I set my 3rd person camera positions up and auto spline them but when i start recording the world chunks act really weird and ramdomly start flashing and disapear, also the chunks at the edge of your view compleately disapear for a half second then come back constantly. This shows up on the finished recording too.
Any help or ideas anyone?
I have tried this with all mods removed and a fresh .jar file only using vanilla minecraft and it does the excact same
Wow, This looks amazing!, I hope you're still doing it !!! Best of luck!
yeh it's still going strong.
I’m not really too sure how to release it yet tho (Still a long long way away) I have a few ideas floating around in my head. Because this map will be mega popular once i release it.
1. I could make it a free download for everyone with adfly advertisements for a bit of revenue?
2. I could make a server and have membership / white list?
3. Start a kickstarter project to get redstone programmers to make a pure adventure map and make a very professional server?
To be honest, i really dont know what to do with it..... at the moment i am just going to complete the map and post a few videos on my youtube channel every week or so.
Do any of you guys have any ideas or suggestions?
Thank you all
I've had a few private messages from people enjoying my videos on YouTube. I am going to be uploading 1 a week at the moment. I may increase this to a few times week if they are really successful and people like them.
Awesome man, I love it! When I saw the pressure plate outside the Johnson House, I had an idea for if you choose to make building interiors. Using a simple command block command, you could have the player teleport into the interiors like in GTA, but have the interiors hidden away under the world or something (like what GTA SA does). That way, you'd have more freedom and space to build the interiors, like having the inside walls different from the outside, or having music playing, but so you can't hear it from the outside. Just a thought, keep up the great work!
Haha.... are you a mind reader by any chance??
That is excacly what i had in mind too! Great minds think alike
But i am concentrating on the exteriors first, but after that is done i will do something like that.
Good luck finishing and I hope to see a download link
Hehe, thank you
On this build so far I have used close to around 10 different program's. the one I use the most is MCEdit. And I use Single Player Commands a lot too editing the world in game. I am getting rather good at using these now
Also my 'lets build San Andreas' video will be online on YouTube tomorrow. Keep your eyes peeled
I am currently half way thought a 'lets build' episode on one of the buldings (Los Santos Forum). It will be on my Youtube channel over the weekend. So keep yout eyes peeled for it.
It people enjoy it, i will make a few more of them. Im just testing the waters at the moment to see what people want and like.
If you have any ideas or sugestions please leave a reply on here or on my Youtube channel. See the first post for link to Youtube
Thank you all for the support guys...... i really hope people are enjoying my updates and progress so far.
I wish you all the best on this endevor. i will keep my eye out on this post and see how you are doing from time to time. Its looking good so far. First thing i would is find a highly detailed map of Liberty city, then pixelise it to the dimention of the actally size of the city (1 pixel to minecraft block) so you can plan out your building and roads to perfection.
I would love to get a bit more exposure on my build as ive spent approx about 400 hours on it so far. I would love to get my build featured on bebopvox's 'minecraft mondays' youtube show. Im not sure how to go about contacting him. Could you guys message him somehow and tell him about this build? I would absolutely love to be on his show.
I would love you all forever
And diamonds to you!!
Yeh, after i finish this build i will start working on GTA 3 using the same method as i am doing here. That game is only a fraction the size of San Andreas so it wont take as long to set up and impliment all the building. I think i could get the basic stone out lines of everysingle building in the game to perfect 1 to 1 scale within a few weeks.
Maybe i should do this for a few weeks and then start back up on GTA:SA?
They are only pink right now because I have not applied my texture pack yet. Once I do, the pink wool side walks will be the correct colour and texture
I set my 3rd person camera positions up and auto spline them but when i start recording the world chunks act really weird and ramdomly start flashing and disapear, also the chunks at the edge of your view compleately disapear for a half second then come back constantly. This shows up on the finished recording too.
Any help or ideas anyone?
I have tried this with all mods removed and a fresh .jar file only using vanilla minecraft and it does the excact same
yeh it's still going strong.
I’m not really too sure how to release it yet tho (Still a long long way away) I have a few ideas floating around in my head. Because this map will be mega popular once i release it.
1. I could make it a free download for everyone with adfly advertisements for a bit of revenue?
2. I could make a server and have membership / white list?
3. Start a kickstarter project to get redstone programmers to make a pure adventure map and make a very professional server?
To be honest, i really dont know what to do with it..... at the moment i am just going to complete the map and post a few videos on my youtube channel every week or so.
Do any of you guys have any ideas or suggestions?
Thank you all
Cheers guys for the support
Haha.... are you a mind reader by any chance??
That is excacly what i had in mind too! Great minds think alike
But i am concentrating on the exteriors first, but after that is done i will do something like that.
Hehe, thank you
On this build so far I have used close to around 10 different program's. the one I use the most is MCEdit. And I use Single Player Commands a lot too editing the world in game. I am getting rather good at using these now
Also my 'lets build San Andreas' video will be online on YouTube tomorrow. Keep your eyes peeled
Cheers guys, gals and Minecraft Steve's.
It people enjoy it, i will make a few more of them. Im just testing the waters at the moment to see what people want and like.
If you have any ideas or sugestions please leave a reply on here or on my Youtube channel. See the first post for link to Youtube
Thank you all for the support guys...... i really hope people are enjoying my updates and progress so far.
I wish you all the best on this endevor. i will keep my eye out on this post and see how you are doing from time to time. Its looking good so far. First thing i would is find a highly detailed map of Liberty city, then pixelise it to the dimention of the actally size of the city (1 pixel to minecraft block) so you can plan out your building and roads to perfection.
I hope this helps bro.
keep it up
I would love to get a bit more exposure on my build as ive spent approx about 400 hours on it so far. I would love to get my build featured on bebopvox's 'minecraft mondays' youtube show. Im not sure how to go about contacting him. Could you guys message him somehow and tell him about this build? I would absolutely love to be on his show.
I would love you all forever
And diamonds to you!!
I really like the look of this.
Maybe i should do this for a few weeks and then start back up on GTA:SA?
What do you guys think?
Kind regards
They are only pink right now because I have not applied my texture pack yet. Once I do, the pink wool side walks will be the correct colour and texture