The Witherstorm from Minecraft: Story Mode
- Rainbow_Girl
- Registered Member
Member for 9 years, 2 months, and 9 days
Last active Sat, Oct, 8 2016 13:47:40
- 614 Total Posts
- 121 Thanks
Francisco_Scaramanga_Jr posted a message on I don't know what to build!Posted in: Creative Mode -
DukeVolt posted a message on Radiance (Started) (Not Accepting)Posted in: Forum Roleplaying((Ok, forget it then.
Is it just me, or has this poor waiter been waiting for us all to answer for 24 hours?))
ike709 posted a message on Rekindle (Cyberpunk RP) [Started] [Accepting]Posted in: Forum Roleplaying((Just a foreword, this whole post is out of character. And I'm really not trying to be rude, I know that real life is priority and sometimes people just can't post a reply in time, but this should be a fair way for everyone of continuing the plot in someone's temporary absence.))
((I think I have a potential solution for later in the story when some people can't respond within a reasonable timeframe (Like, preferably, 48 hours). Instead of just having the person's character being controlled by someone else or being an NPC or just simply left out of the picture, in character it could be seen as they are just not assigned to the latest COL mission, or off on a separate assignment. It seems logical that the COL wouldn't always send the exact same group of agents on the same assignments together, unless they were a single team/task force. (If that is the case, then the missing person can be "on loan" temporarily to another team to serve as backup.) That's also a way of dealing with newcomers to the RP who get accepted later on.))
((But this does leave two problems. First, what if they're capable of posting halfway through a mission? If that's the case, then in character they could be brought in as backup. They weren't originally assigned to the mission, but they've been reassigned to help the agents who were. They received a basic copy of the plan and mission details and were informed en route to the area of operations, and they regroup with everyone else or focus on a different task of the mission. For example, if I couldn't play as Adrien/Faith for a few days, while everyone else was halfway through infiltrating a skyscraper, but now for whatever I can get online to post, I could have Adrien breach the network from a computer at the COL warehouse and still participate and assist despite missing the initial portion of the RP.))
((That just leaves the second problem. What if someone becomes inactive halfway through a mission? Well, simply put, the only solution I can see is that they'd either have to be roleplayed by someone else/considered an NPC or they could be taken out of the picture temporarily by being non-lethally wounded.))
PhillipsPhamily posted a message on Dumbest Thing You Ever Did in MC?Posted in: Survival Mode1. In a zombie dungeon, running around fighting, hit Q instead of W, threw my sword away. Had to fight the horde off with my pick.
2. In an ocean monument, just defeated all elders, went to claim the gold. Re-upped my water breathing and night vision, THEN drank milk to remove the mining fatigue. Which of course removed the water breathing and night vision. :facepalm. Almost drowned.
3. Down in a cave, looked up and saw a villager standing a couple blocks above me. The darkness above concealed that the "villager" was wearing a black hat. So I stood there like an idiot thinking why is a villager down here? You can guess what happened next...
There's probably many more stories but I have buried them deep in my subconscious.
ImNotBlu posted a message on Dumbest Thing You Ever Did in MC?Posted in: Survival ModeI somehow thought that lava was water and jumped into it. I don't know how stupid someone has to be to be like me.
Also, anyone remember in UHC when pauseunpause fed his horse a golden apple?
tacosRg00d posted a message on "...But I'm from Planet minecraft..." and other sad stories of those who try to get O.P.edDumb Troll has joined the gamePosted in: Discussion
Dude can you mod me? I have a lot of experience of moderating servers!
Sounds good! Please have the admins of those servers let me know that you mod there.
But, but, I'm really GOOD!
But, but I NEED PROOF!
I can prove it! I can build good homes!
How does that prove anything?
*sweats* i can ban griefers!
me too
/ban Dumb Troll -
vadamx posted a message on "...But I'm from Planet minecraft..." and other sad stories of those who try to get O.P.edMe: welcome derp!Posted in: Discussion
Derp: If you give me op I will donate to the server.
Derp: also I am from planet minecraft
Me: that is nice. Would you like a tour of our server.
Derp: it would be easier if you would give me op so I could review the server.
Me: I see you haven't read the FAQ gives link
Derp: I've already read that.
Me: Well would you like a tour?
