Why you should hire me: I am always searching to help new servers grow. The other servers i have worked on were very nice, but sadly all shut down due to budget problems. I am a very good builder, staff member, and person. I love working with other people and playing minecraft. In our community, i can definitely help it grow in players, relationship, and popularity. I will not hesitate to ban/kick/mute players for doing wrong things.
Any other experience?: i have been an administrator on 2 servers, Moderator on 3, and co-owner on 1. I am also in the works of creating my own server.
Timezone: pacific
Position applying for: whatever you think suits this application.
Minecraft Name: DipperPinesMC which is my main account, my secondary account is _Dipper_Pines_
Age: 12
Maturity Level 1-10: My maturity level is 9
Applying for: Admin, or anything you think best suits this application!
Why You Want To Be Staff?: Since time has been passing through my 2 years of playing Minecraft, i have seen many different kinds of servers. Some of them have turned out successful, and some are shut down. I want to help servers grow, in community, popularity, and over all success. That is why i am applying for Admin, so i can improve upon these things
Daily Activity: 3-5 hours weekdays, 4-7 hours weekends, unless i have a certain event scheduled.
Past experience: I Have Been An Administrator On 2 Other Servers, Moderator On 3, And Co-Owner on another.
How can we contact you: [email protected] is my email, my Skype is riddler1163
Timezone: Pacific
Rank You want: Mod or Admin
How can you help the server: I Can Advertise, I Can Spot A Hacker, And Griefers. I Can Help Build Things. I can create a website on enjin.
Why you want to be staff: i have seen many different communities and i always am looking to help them and do whatever i can do to make their community blossom and grow into something bigger and better than they have ever been before!
What would you do if someone...
Greifed: I Would Ban Them For a week. if it continues i will ban them longer.
Hacked: I Would Ban Them For 5 Months. if it continues i will ban them forever.
Spammed/Advertised: I Would Mute Them For 10 Minutes and Kick Them
Best server ever. Thats all.
I am gonna make a suggestion to add daredevil and his red sticks
Join And Apply Here!!
Apply On The Server,
IP Is:
Age: 12
Skype: riddler1163
IGN: DipperPinesMC (Alt. RiddlerMC)
Why you should hire me: I am always searching to help new servers grow. The other servers i have worked on were very nice, but sadly all shut down due to budget problems. I am a very good builder, staff member, and person. I love working with other people and playing minecraft. In our community, i can definitely help it grow in players, relationship, and popularity. I will not hesitate to ban/kick/mute players for doing wrong things.
Any other experience?: i have been an administrator on 2 servers, Moderator on 3, and co-owner on 1. I am also in the works of creating my own server.
Timezone: pacific
Position applying for: whatever you think suits this application.
Name: Caleb
Minecraft Name: DipperPinesMC which is my main account, my secondary account is _Dipper_Pines_
Age: 12
Maturity Level 1-10: My maturity level is 9
Applying for: Admin, or anything you think best suits this application!
Why You Want To Be Staff?: Since time has been passing through my 2 years of playing Minecraft, i have seen many different kinds of servers. Some of them have turned out successful, and some are shut down. I want to help servers grow, in community, popularity, and over all success. That is why i am applying for Admin, so i can improve upon these things
Daily Activity: 3-5 hours weekdays, 4-7 hours weekends, unless i have a certain event scheduled.
Past experience: I Have Been An Administrator On 2 Other Servers, Moderator On 3, And Co-Owner on another.
Age: 12
Skype: riddler1163
In Game Name: _Dipper_Pines_
Why Should We Pick You?: Because I Can Be a Great Help Towards Building Our Community Up And Helping The Server Grow As Much As it Can.
Any Past Experiences?: Yes, I Have Been an Administrator On 2 Servers, Moderator On 3 Servers, And Co-Owner on 1 server.
What Can You Bring To The Server?: I Can Bring More People, I Can Bring More Buildings. I Can Also Try And Make An Enjin Website!
Position I Am Applying For: Whatever You Think This Application Deserves
IGN: _Dipper_Pines_
I Am An Experienced Staff Member And I Am Very Good At Building Communities Bigger And Better!
IGN: _Dipper_Pines_
Timezone: Pacific
Maturity level: About an 8 or 9
Skype: riddler1163
What will you do if a player is causing problems: i will seek immediate action and tell them to stop, if they continue it will result in a kick.
age: 12
What makes you different from any other player: i have worked on other servers and have been playing minecraft for about 2 years now.
Have you been staff on any other servers: yes i have been an admin on 3, moderator on 2, and co-owner on 1.
have you ever been banned? (We just want to know, dont lie) Yes i have been banned for misunderstandings and conflicts.
Describe yourself in one word: Generous
Availability: weekends and weekday: Weekdays about 2-3 hours a day and weekends about 3-5 hours.
How long have you played mine craft: 2 years.
Don't Join. It Is Just a Trick For Advertising
Name: Caleb
IGN: _Dipper_Pines_
Age: 12
How can we contact you: [email protected] is my email, my Skype is riddler1163
Timezone: Pacific
Rank You want: Mod or Admin
How can you help the server: I Can Advertise, I Can Spot A Hacker, And Griefers. I Can Help Build Things. I can create a website on enjin.
Why you want to be staff: i have seen many different communities and i always am looking to help them and do whatever i can do to make their community blossom and grow into something bigger and better than they have ever been before!
What would you do if someone...
Greifed: I Would Ban Them For a week. if it continues i will ban them longer.
Hacked: I Would Ban Them For 5 Months. if it continues i will ban them forever.
Spammed/Advertised: I Would Mute Them For 10 Minutes and Kick Them
Age (Only requirements will be 11+): 12
What you are applying for: Moderator, Or anything you think is best for me
Experience as whatever staff position you are applying for: I have been a Moderator on 4 servers. They have all been shut down due to payment issues.
Experience with WorldEdit: Im pretty good with world edit but there is always more to learn.
(Opt. for Helper/Mod) Familiarity with commands [1 - 10 scale]: 8
Approximate maturity [Again, scale 1 - 10]: 8
How long can you be on (Won't affect anything, as I myself can't be on much): 3-5 hours weekdays, 6-7 hours weekends.