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    posted a message on ✹ Lumiacraft - Creative and Semi-Vanilla Survival✹

    IGN: TheKitsuneFox

    ( I've been a member since 2015 - check Lumia forum status to confirm linked accounts )

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on "Can't Connect To Server" Error For All Servers On List - [ Aug 31 2017 ]

    I was disconnected from the server I was playing on, and now all the servers on my list have "Can't Connect To Server" error message.

    The client is NOT modified.

    The client has no issues connecting to the MineCraft login services.

    No other errors.

    Restarting does nothing.

    I obviously have a very good internet connection.

    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on What Are The Buggiest MineCraft Seeds Right Now ?

    As of 1.11.2 I know of 2 buggy seeds that produce weird worlds:



    Both seeds produce endless repetitive caves.

    What buggy seed(s) do you know of ?

    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on [BUG] Animals Will Not Spawn In Mesa River Biomes

    Just an update: no animals spawn in ANY of the mesa biomes

    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on [BUG] Animals Will Not Spawn In Mesa River Biomes

    My entire world is a "mesa" biome. I have walked over 14,000 blocks without seeing any animals.

    Nothing spawns in the mesa, nor the mesa river biomes ( were there is grass ) . This is problematic due to the lack of leather, which I need for enchanting.

    While I am on the subject, I have only seen 3 trees, and no villages have popped up. Only way I have gotten food is from seeds in mine shaft chests and fishing.

    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on [ LUMIACRAFT ] Creative! Survival!

    ign: TheKitsuneFox

    Thank you

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Creating Commodity Exchanges In MineCraft


    I am surprised at how many folks who play MineCraft now-a-days have never heard about a commodity exchange! Back in the "old days" a lot of the major servers had them - I even ran my own for about 2 years !

    In real life, a commodity exchange is a place were businesses go to buy and sell raw goods. This can be everything from lumber, to metal, to plastic, to cattle, to sugar (( one of the most closely watched categories is oil )). Almost any raw item in existence has at least one exchange dedicated to it somewhere in the world (( even cement )). [LINK]

    The amount of items bought and sold in the real world exchanges determines their price, and that price fluctuates all the time.

    The first recorded commodity exchange in history was set up in 4500bc, and was used to buy and sell goats !


    In MineCraft there are many raw items that players want to buy or sell. The problem is that many times buyers and sellers are not online at the same time, existing shops are sold out, or existing shops are over priced.

    With a MineCraft exchange you can, at any time, buy or sell items at the "market rate" - which is set by the amount of items bought and sold by the players themselves !

    The server you play on will need a plugin that allows players to buy and sell items from a chest.

    The first thing you will need to determine is how many active players are on your server.

    The second thing you will need to determine is how inflated your money is - do diamonds normally sell for 1 currency unit or 15,000 currency units ?

    The third thing you will need to determine is the raw items that will be on the exchange. It is unnecessary to exchange most of the items in MineCraft - just the important ones!

    You can set the items you have on the exchange based on the activities of the players on the server - however here is a list, that in my experience, seems to work the best ...

    • all the log types
    • obsidian
    • cobblestone
    • dirt
    • soul sand
    • sand
    • sandstone
    • nether brick
    • netherack
    • endstone
    • glowstone
    • emeralds
    • diamonds
    • lapis
    • gold ingots
    • iron ingots
    • coal
    • charcoal
    • normal clay
    • prismarine shards
    • prismarine christals
    • sugar cane
    • melons
    • carrots
    • potatoes
    • nether wart
    • redstone
    • leather

    Now that you have determined what items will be on the exchange, you must now figure out how likely they are to be bought and sold - and how rare they are.

    In real life exchanges each item is bought and sold by the "unit", which can be anything from 10,000 liters of oil, to 1,000 kg of sugar. Using the information from above, you must make the determination of how many units are practical to buy and sell at each interaction. Each server is a bit different, but here is what I have used in the past as a reference ...

    • all the log types - 32
    • obsidian - 16
    • cobblestone - 128
    • dirt - 64
    • soul sand - 64
    • sand - 64
    • sandstone - 64
    • nether brick - 64
    • netherack - 128
    • endstone - 64
    • glowstone - 16
    • emeralds - 1
    • diamonds - 1
    • lapis - 16
    • gold ingots - 8
    • iron ingots - 16
    • coal - 64
    • charcoal - 64
    • normal clay - 32
    • prismarine shards - 1 ( unless there is a public farm for this )
    • prismarine christals - 1 ( unless there is a public farm for this )
    • sugar cane - 64
    • melons - 64
    • carrots - 64
    • potatoes - 64
    • nether wart - 32
    • redstone - 64
    • leather - 8

    Note: over time you will have to adjust the unit size to match the player activities !!!

    We are almost done with the calculations - I promise.