Derp: no I want op so I can review this server so far it has gotten a 3/20
Me well this is the main shop of the server you can buy things here with...
Derp: give me op or I won't donate
Me: ok I will give you op for your own house. Anyways you can buy things here with what we call NC short for nation cash al let every item is in this shop you can buy things with right click and sell things with left click you earn money by...
Derp **** this ****.
Derp has left the game -
R0BL0X posted a message on "...But I'm from Planet minecraft..." and other sad stories of those who try to get O.P.edUgh. I'm a superop on a Classic server, and this one time some idiot pretending to be a planet minecraft reviewer guy came in and sounded all professional. I'm not using any usernames other than mine:Posted in: Discussion
*Normal day on the server*
FakePMCGuy has joined the game:
FakePMCGuy: Hello.
Owner: Welcome to our server!
FakePMCGuy: I am from Planet Minecraft, and I would very much appreciate to review your server...
FakePMCGuy: we can put it on our new Top 25 MC Classic Servers part of the site.
Owner: Um.. Sure!
TelamonROBLOX (me): No, don't do it. He's probably just some fak-
Owner: Shut up, Telamon, I think he's legit.
TelamonROBLOX: ...
[Server] FakePMCGuy has been promoted to owner! yay
FakePMCGuy: Okay. Thank you. I need to examine your levels alone, please.
(Owner moves all the guests out of the guest worlds)
(Guests): Hey what the hec-
(Owner mutes them)
TelamonROBLOX: Um, I don't think-
(Owner mutes me)
(We leave him to "examine" the levels.)
(A while later...)
FakePMCGuy: I have made my decision. Please check in with our website later.
FakePMCGuy has left the game.
(Everyone is un-muted and sent back to the worlds)
Owner: Well, Telamon. I think he was legit, don't you?
[Server] TelamonROBLOX went to guests3
TelamonROBLOX: Umm... NO. That would be NO.
Owner: Why?
[Server] Owner went to guests3
Owner: Aw crap.
TelamonROBLOX: Yup.
(The entire world has TNT and lava and, basically, has been cleared almost completely, and with PMCGuy's name all over it.)
TelamonROBLOX: I told yo-
TelamonROBLOX has left the game
TelamonROBLOX has been kicked by Owner (REASON: SHUT UP I KNOW)
Note: FakePMCGuy is not his real username.
Don't get me wrong, it's a great server and the owner is smart and fun but this one time I think was a little dumb. I didn't use any names or usernames because I like the guy and didn't want him to feel hurt. - To post a comment, please login.
Are you making fun of shippers? Because Reuben's dead, if you didn't notice. So's the Witherstorm.
So I'm the only person on this damn forum who actually ships characters from the game?
What? Something wrong with shipping video game characters? Well, listen here. You don't like it? ππππ Deal with it. If I want to ship blocky characters, I'll ship blocky characters.
Um. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Sure. Um. I'll be going now. Um. Bye.
"How about a lecture on the power of my fists? It's short. But deadly."
-Petra, Episode 1
"No, we're just stealing from whoever was dumb enough to leave this here. Of course it's mine."
-Petra, Episode 1
I don't know how I forgot about those two. They're GOLD. Of course, I'm more than a little biased because Petra's my favorite character, but still.
In the comments section of Logdotzip's Story Mode video, someone asked if Gabriel had had red eyes before. And someone responded with this:
"Idk did Petra have a grey face? No? That what I thought"
"Your head's gonna be abandoning your body if you don't turn around and run!"
-Jesse, Episode 4
Petra: Jesse!
Jen: Petra!
Pat: Maybe we can save Petra this time.
Jen: Yeah, I'm hoping we can.
Petra: Jesse! Help me!
Pat: Actually, knowing you, she'll probably die here.
GamingWithJen, Episode 1
Petra: Jesse, I'm going with Axel too. Like you said, I need to keep fighting.
Thinknoodles: Yeah!
My thoughts: DUDE SHE'S GRAY
Thinknoodles, Episode 4
Lukas: Face it Jesse, we might never find this guy.
Axel: There he is.
Episode 3
Thinknoodles: But look at her arm, it's almost all black.
Me: *facepalm*
Episode 3
Axel: What? With that guy?
Lukas: I'm right here?
Episode 1
Petra: Why are you asking me that?
