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    posted a message on Is the above avatar Good Or Evil?

    Good.. probably.

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Corrupt a Wish

    Granted, but it becomes sentient and trolls you every 10 minutes.

    I wish that season 3 of Tokyo Ghoul would come out faster.

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Corrupt a Wish

    Granted, your computer fills up with files named (ge) and uses up all your drives, whenever you delete them they get replaced with another one!

    I wish I could remove my curse and stop being a dancing loaf of bread with a Freddy Fazbear face on it!

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Corrupt a Wish

    Granted! They are extremely small and weak and pretty much explode if you try to pick up so much as a feather.
    I wish I could find my previous post so I could see how my wish was corrupted.
    EDIT: Never mind I just found it.
    I wish that someone actually cared about me.

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Corrupt a Wish

    You got a pet dragon that tries to bite your face off.

    I wish that I actually had a life instead of randomly posting on forums and playing video games.

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Rock, Paper, Anything

    The Very Terrible Virus was stopped by the Antivirus.

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Life as a Mob (Minecraft RP) [Always Accepting]

    Not sure if I should rejoin this RP, but if I do, I don't know if I want some kind of like connection with... Whatever my skeleton character was.

    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Crypt Crawler [hack and slash] [dungeon crawler] [rpg] [updated]

    What did I just play..? This was the best map I have EVER played. Better than Diversity 2 or The Dropper. And I have very high standards for a good map. I'll put the end stats of my character after each playthrough.

    Easy Mode:

    Health: 62

    Armor: Heroic Helmet, Heroic Chestplate, Heroic Leggings, Heroic Boots

    Weapons: Heroic Great Lance, Hell's Fire

    Accessories: Pendant of Resistance, Ring of Agility

    Deaths: 2

    Normal Mode:

    Health: 80

    Armor: NateT_Bird's Mask, Heroic Chestplate, Heroic Leggings, Heroic Boots

    Weapons: Heroic Blade, Hell's Fire

    Accessories: Pendant of Resistance, Ring of Agility

    Deaths: 2 (deathlord y i was flawless)

    Hard Mode: (oh god)

    Health: 40

    Armor: Heroic Helmet, Heroic Chestplate, Heroic Leggings, Heroic Boots

    Weapons: Death's Hand, Hell's Fire

    Accessories: Ring of Agility

    Deaths: (don't read pls) (NO PLS) (...) (fine) 26

    God, your map reminded me of when I used to play Hack Slash Mine. (For those that don't know, HSM was an RPG modpack for 1.2.5 available for the Technic Launcher)

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Will you save your son?

    I agree with jackbusters10.

    It was way too short, the ending was... bad.

    And the command block teleporters were just off as hell. None of them worked.

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Will you save your son?


    So i just played it.

    Uh... No.

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [WIP](1.11.2) 10-9-17 Digimobs(0.9.9) Pre-Release Redux-er Digimon in Minecraft! Now for 1.11.2
    Quote from Rhuan12K»

    hello first sorry for spelling mistakes I am that I am Brazilian and I'm using gogle translator to enter it.

    good Digimon being my favorite anime would certainly not go unnoticed this spectacular as the mod and to think I have some ideas.

    1-look main thing I'm thinking would add almost trademark of Digimon tamers that is Biomerge, the issue is that like it or not is an important part of Digimon and I think it would be EPIC you can Vazer it.

    2-another Digimon tamers, the cards used in the anime (I forget the name now) know that they use to increase speed, strength, using skills from other Digimon.

    3-one of the most criticized Digimon but my second favorite series, Digimon Frontier, yes my dear digi spirits of the frontier digimon would be a very cool thing after all who would not enjoy being running from a Belzebumon and turn into a BurningGreymon.

    4-something that is seen in Digimon squad date is certainly the burst mode though it is only one type of mode change, many Digimon have it and it would be nice if in your mod that was implemented.

    5-Digimon Fusion certainly has its good and bad however it would be nice to add digixros after shoutimon X7 is cool.

    6-3D models of items (you got me).

    7-a digievolutions animations.

    8 X-antibody-(something unknown put this in some games can search the internet, I can not explain very well what it is).

    good those were my ideas I hope that something be useful.

    Sincerely: Rhuan

    Don't forget that this is still just Minecraft.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [WIP](1.11.2) 10-9-17 Digimobs(0.9.9) Pre-Release Redux-er Digimon in Minecraft! Now for 1.11.2

    All these updates? FFS Cyan i could get used to this!

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [WIP](1.11.2) 10-9-17 Digimobs(0.9.9) Pre-Release Redux-er Digimon in Minecraft! Now for 1.11.2

    Erm... I may sound stupid, but i don't see a download.

    Posted in: WIP Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on [WIP](1.11.2) 10-9-17 Digimobs(0.9.9) Pre-Release Redux-er Digimon in Minecraft! Now for 1.11.2

    Lol. I had a dream that it came out and thought it was real. Then i realised time zones screwed me and made it so the update's release date is Nov 1st.

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [WIP](1.11.2) 10-9-17 Digimobs(0.9.9) Pre-Release Redux-er Digimon in Minecraft! Now for 1.11.2

    Ooooh... Halloween. Spoooooky..... XD Many hypes were had that day.

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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