I don't understand the need for it to be nerfed when the wings themselves are going to break from durability eventually anyways. Why not let people have their fun? Did pvp kiddies cry and ruin something for ppl yet again?
- RAcaseal
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Member for 13 years, 8 months, and 27 days
Last active Sat, Jul, 30 2016 20:11:12
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Sep 28, 2015RAcaseal posted a message on Oculus Rift Launches in Spring, Will Include MinecraftPosted in: News
What're they gonna do, invalidate hundreds of thousands of active users who don't want their garbage OS? XD Microsoft may be evil but I doubt after Xbox one's fiasco over spying, and their Windows 10 issues that they can afford the bad PR to simply shut out so many users.
Sep 27, 2015RAcaseal posted a message on Oculus Rift Launches in Spring, Will Include MinecraftPosted in: News
I'm sure someone will make a mod/plugin for new version compatibility. No one with a brain wants to upgrade to windows 10 after all the stuff we know about it now, even with information sharing being "off."
Sep 25, 2015RAcaseal posted a message on Oculus Rift Launches in Spring, Will Include MinecraftPosted in: News
:L Looks like something else I'll be skipping because I won't upgrade to privacy wrecker 10.
Sep 24, 2015RAcaseal posted a message on Community Roundtable: BoatsPosted in: News
We should at the very least be able to make them tougher. Add iron to the potential crafting recipe.
Sep 19, 2015RAcaseal posted a message on Community Creations: The Nine RealmsPosted in: News
Closed it as soon as I heard michael brown.
Aug 14, 2015RAcaseal posted a message on Snapshot 15w33c: Shields!Posted in: News
Lol, already found a bug in which the shield changes color when struck and arrows stick in my body anyway despite hitting the shield. The item color tag id doesn't match the color of the shield it changed to either.
Aug 13, 2015RAcaseal posted a message on 15w33a Snapshot Ready for Testing!Posted in: News
I get a black screen starting any world old or freshly created now, it didn't happen earlier.
Jun 15, 2014RAcaseal posted a message on Mojang Announcement: EULA, and ServersPosted in: NewsQuote from Scurby
How can any of you support what Mojang is doing? I can understand that you thinks it's unfair that other players have an advantage over you because they donated, but that's what keeps servers alive.
>Thats what keeps servers alive
Sorry to cherry pick but that's absolutely absurd. I guess they should apologize for not wanting minecrafterss to be casual? You can still donate to help keep a server alive, and EARN your gear by mining and crafting it, whoa just like the games name! Are people really that lazy nowadays? Jeez. I can only imagine the tears that would be had if half the people nowadays were gamers in the NES era... -
Jun 14, 2014RAcaseal posted a message on Mojang Announcement: EULA, and ServersThese rules are about as fair as it's gonna get, plus I like the stipulations concering players buying piddly little advantages through gear, screw that. Earn your gear you lazy deep wallet casuals.Posted in: News
Apr 8, 2014RAcaseal posted a message on Goat Simulator in Minecraft?!I gotta admit the part where he broke the chests was pretty great.Posted in: News
Mar 1, 2013RAcaseal posted a message on Beardless Notch?Holy crap, that took so many years off his face. O.oPosted in: News
Jun 29, 2012RAcaseal posted a message on Community Creations - The Banner ContestPosted in: NewsQuote from Sidera
I would vote 'Eli354' but I'm not sure how! do we litterally just post or am I missing something blindingly obvious xD
Seconding this, we must be blind xD -
Jun 29, 2012RAcaseal posted a message on Community Creations - The Banner ContestI definitely like Eli's, its simple and to the point and honestly it gets the picture of minecraft's collection goals all in one pic which I like. The way Eli uses the ingots and gems to attract attention to the center is nice. It also doesn't try to be too complex, which is good because of minecraft's simple style.Posted in: News
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All I'm seeing is a lot of nonsensical damage control for a company that is more than obviously outpaced and outclassed by its own fanbase. Honestly if I were in charge these guys woulda been out on their butts long ago.
-constant releases that take forever with compounding bugs that add other bugs that addother bugs, ad nauseam. The usual deflection people use "WELL WHY DONT YOU DO IT THEN" is completely neglgible when the team can obviously barely do it by themselves. Why the opportunity wasn't taken to fully transfer the game to a language more people actually care about so the team can actually be expanded and do something purposeful with the game long ago is beyond me. All I see is a company not wanting to spend money whether it be Microsoft or Mojang pre ownership. Dont give me that "small team=quality" defense either, since that obviously isn't and hasn't been the case in a long time.