DanTDM: Because you look a little bit sick. I mean, you...LOOK! *laughs* She looks terrible!
Episode 3
"Why don't we just leave behind the meanie and the zombie?"
-Cybernova, Episode 4
She doesn't like Axel, and she started calling Petra a zombie in episode 3.
Sample of Alyssa's funny montage for 800K:
Story Mode moments:
Alyssa: Oh, are we losers?
Jesse: We aren't losers, Olivia.
Alyssa: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm confused. Are we losers, or are we not? Because we've got me, saying we're not losers, and then we've got this Olivia girl saying we are.
Alyssa: Yep! Something is very wrong! And now I'm going to tell you all about it because this is undoubtedly when we tell everyone! Sorry, Petra, I don't want you dropping dead in front of everyone.
Lukas: Do we even stand a chance anymore?
Alyssa: Nope!
Petra: Grab my hand, I'll pull you up!
Alyssa: A. I'm not touching that. B. Even if I was, why am I grabbing your withered arm and not your good one? Wouldn't your good one be stronger? Oh. You're grabbing me with both arms. Good.
Alyssa: Look, I know this is supposed to be sad and all, but can we just take a second to appreciate the epicness that is Catherine Taber's voice acting right then?
Jesse: The Command Block? That's impossible!
Alyssa: That's a problem.
*command block activates*
Alyssa: That's a problem.
*Gabriel saves her*
Alyssa: That's not a problem.
*storm comes back to life*
Alyssa: That's a problem.
Gabriel: Who's Gabriel?
Alyssa: That's a problem!
*episode ends*
Alyssa: IT'S OVER?! That's a problem!
Alyssa: Hang on. We like Lukas. Lukas obviously likes Petra-look at how concerned he is for her! And Petra's too busy dying to give a flip about love. I think I'm going to write another fanfic after this.
Alyssa: Ugh, I think I have to accept the truth. Lukas doesn't like me. He likes Petra. And Petra probably likes him back. Fine. She can have him. I never wanted him anyway.
(alternate playthrough)
Olivia: Jesse...this is awful.
Alyssa: Are you serious? It's awful? Oh my God, I never would have figured that out from the fact that Petra can't remember anything, Gabriel's dying, and Ellegaard's dead! Not to mention the whole three-witherstorms thing!
Gabriel: Besides the fact that I'm dying slowly?
Alyssa: Yeah.
Gabriel: Pitifully wasting away?
Alyssa: Yeah.
Gabriel: My circumstances growing more dire with every passing second?
Alyssa: Petra was a lot nicer than you.
Gabriel: Your missing friend?
Alyssa: No, what are you talking about? It's some other redheaded girl named Petra! Of course she's our missing and supposedly dead friend!
Multiplayer/collab moments:
Alyssa: Oh my God, the theme is RAINBOW!!!!
Lizzie: No fair! I vote we kick her out of this round of Pixel Painters!
Cupquake: Can we have cupcakes as the theme next round?
Stacy: Or dogs? Wait, you set the theme, didn't you?
Alyssa: No, I swear I didn't!
Alyssa: Hold it! I thought this was Party Games!
Cupquake: Yeah, this is Party Games!
Alyssa: Who in their right mind has a party where you run from a giant spider in the world's hardest maze?
Alyssa: I think the border won the UHShe with all those mean tweets it sent us. It was REALLY ticked off at not being able to kill us. I don't know about you guys, but when I grabbed those diamonds, it was angry because in last season, diamonds were when it got Stacy. So it thought it could've gotten me, too. And then it got mad at Shelby because "she stole its easy kill." Excuse me, but I am not an easy kill-if I remember correctly, I got her down to 2.5! Can you say sore loser?
Rainbowville: (vanilla survival)
Alyssa: Well, this is my new and improved storage room, minus the che-
Creeper: Nope. *explodes*
Alyssa: Oh.
Alyssa: Bam! I've got a fan diary! There are lots of blank spaces in here, babies. And I'll write your names.
Alyssa: Oh, my cat is in here...Ginger. Away from the desk. NO! Not on the keyboard!
Chat: RainbowGirl_MC tried to swim in lava
Alyssa: .... *stares at facecam for a few seconds*
Vlogs/other games:
Alyssa: Alright, next question. What is shampoo made of-oh GOD. It had better not be cricket crap!
