Quote from theaptpupil
Notch never said permadeath. he only said lose XP and items when you die to give people an incentive to live
In that case, those who named it permadeath should get smacked with a trout.
And I'm gonna have to learn to stay back and not die all the time... :tongue.gif:
Actually, I'm not looking for visual aid (But thanks all that posted videos) I want to figure this out by myself (sort of) just unsure what gates I should use.
If I get really desperate, I'll look at those videos though :tongue.gif:
@DouggieG: I don't intend to do programmable just yet :tongue.gif: But I want all buttons to be used and if pressed out of order resets tho whole thing.
@krawllstryker and temptingpage: Using videos and images is helpful if you get stuck, I started that way and has gotten way better, still learning though.
Once again though, thanks for all the input, I will put it to good use :biggrin.gif:
If A then B else C <- I need this in order to check if button is pressed in the right order right?
(Used a piston to represent the door)
The truth table is: (A, B and C being inputs, Q output)
000 0
001 0
010 0
011 1
100 0
101 1
110 1
111 1
EDIT: The two repeaters at the outputs of the AND gates are redundant and if you want to "disable" the last entry in the truth table, hook the outputs of the AND gates to the inputs of an XOR gate :tongue.gif:
Hmm, might just be it... Gonna check it out when I get home, thanks.
I have an odd graphics glitch that happened to me a while back and before you suggest that it is the texture pack, it ain't... I have this glitch also on a freshly updated minecraft.
I notice this mostly on torches, as I look down it decreases and increases as I look up...
It's a good start though, you'll always have to start learning somewhere.
Keep up the good spirits and don't let flaming texts bring you down.
I'd love to take a gander at the schematic.
^ What he said.
@fledrel: Thanks for simplifying it :tongue.gif:
What I meant though to was to have a water fall flowing above the door, say 10 blocks above it, so when it's closed, the hidden door is even more hidden becouse it's behind the water fall.
When you are opening the door time it so just as the "top" of the water hits the ground the door itself opens up.
When you are closing the door, water starts flowing again, and just as the water hits the door opening, it closes.
I'm at work so it's hard for me to explain without screenies, but I hope you understand what I mean... But this project may not be interesting to you :tongue.gif:
Make Jeb's door, but above is a water fall that shuts off, and time it correctly. Just as the water flows past the intended opening, the door opens. When you close, just as the water is about to "hit" the entrance, the door closes.