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    posted a message on MOUNTS! - The mobs you can ride!
    Quote from mrwormy »
    Quote from AceDragon22 »
    I want to ride pigs instead. :sad.gif:

    *riding scorpion*


    *pig gets torn to pieces*

    Also...Scorpions are faster than you think.

    Ever seen a scorpion chase down a spider?

    I was thinking they needed to be slow, to balance out their power.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on [CLOSED]
    Quote from nebb »
    stop deliting my post

    It must be something wrong with your computer. I see that you have posted thrice in this thread. The first two are essentially repeats.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on [CLOSED]
    Quote from nebb »
    you could mobilize a floating island but it would be hard.

    I'd vote no for that one. For something to move it has to be an entity or activated block. I don't think entire islands should be activated. The airships discussed in this thread would be converted to entities.
    This just wouldn't work. It'd be cool, but it wouldn't work.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Jetpack
    Quote from swizard »
    Quote from Kydo »
    Quote from swizard »

    Seeing as '64 wooden shovels' are able of being made, and carried, why would a jetpack be a weird idea? Should I point out this is minecraft and not 'Lost: The game'?

    Okay, brainiak: What materials are we going to use as fuel? Oil? natural gas? 'Cause it sure would cause a lot of problems, (Search up "poison gas" and look for the topic about explosions) and would be a complete and utter ***** to obtain! Even if you did, the components for a machine like a jetpack, or any kind of mechanical propulsion, are not smithed. They could, but they'd be crappy by comparison to cast metal. Which would mean we'd need an entire system for metalcasting... The mechanics of which varies depending on what you're making, and what metal you're using.

    How about a jetpack made with steamboosts, fueled by water? (Notch was said to add buckets).
    And yes, I agree, there SHOULD be more complex metal blueprints.

    A one use, steam-powered propulsion system, I would not argue with. I don't want a multi-use jet-pack.
    And you're right, we do need a better metalworking system for more complex crafts.
    However, minecraft will NEVER have the complexity of crafting available to build something like a jetpack. Thinking even a little bit realistically, an actually controllable , safe jet-pack that works multiple times is beyond even what we have today. It doesn't fit with minecraft AT ALL.
    Using something that is powered by steam, causes damage to the player, and is destroyed after one use to give you a four-block jump at any time, even while falling, that can fit.
    And it needs to be moderately hard to craft and require superior facilities. (Practically all of the proposed new workbenches).
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Water detector [dowsing rod]
    Quote from swizard »
    Most people here either think it's
    A: A good idea
    B: Makes the game to easy
    How about you just don't use it then?
    C: Dowsing rods are 'newage witchcraft ********' or something among those lines
    What about the fact that you are fighting monsters, and not wild animals?

    Fair enough.
    I personally just dislike the idea.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Rune Crafting
    I'd say it shouldn't be a teleportation pad. I don't like the idea of teleporting in general. I'm not really sure your final step, where the step is enchanted is a good one. That seems too overtly magickey. The idea has the potential to be more subtle.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Level Regeneration + Weather?
    We have infinite space, why do we need this?

    I like that if you do something to the environment, it stays that way.
    One option for the people running running the server could be a "re-naturalisation" which detects modified areas that haven't been modified in some time, and it sort of, well... re-naturalises.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on MOUNTS! - The mobs you can ride!
    Quote from A.I. »
    I just had a horrible vision of a large settlement being invaded... The attackers are clad in iron... and every single one of them is riding a dark, hate-filled spider. The settlement attempts to rally its forces, but none but the bravest warriors hold their ground at the sight of these grim beasts.

    I'd love to have a spider mount.

    Quote from Kydo »
    Can you see an airship with an escort of warriors riding flying mounts of several sorts?

    Hell yes to both.
    The epicness almost made my head explode.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on [CLOSED]
    Quote from mrsquidon »
    You know i think some one should design on of these Air ships/boats/trains.

    Remeber to keep them small though!

    If we have large objects they'll be harder to navigate and use!

    Larger ones should be attainable if you have the resources to keep them afloat and moving.
    Picture it...
    After months of building, the airship lifts off, full of supplies and miners ready to found a new settlement in the desert across the ocean. Armed with ballistae and crossbows, it is prepared to fend off the vicious mobs of the sky, and armoured enough to take a few hits. When the aircraft sets down in the desert, its massive crago bay is unloaded and a camp ringed by ballistae is set up.
    large airships would make for epic transports for long-range travel.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Digging machines
    Quote from Trippledot »
    I think even steampunk is too modern for Minecraft...