    The last calculation you need to figure out is the "price tier". In real life exchanges, this is done using buy/sell orders, however in MineCraft we need to simulate it. (( I will explain this part in more detail when I talk about building the exchange ))

    It is relatively simple to figure out price tiers using the currency inflation of the server. If a diamond normally sells for 1 currency unit each, you may want the the prices to only fluctuate 0.05 to 0.10 per tier. However, if a diamond normally goes for 15,000 currency units, you may want the price to fluctuate 250 to 500 per tier.

    You will have to adjust the price tiers once you get a better idea of how effective the ones you set are.

    How To Build The Exchange

    I hope you have read all of the information to this point, for now it it time to put everything together and build the exchange.

    This is going to take a while to set up, but is not hard to do.

    You need to first set up your chests in close rows so that a shop signs can fit in the middle. To utilize the most space, place one chest on the ground, than the next one 2 blocks up like in this example [ LINK ] ( from my first exchange established in 2011). You can use double chests with 1/2 slabs in the middle to support the signs.

    Next determine the minumum and maximum price range of the item in the row you are building. Using this and the "price tier" you calculated earlier, you can determine how many chests you need in the row. If the minumum price for diamonds is 0.01 currency units, the maximum price is 3 currency units, and you set the price tier at 0.10 currency units, than you will need 30 chests ( 3 / 0.10 = 30 ). You may need to adjust this later, so leave lots of extra room !

    Once the row is completed, the next task is to add the shop signs. Starting at the lowest price, and working your way up to the highest price, place a buy/sell sign that represents each price tier you determined earlier.

    For example if the "price tier" is set to 0.10 ... [buy 0.10 - sell 0.10] [buy 0.20 - sell 0.20] [buy 0.30 - sell 0.30] .... and so on. If you are running the exchange for a profit, you will want to arrange it so that the player sells an item for slightly less that they buy it for! Example [ LINK ]

    For items that are not bought or sold very often, or rare items, you may want to add some "filler" to the chest so that the price fluctuates. This will have to be adjusted from time to time based on volume of items bought/sold. Items such as diamonds, obsidian and emeralds are a good candidate for filler, while dirt, cobble and redstone are bad candidates.

    How Does The MineCraft Exchange Work?

    In real life commodity exchanges, they use buy/sell orders. In MineCraft we have to simulate this using shop chests that buy and sell at gradually increasing prices ( tiered pricing ).

    When someone wants to sell items, they start at the chest with the highest price, and work their way down until they find a chest that has room in.

    When someone wants to buy items, they start at the chest with the lowest price, and work their way up until they find a chest with items in it.

    As folks sell items, the chests slowly fill up, reducing the price of the items over time.

    As folks buy items, the chests slowly empties, increasing the price of the items over time.

    The "market price" is set by the balance between the buyers and sellers.

    • If a lot of folks sell an item, but not a lot of folks buy that item, the price will go down until more folks are encouraged to buy from the lower price.
    • If a lot of folks buy an item, but not a lot of folks sell that item, the price will go up until more folks are encouraged to sell from the higher price.
    • If about the same amount of folks sell and buy an item, the price remains stable.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Farmland Without Water Glitch In 1.8 ???

    Note: The server I play on does not have any plugins that allow farmland to exist without water.

    I was wondering around the a survival server I play on all the time, and I have ran into an odd glitch ... wheat and carrots were being grown on farmland with 0 moisture ( F3 told me this ), and no water blocks anywhere around them.

    How did the person manage to accomplish this ?

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on [ LUMIACRAFT ] Creative! Survival!

    Tree at the Advanced Survival spawn area

    LumiaCraft tree

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Stalin Without A Mustache

    Sometimes when I am bored, I turn to Photoshop for some amusement.

    In the past I have shaved the facial hair off of other people, so today I decided to give Joseph Stalin a trim ...

    [ LINK ]

    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on The Difference A Good Texture Pack Makes !!!

    It is very surprising how different MineCraft can look with a good texture pack ! I am surprised that so many folks still run around in default ! Why do they do it ?

    Here is a simple example of default /Conquest comparison for grass


    Comparing TP To Default



    Here is a video showing what expert builders who use advanced texture packs are able to create ... it's amazing !!!





    Why don't more folks use good texture packs ???

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on [ LUMIACRAFT ] Creative! Survival!


    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [ LUMIACRAFT ] Creative! Survival!

    Update to the advanced span point

    LumiaCraft Advanced Spawn Point

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Inspiration - The Village Of Mirrah

    This is an absolutely amazing build, by the very talented RealityH.

    The texture pack used is Conquest .

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on [ LUMIACRAFT ] Creative! Survival!

    Spawn point in new Advanced World

    LumiaCraft Spawn

    Posted in: PC Servers
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