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    posted a message on Taming! Dogs/Others+
    Easier just to hit 'em with a sedative arrow, place a collar or saddle on them. Of course these items would be difficult to make, requiring the use of alchemy.(Don't ask why.)
    The whole stay around them or save them from something business seems too abstract for the processor to pick up. Possibly nearness WOULD be possible, but then everyone could have pet mobs. This is not a good thing. They souldn't be so easily attainable.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Fan Blocks.
    As a craft-able object attainable through technological progression, yes. I'm not sure what's supposed to power it, but...there's always the arcane!
    I can see it now, a massive strip mine on an MP server with fan conveyors, and miners working in different areas down the line. Whenever they are full on blocks they just throw them on the conveyor to be relayed to the builders of a fortification, or a town, or a castle. The perfect system.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Monster Hunter-esque
    I wouldn't mind "megabeasts", I guess. It would be cool to occasionally encounter and destroy behemoths, possibly getting some sort of unique resource. However...
    The concept of having the "megabeasts" become the only way to get better equipment in a cyclical fashion does NOT jive with my personal outlook on minecraft's future. Better equipment should stem from developing better technology through better workbenches and the discovery of new craft layouts. Your suggestion has the distinct flavour of an RPG, which is not minecraft's genre on the whole. I'm OK with RPG elements, but not having it be the focus of the game.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Heat.
    Quote from Destati »
    I think things like Torches and lava should generate heat, but just one static level, not multiple ones. So if a block is next to lava its regarded as a "hot" block. It can melt ice and warm water.

    Similar to how sponges work. They only affect water in a radius around them.

    And maybe there should be a "hot" block that doesn't kill you like lava does... all it does is make heat, not light.

    This could be feasible. It would be less memory intensive, and it serves the original purpose. It would only take one extra bit per block. Heated? Yes or no.
    Very nice alternative idea.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Nuclear Bomb
    Quote from Deoxy99 »
    How about a nuclear bomb for survival mode? You use it to destroy THE ENTIRE MAP, more than the TNT does.


    Nuclear bombs destroy miles of land. Not "several bricks, more than TNT does".
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on THE MASTER TECH TREE
    Quote from Cheeseyx »
    Quote from Qwill »
    Quote from Cheeseyx »
    I like the idea of a large tech tree, but I personally prefer LightWarriorKs tree, with alchemy at the top. I also say no to vehicles and player owned mobs (other than golems), and having to make 8 different parts to make one of three components to make one thing that is too advanced to fit in with Minecraft.

    (Post was written before LWK's post, but delayed for like an hour while I had forgotten to hit submit. I didn't just post this to agree with him)

    To each their own. I'm not sure player-controlled mobs are a good idea at all, but they're so cool...*sigh*...

    Player owned mobs would be unfair unless they were ridiculously hard to get. Playing as a mod character like a skeleton might be fun if you were to play with some people, but only if you have another human playing, not just an NPC to do your bidding. I would love to be a skeleton in MC- Infinite arrows, no need to craft to get a bow and arrows, etc. I would defend towns or maybe just go hunting. Playing as a creeper might be handy for mining if I could just become another creeper when I exploded. Being a zombie wouldn't be much fun, but a spider would be awesome to play as.

    I'm sorry for continuing this, but I had to defend my position. They would be ridiculously hard to get. Each of their components would require rare materials, not to mention you have to work your way up the tech tree first. Playing as a mob would be novel, though I prefer a to have a spider-mount. Huzzah! XD
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on No more diamond tools. (Sort Of)
    Quote from Demki »
    Quote from Qwill »
    Quote from Poyomon2 »
    Stupid idea. Think about it, it's hard to get diamond, and now you want no diamond tools, or if diamond tools are there, you are just making them harder to make. -1

    I'm sorry I'm not more clear. What I mean is, you don't directly craft diamond tools, you would would have to encrust gold tools with diamond. It would make more sense, and be more complex/difficult (I think this to be a good thing). Again, credit goes to LightRider for the Whole alchemy, encrusting, calcification thing. Read his thread.
    The other part of my idea is that you could recraft other tools (stone and metal tools) on an anvil to make them better.

    Just a reminder, GOLD TOOLS SUCK! I would expect iron tools, but not gold tools.

    This gives gold a purpose. You wouldn't want gold to be purposeless...
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on THE MASTER TECH TREE
    Quote from Cheeseyx »
    Quote from Rubs10 »
    I think you should combine the alchemey and laboratory stations, because there isn't really a difference between the two.

    It depends on what you want them to do.


    Quote from LightWarriorK »
    Thanks for the mention! :biggrin.gif:

    I'd like any sort of Tech Tree. This would certainly work, and I wouldn't mind it at all.

    Although, I still like mine better: Clicky. :wink.gif: That's just "creator's preference," though.

    Actually, I rather like yours. Aside from a few discrepancies, I like it better than mine!

    Quote from Cheeseyx »
    I like the idea of a large tech tree, but I personally prefer LightWarriorKs tree, with alchemy at the top. I also say no to vehicles and player owned mobs (other than golems), and having to make 8 different parts to make one of three components to make one thing that is too advanced to fit in with Minecraft.

    (Post was written before LWK's post, but delayed for like an hour while I had forgotten to hit submit. I didn't just post this to agree with him)

    To each their own. I'm not sure player-controlled mobs are a good idea at all, but they're so cool...*sigh*...
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on THE MASTER TECH TREE
    Harvest Wood.
    Tech Level 1: Make a Workbench
    Mine Stone.
    Tech Level 2:Make a chest. + Make a Kitchen. + Make a furnace.
    Mine gold. + Mine Iron.
    Tech Level 3:Make an Alchemy Workbench. + Make an Anvil.
    Mine Diamond.
    Tech Level 4:Make an Advanced Workbench. + Make a Large Workbench. + Make a Laboratory

    Tech Level 1: You can make simple tools, simple weapons, simple food, other simple implements.

