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    posted a message on [CLOSED]
    Notch confirmed vehicles! =D

    EDIT: Not really. Awwww.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Minecraft for Psp, DSI, 3DS, IPHONE/Android, etc
    Quote from XxPACExX »
    Quote from Redon26 »

    Please.... stop. Ever wondered why you don't use these in the RAM slots of a mainboard? <_<

    im not saying the full blown game, i know it would have lots of loading, and downgraded graphics, and lots more loading, but wouldnt it be possible?

    I laughed for a while. How can you possibly downgrade the graphics further? And the long loading times are the problem, not an incidental.

    Seriously though, who even wants to play MC on a mobile device? Or even a console? A console may have the controls to do it, but even that's iffy. A mobile device is just ridiculous. How do you aim your vision? OK, now how do you move? Add a key for breaking and a key for placing blocks. Now add keys to change your block selection. And an inventory key. And a menu key. AND a jump key, almost forgot that. And crouch. If you too are picturing a screen covered with buttons, you're seeing the same thing I am. Point is, it just isn't a game meant for a small touch screen. To do it properly you need a mouse and keyboard.

    Quote from trilith »
    listen up notch.
    free business advice.
    you said you built minecraft to make money, right? well, the pc isnt' only large market that has java on it, now is it? i think it's time to branch out notch, before someone beats you to the punch with a free app.

    Bwahahahaaha! YOU'RE offering NOTCH, the multi-millionaire, wildly successful indie developer business advice? You must be kidding. I'm fairly sure that Notch is more interested in developing fun, quality games than butchering his creations to fit on a mobile and make a buck.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on VEHICLES REDOX - Land, sea, and air, oh my...
    Quote from SchizophrenicMC »
    With a few modifications to your ideas for implementation, I like it. Use a collision system to keep players aboard moving vehicles. While I'm pretty much all for your train idea, (Not entirely sure how you'd plan on making a drill work), I must say I'd rather have some manual build interface for watercraft and aircraft, with more options as to design components.

    Using block-collision entities, one could theoretically make a floating fortress (air or sea) that could be moved by a single control system. (This brings interesting ideas for redstone, as the simple binary system it already is)

    Given the correct implementation, it wouldn't be out-of-thought to create a massive airship that can land in water, with a bay for smaller watercraft, float through the skies, carry a crane and defensive cannon batteries, a hangar for smaller aircraft, and some pallet system to lower and lift cargo while in the air, thus implementing all 3 bounds within one large vehicle. It would be the most resource-intensive thing ever, but so cool, and so encouraging of creativity and play.

    I think what I'm going to add to the list is a floating build platform. It'll be just a balloon attached to a block, and of neutral buoyancy. By adding gas or something, the buoyancy will increase by a few blocks. It will be a base off which you can build independent block entities, that sort of thing. It would have a max inflate limit and after that you have to make more balloon blocks. Tomorrow I'll add it.
    This will serve to let people customize, while still having individual, immutable vehicles for better looks.
    EDIT: I'll add propeller blocks to go along with the balloons.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on ElectroCraft
    Pretty much the only useful thing you're suggesting is electric fences. I don't even think electric fences are something we should add to the game.

    No offense, but I much prefer my system.
    Qwill's Mechanical System CLICKY!
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on VEHICLES REDOX - Land, sea, and air, oh my...
    Added the giga-drill device. Maybe it's a joke. Maybe I'm totally serious. Also did a few changes and added some more static vehicle. I may reorganize a bit later.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on VEHICLES REDOX - Land, sea, and air, oh my...
    Quote from Gameguy602 »
    How would the drill train work?
    It needs minecart tracks to work, but wherever it drills there won't be pre-placed tracks for it.

    Only the locomotive really needs tracks. It'll just push the drill ahead of it over rock. Of course, trying to move a traincar manually without tracks would be fruitless. However, a locomotive has enough power.

