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    posted a message on WEAPONS - A Guide To Armaments
    Quote from Kydo »

    A harpoon gun? Are your serious?
    TNT arrows are a ridiculous idea.
    Chemical bottles? What?
    The automatic crossbow is pushing it to sillyness,
    We can already stack TNT blocks and detonate them together, so I don't see the point of a TNT crate.

    Land mines is sort of a silly idea. I like the idea of triggered traps, but I'm not so sure on the idea of an exploding trap.

    A harpoon gun is in preparation for the inevitable arrival of underwater mobs. Typically a a feathered arrow just can't shoot through water.
    TNT arrows would only have one stick, doing NEAR fatal damage to an unarmored player, but damaging armored players less.More like a powerful firecracker.
    As some people have already drawn conclusions about, chemical bottles would be thrown and create a fsmall fiery explosion, or freeze the things in the immediate vicinity, doing damage, or any other thing that the chemicals you put inside could do, I.E. acid, healing potion (for friends), slippery oil, etc.
    The automatic crossbow is NOT silly. Let's assume weapons are given cooldown times. People can no longer fire as fast with the bow, or with a crossbow. The automatic crossbow would require a long tedious crafting process, and require frequent maintenance, but have little to no cooldown time. A logical, more powerful weapon available through advanced crafting.
    By TNT crate I meant a TNT block.
    Alpha_Squad was the one who I stole the idea for landmines from. I think they sound awesome. They'd have to be supremely hard to make, lest they become a tool for survival greifers, but they would be at the top of the tech ladder, so not readily available.

    Quote from Alpha_Squad »
    how much tnt does your tnt arrows use?

    Remember one meter cubed of TNT will instantly kill anyplayer...

    The arrows only use one stick, only enough to heavily damage an unarmoured to about one heart left.
    Armoured players take much less damage from them.

    Quote from Apexe »
    Sedative Arrows- Shouldn't this be above normal arrows? Unless the tip is tiny as hell, you will have a normal arrow tip with a toxin coated on it causing both damage and negative effects based on the poison.

    The sedative arrows are actually cloth arrows. They have no point, just a rag soaked in sedative. They make the player you hit woozy and disoriented (changing camera speeds, stumbling). Their main use is in catching animals for domestication, but they could be a very useful strategy in a fight. What you're referring to is more of what I called the "poison arrow".

    One Final Thing:
    I forgot to add this weapon:
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Nuclear Bomb
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on WEAPONS - A Guide To Armaments
    Quote from dlseth »
    Spear launcher turret...?

    You mean a ballista? :tongue.gif:

    Yes! I couldn't remember the name, but it was on the tip of my brain!

    Quote from Monkid »
    Idea of land mines is somewhat yummy.

    'Twas Alpha_Squad who had the idea.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Precision Blasting
    Quote from mrwormy »
    I made a shaft bomb idea once in my pyrotechnics list and it was shot down.

    ): I'm sorry. I to agree with you.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on WEAPONS - A Guide To Armaments
    (?) denotes uncertainty about actual inclusion as a weapon.
    * denotes capacity to be modified with poisons or crafted to greater effectiveness with an anvil.
    # denotes multiplicity of sub-classifications.
    These are listed in order of increasing power, not necessarily usefulness. I.E. Some of these might not have so much actual weapon power, but could be useful in other ways.It is assumed that the items are made of their lowest possible material. Higher level materials would increase standing on the list.

    Bare Fists
    Sedative Arrows
    Studded Gloves * (?)
    Club (?)
    Dagger *
    Normal Arrows *
    Harpoon Gun *
    Sword *
    Crossbow *
    Spear *
    Mace *
    TNT Arrows
    TNT Stick
    Chemical Bottles #
    Automatic Crossbow * (?)
    Spear Launcher Turret * # (?)
    Cannon * # (?)
    TNT Crate
    Land-mines #

    I can explain how all are supposed to work, if you wish. Feedback?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Precision Blasting
    Quote from Alpha_Squad »
    I don't think you guys realize the the power of tnt arrows, that is if they have at least a blast radius of three. Due to the sheer rate of the amount of shots we can take entire castles could be destroyed in a minute and the damage that the tnt arrows would enflict within this minute would easily be enough to kill any one in the castle. Tnt arrows would be the standard level of weaponery to use as it is stronger than any other weapon except land mines (but that is another discussion). So all in all the multi-player world would be screwed when there were wars.

    The TNT on arrows is the single stick of TNT. You missed the part, obviously, where I said single TNT sticks would only have a blast radius of one, meaning they couldn't even destroy stone, or metals. The task of stockpiling even these minorly destructive weapons would still be difficult. You'd have to kill a creeper for each arrow you fire, and they don't do any damage against heavy fortifications. They would effect planks, and anything lower, as well as being a strong anti-player weapon.

    Also, land mines? Awesome!
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on RANCHING - A Small Guide to Starting Your Ranch
    Quote from Rubs10 »
    The whole sedative thing to waaaaayyyyy to complex. I think that just leading them into your fenced enclosure would be waaaaaaaaaay better. If Notch adds ramps, that will eliminate the need for animals to jump and then you can build your 1 block high fences. In the mean time, I'll just create pit pastures.