Alyssa: I'm at Minecon 2015! And I'm here with Stacy and-wait a sec. Stacy. Where did Cupquake go-
Cupquake: *shoves creeper plushie in front of the camera and makes the sound of it blowing up*
Alyssa: That's where.
Alyssa: Okay, I'm here with my sister Claire and my mom. Say hi, girls!
Claire: Hi!
Mom: Hi!
Alyssa: Okay, we're doing a Q&A. First question: For Claire: What was the most annoying thing Alyssa ever did-Seriously? You really had to ask that? *laugh*
Claire: Being all,"I am the older sister and I know better." I mean, really! Alyssa, you're TWO. FREAKING. MINUTES. OLDER.
Alyssa: You can't honestly tell me you wouldn't hold it over my head.
Also, Lizzie's advice for shipping: (This is not in the video.)
Lizzie: Get a boyfriend.
Alyssa: Nah, I'm not really one for love.
Lizzie: You don't seem like that, based off of your Story Mode series. Hey, maybe people will ship you with Lukas!
Alyssa: That's a game. Although it could happen!
Lizzie: If you want, I could make it a thing. I just have to post it somewhere on social media. People will go wild. You know how it works.
Alyssa: Thanks, but I think he likes Petra, not me. π’π’π’π’π’π’πΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈLUKAS IS THE REASON FOR THE TEARDROPS ON MY GUITAR!!!!!!
Lizzie: You don't play guitar.
Alyssa: Yes, I do! Shut up, I'm heartbroken!
Lizzie: Here. Have some heartbreak medicine.
Lizzie: π«π«π«π«π«π«π«π«π«π«π¦π¦π¦π¦π¦π¦π¦π¦π¦π¦
Lizzie: Wait, you seriously play guitar?
Alyssa: Sort of. Let's just say I took some lessons when I was sixteen. I now know one string from the other. And I do own a guitar. Not that it's been used in the past......6 years....
Lizzie: Huh. You learn something new every day. Well, do you cry on your guitar?
Alyssa: No!
Lizzie: Then what were you saying about teardrops on your guitar?
Alyssa: First of all, sarcasm is my thing. Your thing is just being kawaii and awesome. Second of all, I'm out.
((Sub special 1!))
Okay. I'd seen a lot of people doing these, but I'd been a little afraid to. Most people hadn't seen my old videos, because they were really old, but I supposed that at some point, people will start asking you to react to them. Well, now I had 900,000 leprechauns, so it was the perfect time. Besides, fans were entertained by stuff that's embarrassing. It was just how the world of YouTube worked.
Alright. Turn on facecam-I didn't do it for everything, but for stuff like this you needed it. After searching up some of my oldest videos, I started recording. "Hey there, leprechauns....all 900,000 of you guys! Thank. You. So. Freaking. Much. No words. This is INSANE! And now, for the milestone, guess I'll be reacting to my old videos!" I took a deep breath and put on my very first video.
A 14 year old version of me opened her mouth to speak, but before she could I paused the video. "Oh my God. First of all, BRACES!!!! Damn, I hated those. I swear, after I got them off, I had nothing in my mouth except gum the rest of the weekend. Secondly, normal hair!" Last year, I'd dyed a pink streak in my naturally brown hair. "And I suppose that we'll only find more nostalgic stuff if we keep watching!"
14-year-old me said,"Hey people, I'm Alyssa, and welcome to my channel! So I'm going to be uploading song covers here, and....not much else. Well, I'll probably do a vlog here and there, but mainly you'll get to hear me sing. I get the feeling I'm just going to embarrass myself horribly, but...." Younger me laughed. "I'm probably going to get four subscribers: My mom, my sister, my best friend, and my boyfriend. Maybe my dad, too. I mean, I've seen people who get, like, five thousand subscribers or something, but how interesting is a singing teenage girl-besides, how am I different from all the other people who do covers?" I paused the video and burst out laughing.
"Five thousand, huh? Seems just a tad bit small." I went to another video.