-content updates that consist of nothing but a few blocks and some mob changes. 1.9 changes this thankfully with some end additions and some other neat things but seriously, it's been how long? Again, most of this teams time seems to be either wasted squashing bugs that they continually create, or wasting time with experimental features that wont get put in or get stripped down and simplified on public release. It screams incompetence. Seriously though, this game has so much more potential than the excuse and defense given which is "YOU MAKE YOUR OWN FUN HAHA :D". You can do that with any game to some reasonable extent. I've played this game quite a long time now, since just before beta but lets get real here. Why isn't there meaningful treasure and fixed areas to explore and to find in the underground and overworld that add to the game that you could sell or trade for a currency? Why are forests, extreme hills, tundras and OCEANS (for the most part) still barren? Why are mobs STILL idiotic? Why after so many years are the mechanics of the game still barebones even with 1.9's changes? There's only so much damage control you can make for this and the devs and community can only scream "MODAPI" or "use mods!" so many times before it seems like a damage control for laziness.
-Because of a slow or nonexistent MEANINGFUL update process, this communities interest HAS died off quite a lot. Servers I see are either empty most of the time, or people dont care to stay long. The community is slowly moving on because they had their creative fun with the game.
I could go on and on but seriously, I don't see how anyone with reasonability can ignore the glaring faults that isn't paid to damage control for the game.
You'll understand when you get older.
Then you'll remember your post and my comment and facepalm at what you copypasted. All that ESRB means is that it's suitable for everyone, not any intended age group. Just FYI though, this game started as a indie game sourced from 4chan, /v/ in specific. This game was funded and backed and spread to popularity by those players. This was long before Notch fled to Reddit to escape criticism and having to work on his game. My point is 4chan's mostly made up of adults as its a 18+ website, it started with adults long before kids clung to it, just food for thought.
People who choose a prime piece of land, build a wood/cobble/dirt hut, and only play for like 2 days then vanish for many months to a year then come back and whine and complain that it got taken down. Either play the game or screw off.
The world gen in beta 1.7 has something magical about it, I can't put my finger on it but it inspired me to build quite a lot on it.
Notch just needs to go back to his passion and make games, he seemed to like the attention it gave him even if he was a bit dramatic at times. This time though don't run crying to leddit after a "certain website" says mean things.
Preeeetty much this, give them time to get good...they'll get over it. Games cant be super easy forever.
Also to add to this, it gives more reason to try to earn different enchantments now that it's harder to defend yourself. This reason alone is good reason to support the new combat mechanics.
I've been waiting a long time for them to uncasualize combat in this game beyond spamming clicks, no deal.
Support for sure, this is a great idea and would definitely give more life to the world in a properly executed way.
;p I'm 29 and I'll still be playing this for a while, at least until Mojang nerfs everything fun left about it.
This is like what SEGA used to use on phantasy star online, gameguard...and it never works properly and only causes issues for players. It's one of the most easily bypassed checks ever too, this would never work on anyone whose not a idiot.
As games their incomparable unless you want to just say they both have digging building and zombies. As far as content, treasure and explorability, items, and actual challenge, terraria wins hands down. For community, smooth gameplay (more casual, lets be real) and modability minecraft is your game. Both have excellent building mechanics so we're not even gonna go there. I personally think Terraria is a far better game, but if you're lookin for something to relax with Minecraft wins that.
Customized worlds are a option before creating a world in vanilla minecraft.
Try customized worlds, most likely you can control their appearance through that. I personally haven't messed with it enough to know. There's texture packs as well that mark the stone silverfish eggs with a different texture. The best way to know though is to realize that mining them takes a slight bit longer than their normal block counterparts.
You mean a plugin that stops you from afking at farms/grinders? I'm not too sure on your wording there...
If I'm getting what you mean,we used a similar plugin on the server I moderate on if so. It's rude to AFK while others might actually need to sleep, or actually want challenge from the game to have mobs to fight themselves. Just consider that, if they needed to resort to such a plugin there was obviously a problem presented to them from AFK'ers that it had to be used. Trying to circumvent that makes you part of the problem.