    So, you're saying anyone should be able to go put a collar on a wild animal, without any fighting back? I think the sedative makes perfect sense, especially if spiders are included...I see what you mean about the ramps. How do you lead the animal back to pasture if it can't jump through the terrain? Hmmm...
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on RANCHING - A Small Guide to Starting Your Ranch
    I've changed my mind. No need to complicate things with the dynamic fencing. The fence will just be a line of those things that look like jacks, I forget the name. They are used to stop beach landings. Anyway, a line of that sort of thing, made out of wood.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Diamond, from rock to tool.
    Quote from Rotten194 »

    4. Setting. I find it somewhat odd that you can make a pickax or sword entirely out of diamonds, so I think you would be able to put diamonds onto metal (gold and iron) tools. You could put a diamond for each edge (for instance, a sword would use two diamonds, as it has two edges, pickax would use 1, as it only has a point, hoe would use 1 as well, axe 1, etc.), but if you put less (for instance, 1 diamond on a sword) the item would have half the durability and strength bonus. One other possible thing would be to require lava in some way to set the diamond, maybe to heat the metal and diamond up enough to bond together, as setting like in a ring doesn't work well when you're talking about tool edges. So the setting workshop or anvil or whatever would need a bucket of lava as well as the diamonds and the tool.

    I agree that diamonds don't make sense as a sword or armour material in pure form, however...Just use alchemy to encrust them onto a gold sword (http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=8856). No need for that fancy process you outlined. Even I, the figurative King of Complicated think that that process might be a LITTLE too long. And having a workstation meant solely for the purpose of cutting diamonds is a little much.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on RANCHING - A Small Guide to Starting Your Ranch
    Quote from Delmonte »
    Sounds great although I think the pasture bit needs some work...

    Care to Elaborate?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Storms
    That would actually be pretty epic. It creates a good intermittent challenge. The more you have built, the more you have to lose, if lightning strikes you house. There needs to be some way of putting out fire though, other than just rain.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on RANCHING - A Small Guide to Starting Your Ranch
    First you'll need to grow some food. That's easy. Till the earth, gather some seed, and plant them in a well irrigated area. For best effect, cover with a greenhouse to ward off them pesky pigs! What's next? Well, I did want to have bacon for breakfast tomorrow...but hunting pigs takes too long, and I don't want to venture away form my settlement day after day to find meat! What to do? Here's what:

    1. Build A Pasture
    EDIT: Now there are fences. Exactly like what i described here. +1 for me. Build a pasture with them.
    2. Domesticate Your Animals
    For this, you need to first craft some Sedative Arrows, and collars. To craft sedative arrows, combine a bucket of water with a red mushroom in your apothecary station, to make dilute sedative. Combine the sedative with a cloth block to make a drugged cloth. Make an arrow, but where the iron ingot would go, place the cloth. Finally, craft a collar using 4 pieces of string in this pattern:(x is string)
    Find a pig or sheep and shoot with the sedative arrow. While the animal is drugged, you may place the collar on it. The animal will now follow you. Lead it to you pasture, and close it in. You have one domesticated animal. (Domesticated animals do not jump.) However, to have a sustainable source of food, you need another one. :wink.gif: Go catch another of the same animal.
    3. Reap The Benefits
    For this step, I'm assuming you already have a working wheat farm. Make bread. Throw the bread to the pigs. One will eat the bread. When it encounters another pig, which it will inevitably do in the small pasture, it will produce a small offspring version of itself. Over time, the offspring will grow, and when fully grown it will drop pork-chops when Killed. The same process can be done with sheep. Feel free to breed tons of animals or just keep a few, for the source of readily available food.
    The animals will only follow you if you're within a 4 block radius from them.

    This system will become most useful if meat is ever made to spoil. You can also make a saddle for your pigs, or sedate a spider in the day and use a saddle on it. You can then ride these animals. Just think about it: defending your sprawling ranch, full of sheep and pigs and cows and chickens, on the back of a vicious trained spider. You could have a whole team of minecrafters working together to run a farm/ranch to trade with others in exchange for goods you don't produce.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Precision Blasting
    Quote from xenoCuisinist »
    I like this, but would an exclusively horizontal/vertical blast be more useful than a spherical blast? How deep would it go?

    Also bomb arrows would be neat, but can gunpowder be made more available?

    As to the depth, I'm not sure. Deeper than a normal blast, but since it uses less gunpowder, not too deep.
    As for more gunpowder being made available, it really shouldn't be too common. It could be made using chemistry or alchemically.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Monsters, modes, and more
    Quote from LuckyNumber9 »
    I like the idea of poison. Make soup with it and it looks the same as normal soup, so give it to a player and once he drinks it loot his corpse.
    Poisoned blade and arrows sound fun too. If your hit with a poison weapon you suffer the same debuff as the spider gives you. But the poison is only on the blade for one swing, after that it's gone. If you hit or not.

    YES! Now THAT is a reason for putting poison in your soup. Brilliant. I think the one-hit poison is the right idea, as well. The idea that you'd have to reapply poison to your blade is definitely right.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Precision Blasting
    This has already been suggested in part by Dr. Mercury. http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=6147&p=77224&hilit=Directed+TNT#p77224 What I propose is a bit simpler and a bit different.

    TNT really isn't good for mining right now. It's too resource intensive to make, and its blast is too spherical. It gets half air, when on the surface. (Yes, yes, I know, dig a hole for it.)
    TNT should have another craft-able counterpart.
    Obsidian is "gunpowder".
    :sand: :obsidian: :sand:
    :sand: :obsidian: :sand:
    :sand: :obsidian: :sand:

    This TNT would require two less gunpowder. Its blast would be directed exclusively toward and away from the surface you placed it on. E.G.: If you placed it on the wall, the blast would be horizontal. If place on the ground, the blast would be vertical.

    Also, single TNT sticks.
    They would only detonate with a 1 block radius. These could be used on arrows instead of the iron head, or MAYBE thrown at enemies.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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