    Tech Level 2: You can now make more complex foods, using multiple sources and cooking, make potions and some chemicals, smelt raw materials to create better building and crafting materials. Some more advanced tools are available through use of the furnace in conjunction with the workbench.

    Tech Level 3: You can now use Alchemy to make a plethora of new objects, enhanced with alchemy. The anvil as well allows you to make better tools and weapons. This is the level where true multi-component crafting systems come into place. You can make more complex objects now.

    Tech Level 4: It is now possible to make tiny components and complex replacement tools for the ones you used to have. By crafting small components and putting them together you can make larger components, and craft those together to make complex mechanical systems. Vehicles and player-owned mobs are available.

    SOME Examples:

    Simple pickaxes, swords, torches, and pork-chops would be in Level 1.
    Poisons, glass, Bread, Soup, Cooked Meat, other hypothetical combination foods, smelted ores, and slightly better tools (through use of the former) would be in Level 2.
    Diamond swords made alchemically from originals made on the anvil, synthesis of new alloys and materials, recycling of the former, lanterns, crossbows, looms, primitive traps, and saddles for domestication would be in level 3.
    alchemical golems, arcane automatons, ships, arcane clockwork vehicles, TNT, other chemicals for a multitude of uses, highly enhanced tools and weaponry (automatic crossbows, clockwork diamond drills), dyes, and advanced traps would be in level 4.

    The problem is making this system streamlined and unnoticeable, yet enforced, so that players cannot easily obtain higher level equipment without a long process (think: team greifers on MP survival cooking up giant batches of TNT). The workbenches on each tier shouldn't be attainable without having completed the former tier of technology. This means each tier of technology is capable of producing something necessary for the next tier of technology. Here it is:

    Workbench produces the tools to mine stone to make the furnace. The furnace produces the smelted blocks of gold needed to build an alchemical workbench and the smelted iron blocks needed to build an anvil. The alchemical workbench treats and enhances the iron plates hammered with the anvil, which are used to build the laboratory. The anvil makes the wire and cuts the glass necessary for the magnifying glass on the advanced workstation, and hammers out the supports needed for the large workstation. Each of these steps takes much in the way of resources, ensuring that the process takes a long time, as well as being complex and interesting to figure out. In the end, only players who actually enjoy and play the game the "right way" (I.E. Don't Grief, and put some effort into it) will have the best, and most complex items, and equipment.

    For reference, and some additional info about some of the mentioned processes:
    My Posts:
    http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=9204 (Actually, this isn't very applicable.)
    LightWarrior's Post:
    Conundrummer's Post:

    If I have forgotten you, let me know. Sorry I didn't include you in the citation rubs10, it's not really the same idea.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Monsters, modes, and more
    I like the idea for the lurker mob. I like that it drops poison sacs. I don't like the uses you detailed, though. The poison sacs could be useful in alchemy, to add poison to your sword, arrows, or any other weaponry you may have. The other ideas seem awkward, or over the top (Just my opinion, not flaming you). Also, why would you put poison in soup?

    P.S. I also like the idea of fertiliser, though I think it should be made through some type of crafting process. Seems like alchemy has become my explanation for everything... This calls for another crafting table.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on GOLEMS. make your own pet mob
    Gotcha. That could work.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Recipe "hints"
    Meh. Too easy. The game is about discovery and learning/progressing. If someone is really stuck and don't think they can figure out what to do, there's always the wiki.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Robots! AKA The New Crafting Mechanic
    Quote from Foe »
    Quote from Soggy »
    I like the robot and anvil idea, but I think the function of an anvil and a workstation should be reversed. You want to be able to create small items on an anvil, but forge swords and armor on a wooden desk?

    Flip those around, and it's set. :wink.gif:

    Any sort of fine metal shaping should be done in something better than a wood bench.
    Work benches are made for coarse work, and lower tool tiers.

    I agree with both of you, somewhat. I think an anvil could be used for large and small objects alike. It could be a five by five crafting grid. Every ingot you put into the input box allows for three squares of the grid to be filled. You could use one ingot to make something like a metal wire, or an axle, but it would take two ingots to craft a sword blade. You would lose a bit of metal in the crafting each time, because the crafting patter doesn't necessarily require as many spaces as you're allowed from your input of ingots, but that makes sense. Nobody can make something perfectly. You'd always be left with a little useless scrap metal (I don't mean you get scrap metal in your inventory, just that any metal you don't use disappears.).

    Quote from Soggy »
    [iron] [iron] :gravel: (2 iron makes everything even, but 1 is fine too)
    :wood: :wood: :gravel: = tinkering bench, yeah? :biggrin.gif:
    :wood: :wood: :gravel:

    I like that idea for the advanced workbench better than mine. Possibly have it include 1 diamond somewhere, to have it be less easily attainable. Or maybe a gold block.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Gadgets and Laboratories
    I had pretty much the same idea. I REALLY hope Notch implements this sort of system.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on GOLEMS. make your own pet mob
    I like the idea and have had some like it myself (http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=9338). I especially like the idea of your method of creation dictating how it behaves. Sort of like making it's brain in a certain way.
    The one thing I very much disagree with is the mining. I think mining is too selective a behaviour for mobs to be able to do. How would you direct it? Any mechanic I can think of would be too clunky or awkward. I'm not sure it should serve all the other types of functions you listed either. We could craft other types of "pet" mobs. Like robots. (see my thread if you demand a more in-depth explanation). For riding, we could domesticate animals, or MAYBE craft some sort of steam-punk vehicles.

    I apologise for automatically assuming my ideas are good.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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