    Steampunk too modern for minecraft?! Never!
    Steampunk tech will make the game 2x as epic!
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on MOUNTS! - The mobs you can ride!
    Quote from Talisman »
    Objecting to riding flying animals, i really dont think you should be able to ride flying animals like a random giant eagle or a large albatross, i dont think they fit in the game very well (I cant really picture how a good looking BLOCKY albatross would look) and i also dislike the special abilities they give, like dive bomb? I also dislike the saddle ideas, i think zeplins or maybe even gliders would fit in MUCH better but not giant flying animals with magic saddles. I think it should be possible to ride spiders and a horse type animal, horse would allow for some storage, and increase speed, you would only be able to use melee attack on a horse, nothing else, for spider, it should be slightly slower then a horse but able to jump up higher (Maybe 3 blocks and horse can jump 1 block?)

    Zeppelins, yes. Gliders, maybe. Why don't giant flying animals with with Runic Saddles fit into the game? We already have two-legged green mutant pigs that explode with the power of TNT, and undead zombies, and spiders the size of a bed.
    I'm not saying you could find these animals everywhere. Giant Eagles would only be found (still very rarely) in the mountains. Albatross would be a bit more common, but only found on islands. Spiders, I'm not sure if they should have a specific environment. Scorpions only very rarely in the desert, and Horse-like animal fairly common on the grasslands.
    This idea doesn't mean that everyone will suddenly be riding giant albatross everywhere. It means that if you've played long enough, and want a good mode of transit to and from your floating castle, you have it.
    I still love the idea of airships. I started a very popular thread on them. I just think the two ideas can exist simultaneously.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Portal (Gate-type) System- to teleport around
    If I may have a say, I've really grown to dislike the idea of portals. What this means is that after a few brave players blaze through the wilderness and find a amazing and exotic lands with new and exciting resources, nobody else has to go through the intermediate terrain any more. people will find easy difficulty spots on the map and stay there, putting in portals. It removes the dangerous aspect of travel in the game. If portals get implemented people will no longer have the need to build giant via-ducts, or bridges or tunnels under mountains, all of which I was looking forward to in infinite Survival MP. It removes the exciting aspect of travel.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on MOUNTS! - The mobs you can ride!
    Quote from mnjiman »

    Takes a lot away from the game.

    Care to actually explain?

    My Counter-Points

    As to the control scheme: It only requires really two buttons. The left mouse button and the scroll wheel. It works like block placing, in the inventory bar.

    As to models not being up to the task of birds: Well, maybe, but I think Notch can do it. This pretty much says that you don't want birds at all, which is silly.

    As to making the game too easy: Not really. The two flying mobs both have their major weaknesses. One is rare as hell, and the other makes you very vulnerable to attack. Riding the albatross means you can be taken down by two well-placed arrows. That doesn't sound like it makes flying easy.

    As to lack of realism in flying birds: In lieu of a quote I would use... Isn't the typical persons body too fragile to carry thousands of cubic meters of stone and dirt on them? I like a little realism to keep it sane and not gaudy, but Minecraft has its unbelievable aspects.

    Finally, as to accusations of silly or over-powered attacks: I'm just trying to be creative. Probably dive bomb could be removed from the albatross. As to the eagle's attack being too powerful: If you've been playing enough to find an eagle and have enough resources that you have a spare flying saddle lying around, you deserve the power to swoop down and disembowel the n00bish peons on the ground.

    I also think that this is partially a matter of taste. If you don't want to ride a mob or think it will make the game too easy for you, don't spend your time making a magic enchanted saddle, and don't spend your time finding an ocean and making a boat, and don't spend your time catching an albatross in the islands. If you're objectionable to spiders, don't get a spider mount, simple as that!
    I personally hope that to match the influx of new ideas, the game will become harder with different, more dangerous mobs in the new environments you will inevitably have to travel to for resources.

    Last thing: I'm now calling them runic saddles, because they're enchanted by runes.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on MOUNTS! - The mobs you can ride!
    Quote from mrwormy »

    Why not giant forest scorpions?

    Added. Knew I forgot something.
    Quote from AceDragon22 »
    I want to ride pigs instead. :sad.gif:

    I thought about pigs, but riding pigs seems kind of lame. Meh.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Rune Crafting
    I'm sad that this thread isn't getting more attention.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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