    Quote from Cpt_Universe »
    The world must see this! Congrats for all your hard work writing all this, must have taken a while. One suggestion I have (probably won't be supported by many, though...) is some kind of car.

    First of all thank you.
    I purposely didn't include cars or any land vehicle that moves without pre-constructed guidance. I see mountable mobs filling that niche. Cars or vehicles in that vein go beyond my personal view of minecrafts thematic feel. But hey, that's just my opinion.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on [CLOSED]
    Quote from voodoo6358 »
    Why go for technology? i wouldn't want everything in minecraft to eventually be high tech.. instead of air ships, why not a mob-a dragon, or some flying mythical creature that notch could add- you find where it lives, and knock it out, like killing a regular mob, just with a lot more health,risk, but the reward is an awesome flying mount :smile.gif:

    i cant do a crafting thing for the saddle, it wont let me put the pictures on this thing.

    Neither do I want everything to be "high tech". There is no hidden implication that if we have airships, we must later have jet planes and machine guns.
    Also, why not go for both mystical and technological. My favorite fantasy worlds have always been a fusion of the two.
    Here's my thread on mobs, if you're interested. Lots of fantasy stuff (including mounts) there.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on VEHICLES REDOX - Land, sea, and air, oh my...
    @Xkrules: I purposefully didn't add any vehicles that travel over land independent of physics guidance. That's where vehicles cross my personal "appropriate for theme" line.
    Train elevators sound like a great idea. However, train elevators and elevators in general don't really fit in this thread.
    The mining platform sounds a bit overpowered. How exactly would it work?

    @AaronDude7: I'm glad you like it. I'm prone to going off on fantasy rants too, don't worry about it. =D
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on SEXY MECHANICAL SYSTEM - Expanded
    Quote from Elmach »
    lots of stuff

    Fair enough. I don't have time to do an edit now, but I think I've been convinced to remove the sorter.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Underground Biodiversity (Fungus Forests, Bats and Rats)
    Additional underground flora would be nice. However, this has been suggested before.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Blockcraft
    This sort of thread is known as a wishlist, as it involves multiple ideas. They are not allowed. It would be acceptable if the ideas had something in common, but they do not. Also, a number of these suggestion have precedent on the forums. Please use the search feature next time. Please review the forum rules in general.
    Thank you and welcome to the forums.
    Also, stop posting replies instead of modifying your OP.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on LightWarriorK's Big Book of Alchemy
    Oh Notch, still haven't implemented this as promised.
    What a shame.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Skins Should be Available For those who didnt buy the game!
    Quote from XazoTak »
    I think I have a better idea. What if people without the game still couldn't upload skins, but they could choose a colour of clothes? Because having all classic players look the same is annoying. What if I want each to have a colour? So if you looked at a line of them you might see Blue, Red, Blue, Purple, Green, Yellow, Red, Pink, Blue, Orange, And so on. Currently you would see Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, etc.

    Hmm, that sounds viable. Or the game could just have a random set of skins for non-premium players. They would be assigned randomly every session. That way there's at least a bit of variety.
    However, the ability to have a custom skin should remain premium. Changing it might pis off a few people who just bought it for that reason. xD
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on [CLOSED]
    Quote from Biglulu »
    Is there a Get Satisfaction post on this? Make one so everyone can like it :tongue.gif:

    There is. Give me a moment and I'll find it.
    EDIT: here

    Also, it should be known that I've entirely changed my position. I've given up on the idea of customizable ships. Here's my new thread on vehicles if anyone is interested: VEHICLES REDOX - Land, sea, and air, oh my...

    Quote from SchizophrenicMC »
    Quote from rgia »
    i appreciate the idea, but it would ruin the awesome simplicity that is minecraft

    And Boss Mobs are simple? The game isn't simplicity, the game is creativity. It achieves creativity through relative simplicity; that is, it imposes minimal rules upon the player, allowing them to craft to their hearts' content, what they have mined.

    Thus, Minecraft.

    I absolutely agree. And by adding available content, the player's creativity can be better expressed.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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