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    posted a message on What if Microsoft sold minecraft to apple?
    The zombies would be retextured to look like ravenous Bill Gates clones.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Notch is not the most influential man of ANY year
    Like it or not, OP, Minecraft has changed the game industry. It proved that a dinky indie title could take the gaming world by storm, giving the EA's and such a run for their money despite the absurd difference in capital each wields.

    Most influential man of the year, or any year? Maybe not, but it doesn't mean he's a nobody. At least to me, video games are a truly important part of culture, potentially every bit as respected as books and movies. There's no reason why he shouldn't be in the running.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on What's the point of pigs anymore?
    OP is right; pigs do need a purpose. While I'd never agree to voting them out of the game, they do need some more "game" associated with them.

    Perhaps they could do something even as simple as attract the attention of hostile mobs. Why would monsters go after a possibly heavily armed human target when there's a big, juicy slab of bacon walking around nearby?

    TL:DR, pigs could function as a "bait" animal. And it would be functional/extra hilarious if the pigs know this and run away when chased, going "wee wee wee" with a creeper behind them.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Why MC Nostalgics hate new MC. Answers here !
    Sometimes change is unwanted. In an unrelated example, take Elder Scrolls games over the years. Morrowind was my first; for the longest time, I held it up as the best even after one and even two newer ones were released. I thought I was looking at it through rose-colored glasses, figuring that Oblivion and Skyrim must be better games, as tech and game design experience have gotten leagues better.

    But when I went back to playing it again, it turned out that I was right the first time. The game rocks face for all the reasons you'd never think of as great (no quest markers/direct fast travel, speech in text form, armor split into 4 separate skills and 8 different equipment slots, etc.) Games have been prettied up and polished down from this sort of subtle realism that, while being a pain in the butt sometimes, immensely helps the experience.

    While the feel of Minecraft is not directly related to the progression of the Elder Scrolls, the same sort of thinking applies. You have a winning formula to begin with, so must be very careful about the changes you make. In trying to make it better (such as altering terrain generation), you may accidentally gut that which makes your game awesome in the first place.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on What Does Minecraft Need To Improve On?
    Voted for Blocks and Items. Rather than going heavy on magic and redstone stuff, I'd prefer to see more variety of materials in the natural world and things to do with them. Sort of along the lines of sugarcane being processed into paper for books and maps, there should be more advanced progressions like that for players who have otherwise mastered bare-bones survival. I've got my secure castle; I want to move up in technology and creature comforts! :D
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on The Theory Behind Redstone
    Why can I imagine that all this postulating is actually being explained by the guy in your avatar?

    XD But yes, it is an impressive link to real life.
    Posted in: Literature
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    posted a message on Minecraft PhotoShopped
    The main things that stuck out at me were the bad text contrast (black on black/dark grey, no bueno) and your depth-of-field effect is very, VERY intense. It felt like my contact lenses weren't working there for a second. Anyway, not a bad start, but remember that it is a really powerful program. Don't restrict yourself to captions, blurs, and changing out the sky.

    One thing I'd recommend messing with is the Burn and Dodge tools. If you add any extra objects to the shot after taking the screen cap, you can use those to get the shadows and other miscellaneous lighting issues to look perfect. They are good to use on almost everything.
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on The Ultimate Grand Castle
    Yeah, "Ultimate Grand Castle" is a bit much for a survival-friendly castle like this one. But with the exception of the strange log decorations (not doing it for me :/) it is pretty nice.
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on Cracked Players
    Yes, yes, piracy is evil. So do your part and buy the game. You can't stop people who wouldn't by yelling at them on the forum.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on To the people who want those "unrealistic" biome transitions removed...
    Quote from TT2000

    I kind of like the unsmooth transitions, like the guy above me said, I don't want to know the next biome will be a plain because now it's a light forest. I like exploring Minecraft and knowing that above the next dune on a desert, I could see anything from more desert to a huge mountain range.

    I agree to a point. Making some zones only generate in certain relation to others would be too simplistic to even bother with, and not much more realistic in the first place. Personally, I could do with having a few small, transitional "mini-biomes" between the major types. In between a pine forest and a desert could be 40-50ish blocks of arid grass and bushes, simulating a Sahel-type environment.. Between x biome and mountains could be that same biome except a bit more hilly as a sort of piedmont zone.

    In short, the fact that two drastically different regions are connected isn't a big deal; it should just be a gradual change.

    **BTW, whoever made the argument about there being zombies and stuff so believable landscapes are down the toilet, please stop. And mycelium is real, so there. :P
    Posted in: Discussion
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