. The night passed and you woke up, your stomach growling, your eyes still tired. You check your phone for any messages. It was out of battery.
You found a Motel. It was filled with CANDY. There was also an old lady who offered you CANDY. So you went in and found CANDY. She fed you with CANDY. Turns out she was a CANDY WITCH THING. And put you in a CANDY CAULDRON. You got out by stabbing her with CANDY. And you got diabetes. The end.You headed west and found a motel. It looks old, but there was someone in the lobby.
A magical yellow elephant exploded and you violently died in a pit of CANDY.The gunmen have fallen to the ground, but you hear a grenade explode. The mayor and the soldiers both died. But one survived, his leg was burning. "AHHH- HELP! DAMMIT. HELP!" he shouted.
<Slowpoke> You moved from alley to alley, and found your apartment. It was in a mess. Probably some robbers trying to take advantage of the riot. You notice your phone ring. It was a text message from Cheryl.
Subject: Plans for tomorrow
From: Cheryl (833)824-2959
Revolutionists are taking the train to New Enfield. That's where most of the weapons and cars are manufactured. Or you might want to wait until the day after tomorrow for the train to New Bristol. I heard it's peaceful down there.
Anyway, I'll see you later. - Cher
<FearTheKumquat> Still no one. The entire residential district is empty.
<ElectromagneticRailgun> You see a sign. You are in New York. Not the New York in the United States. I guess they forgot NY already existed and named the underground version of York as New York. Like how they call the other places New Bristol. New Enfield. New London. New Liverpool. Etc.
<KaBling> [OoC: Of course there are more than one, wolves travel in packs]
"Goddammit. Where did they come from?" the guard says.
<FearTheKumquat> You search every cabin. You didn't find anything but you found a bankbook. It has 50 dollars deposited. But you need to withdraw them from a bank.
<ElectromagneticRailgun> You order some painkillers from the local pharmacy. They were almost out, so they cost fifty pounds a bottle.
<Gootvus> The man you need to kill. He's an expert on computer hacking. There was no name given, but his last known location was New Bristol. But the contract was written a long time ago, so he's probably somewhere else.
[ I like how no one is in Capitol Atlantic. Probably because the place is rather horror-themed ]
Aurigus O'Connor
23 Years Old
Occupation: Aurigus once worked in visual arts, selling his paintings and drawings for money.
Personality: Aside from being talented in artwork, Aurigus also had an interest in computers. He currently holds a Win98 laptop which he has heavily modified (considering none of the additional operating systems would have come out in ruined, warring cities, right?). Due to his father's genes, Aurigus has bad eyesight, so he is always wearing glasses. Aurigus usually wears a long black trench coat which usually gives him an eerie, disturbed look.
Abilities: Aurigus has no special abilities, other than being able to hack just about anything he can connect to.
Inventory: Assuming a shoulder bag does not count as inventory, Aurigus has his laptop, which he carries with him at all times. A sketchpad, pencil, and sharpener also rest in his bag. Lastly, a bag of eight stale crackers are in his bag. When he is away from food for long periods of time, he consumes one or two crackers to replenish his hunger.
Positive: Aurigus has a sharp eye, and notices minor details most people wouldn't. Aurigus is also thin and agile, allowing him to move swiftly and sometimes even silently.
Negative: Has Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, so his hands are usually numb. This makes holding things (Guns, heavy objects, etc.) somewhat difficult. Suffers from supposed anemia, which causes him to fall asleep and forget what he was doing shortly before.
Starting Location: Aurigus starts his adventure in the underground city of U. England. How he got there is explained in the bio.
Biography: Named after the star Auriga, Aurigus was supposed to become an astronomer. Aurigus's interests changed to computers when he discovered the potentials they held. In 1996, he was arrested for distributing a program that essentially hacked into a desired computer with ease. Upon release, Aurigus boarded a boat to the United Kingdom, trying to escape his past. Moving into the underground city, Aurigus became somewhat distant from the few acquaintances he made. Living in a world of his own, Aurigus often found himself spending more time in his mind than he did in the real world. He often found himself waking up in places he never remembered visiting (usually in alleys or trash piles). It just so happened one night (presumably, the city is underground, so you can't quite say what time of day it is), that he awoke in a lonely pub...
<KaBling> The wolf is blasted backwards by the shot. It's twitching on the ground. Meanwhile, the guard fired his gun on the remaining wolves, but he got his leg bitten.
Rob the local bank for pounds.
You: 100/100
Mayor 10/10
Soldier DEAD [Headshot]
Soldier 10/10 [Taking Cover! Need assistance!]
Gunman DEAD [Stabbed by You]
Gunman 5/5 [Engaging with SMG]
Gunman 5/5 [Engaging with Pistol]
<Slowpoke> He grab him by the throat, but he bites your hand off. The revolutionists fire but his body armour and shield block the bullets.
<Goodtvus> You purchase a sushi for £5. £15 remaining.
There are 2 slots available. You can still join.
<KaBling> (The wolf pounces at you - what weapon do you have equipped?)
<Gales92> (Turn based. You make one attack, then everyone does their attacks - then its back to you again.)
<FearTheKumquat> You left your cabin. The place was in darkness, as the electricity was shut. There is no one nearby.
<Gootvus> Well, lad, we sell all kinds of seafood. And the "smuggler's den," you ask? It's in New Enfield. Although it's really far away from here.
<Gales92> You counted them. 3 men. They start firing at you. Battle engaged.
You: 100/100
Mayor: 10/10
Soldier: 10/10
Soldier: 10/10
Gunman: 5/5
Gunman: 5/5
Gunman: 5/5
<Slowpoke> The enforcer looks to his left and tries to hit you with his baton. Cheryl fires at his helmet, and knocks it off. He's still alive, but one more shot to the head and he's dead.
[New rule: One new sentence every post]
<Hexacore> You headed for the local pub. The place is now occupied by people. The waitresses serving drinks, and the men playing pool.
<KaBling> Current Action: Pointing gun at wolf. The wolf prepares to pounce on you.
<Goodtuvs> You saw a nearby vendor. He sells all kinds of commodities.
<Slowpoke> "I don't know. Maybe we can- OH CRAP. ENFORCER," he says as he fires his gun at an armoured police officer. He has a shield and an electric baton.
Accepted. You may start at any time.
(I should probably make my own character)