"Hey people, it's me Alyssa, and I'm doing another cover! Yes, I realize that I don't play any instruments, so you can stop commenting it. Especially you, ClaireTheNutcracker. She left, like, 5 comments saying,'GIRL, YOU DON'T PLAY ANYTHING!' Just saying, that's probably my sister. If you're watching this, what kind of a name is ClaireTheNutcracker? Do you even know how the Nutcracker goes? Clara isn't the Nutcracker. Or maybe she is-I don't know it too well. But I'm pretty sure she isn't."
I gritted my teeth. "Girl! Stop doing minute-long notes before you sing a three-minute song! And stop going off on tangents! Ugh, I'm going to fastforward to when I actually sing-if I ever do. I think I do."
Fast forward about twenty more seconds and younger me said,"Anyways, I'm going to be covering Taylor Swift's song Should've Said No! If you couldn't tell, I'm a total T Swift fanatic. Ugh, I'm getting sidetracked."
"THANK YOU!" I exclaimed. "Let's just listen to a little of this and then we can go forward in time a year or two when I know what I'm doing."
And finally, teenage me sings. After hearing a verse, I paused it. "Decent voice, but probably most people closed out of the video before they got to the singing part.Let's skip forward a couple years to when I knew what I was doing."
Two years later, 16-year-old me spoke. "Hey people, it's Alyssa, and today I'm going to be covering The Story of Us by Taylor Swift! If you look behind me, you'll see that I have a guitar over there." she/I gestured to her/my left. "I've started taking lessons! Not to say I'm good or anything, but I'm trying."
I paused the video. "It never did work out. I still own a guitar, but I can't do much of anything with it. My instructor told my mom after two months of weekly lessons that it wasn't working out. So yeah, there goes that. Anyways, let's see if I get sidetracked!"
No sooner had I resumed the video than young me fiddled with her computer a little and a familiar instrumental played. "Yeah! I'm not getting sidetracked anymore!" I applauded. For myself. That's normal. Right? RIGHT?!?!?!?!
"Let's go to my first gaming video!" Fastforward a year.
"Hey people, it's Alyssa, and my best friend has told me about this really cool game in Beta-it's called Minecraft! I decided to try something other than my normal vlogs and covers, so we're going to try gaming! I have tried this game a little, but I don't know much about it." I made a new world. "What should we call this? about Rainbowville? If you didn't notice, I've changed my YouTube name to RainbowGirl."
"For anyone freaking out, yes, this is the same Rainbowville!" I exclaimed. "I have literally been doing that Let's Play since I was 17! NOSTALGIA!!!!! Okay, Alyssa, DO NOT FREAK OUT."
The rest of the video continued like that. I would watch an old video, scowling at the amateur mistakes and squealing at the nostalgic memories.
After I was done recording and had set the video to upload, I texted Lizzie, Tiffany and Stacy:
Me: I'm reacting to my old videos. This is going to be embarrassing.
Stacy: Good luck.
Lizzie: You'll need it!
Me: Thanks for the vote of confidence, Lizzie.
Cupquake: She's right. Reacting to old videos is nothing compared to the fans' reactions.
Stacy: PLEASE tell me you guys don't plan to bully me into doing it.
Cupquake: We do.
Lizzie: Yes, we do.
Stacy: Nope! I'm out-you guys are worse than Graser!
Me: ππππππππππππππππππ
Well, looks like things went a little crazy while I was off having a life...mostly a life....a sort of life.....not really a life....ugh, fine. I was watching YT.
Anyways. THANK you. I made this story. It came from my imagination. If I believe that it should be ended with nothing more related to it, I think I have a right to it not being started up again elsewhere. Obviously, I'm not going to sue you, but like Taigona said, it's a matter of respect.
I have a couple.
Petra: I'm trying to hide it as best as I can, but...
Someone: (forgot who) You're turning green! I mean, unless she's secretly the Incredible Hulk or something...
Episode 3
Narrator: They will bring together the best and the brightest to stop it.
Stacy: And Axel.
Episode 3
First off, Petra/Lukas. That needs to be in it.
I'd like to know a little more about the characters' past. I mean, here's what we know about the non-Order characters:
Jesse: Pet pig, bullied by Ocelots, friends with Olivia and Axel.
Olivia: Friends with Jesse and Axel, also bullied by Ocelots.
I'd put Axel, but that would just be repetitive.
Lukas: Jerky friends, always won building competition.
Petra: Traded things for money.
That's it. All we know. We need more, Telltale!
And there should be a promise for a second season.