Make that four!
The youTube music loops are nearing their end! D=
Sadness. Well, time to go. Goodnight forums!
EDIT: Just realized what endless YouTube entails. **facepalm**
Still leaving.
I don't even feel comfortable labeling myself as an "atheist", because people tend to draw all sorts of nasty conclusions.
My system of morals and beliefs boils down to this: Don't **** with other people's happiness. Everything else is irrelevant.
I've struggled with the question of morals for a long time. What is the ultimate conclusion of good morals? That everyone is perfectly happy? How would life then be interesting? Anyway, I've come to the conclusion that morals are illogical for the individual, but beneficial to society as a whole. In fact, that's a point for organized religion... stopping now, I'm babbling, and I'm about to go off on a further tangent. Apologies.
On the subject of theists:
So, god exists. Let's assume that. God created the universe and dictates what goes on within it. In that case, he is one SICK ****ING SON OF A *****. Why are there wars? Why do people have conflicts over misunderstanding? Why does this god not reveal itself to the entirety of humanity? Looking at these questions and assuming this god exists, why would anyone worship this being? It appears to enjoy the suffering of sentient beings. Some might argue: "Well, it's purgatory, god is just trying to separate the good from the bad." Why? It's omnipotent, a god, why didn't it just make all of humanity good? Some might say: "You must worship it, it's more powerful than you and may do as it feels." Sorry that's not working for me. My personality is not one that I submit to injustice or oppression, no matter how powerful.
Of course, all this assumes there even is a god. Which there is virtually no evidence to confirm or deny. Human-kind is a devious bunch, we have to keep that in mind. So, it follows that it's reasonably likely that all gods were made up by some clever human in the past, be it fueled by misunderstanding, personal gain, trying to make humanity better, et. cetera.
So, in the end I really have no reason to worship a god. Even if I knew at least one existed, I would not worship it. Thus I am an atheist, or an anti-theist if you choose to believe.
I apologize that I didn't cover my beliefs on non-theistic religions. Maybe later.
If humanity was all good, all the time, it wouldn't be humanity. We are given free will. We have choices. We can choose to be good, we can choose to be bad. These choices are put forth by God, and if he didn't give them, it would be even more cruel, because if we were perfect and the world around us wasn't (it obviously isn't), how could we be satisfied?
Think of God as a parent. Parents don't do absolutely everything for children, especially when children are less than "perfect." Why? Not because the parent is cruel or sadistic and likes to see their little children struggle along and suffer, but because the children will learn this way. They don't become good people through babying, but rather through pain. Pain leads to happiness and virtue. :ohmy.gif:
Also: theism is an arational belief. It is neither supported nor disproved.
You must have missed this: A god is omnipotent. I assume "your god" create everything, correct? That's the typical belief. Why did this god even create humanity? For its entertainment? That suggests a being that I just don't like, something that cares not about humans, but rather how interesting humanity might be, which does not necessarily mean it wants the best for humanity.
As for theism being a logical belief, why? I don't see you giving any proof.
Believing in something that isn't supported isn't rational. It's what some call faith, a very illogical human affliction, which is sometimes appropriate, though not in this case, as you're putting faith into an imaginary being.
Hells yes sir or madame. You are truly classy.
On another note:
I will not share my sexual preferences on the internet. No matter what. That is one tenet I hold. xD
we're not gonna meet each other on the streets. Internet = Near complete anonimity :biggrin.gif:
I care less about anonymity, more about separating my porn and my intellectual fun interests. =D
Hells yes sir or madame. You are truly classy.
On another note:
I will not share my sexual preferences on the internet. No matter what. That is one tenet I hold. xD
On the subject of theists:
So, god exists. Let's assume that. God created the universe and dictates what goes on within it. In that case, he is one SICK ****ING SON OF A *****. Why are there wars? Why do people have conflicts over misunderstanding? Why does this god not reveal itself to the entirety of humanity? Looking at these questions and assuming this god exists, why would anyone worship this being? It appears to enjoy the suffering of sentient beings. Some might argue: "Well, it's purgatory, god is just trying to separate the good from the bad." Why? It's omnipotent, a god, why didn't it just make all of humanity good? Some might say: "You must worship it, it's more powerful than you and may do as it feels." Sorry that's not working for me. My personality is not one that I submit to injustice or oppression, no matter how powerful.
Of course, all this assumes there even is a god. Which there is virtually no evidence to confirm or deny. Human-kind is a devious bunch, we have to keep that in mind. So, it follows that it's reasonably likely that all gods were made up by some clever human in the past, be it fueled by misunderstanding, personal gain, trying to make humanity better, et. cetera.
So, in the end I really have no reason to worship a god. Even if I knew at least one existed, I would not worship it. Thus I am an atheist, or an anti-theist if you choose to believe.
I apologize that I didn't cover my beliefs on non-theistic religions. Maybe later.
Listen now:
Part of the point of survival is that it's hard. It's not like creative mode. Therefore your player cannot breath underwater. Now people seem to have a problem with this. Understandable, never having the experience of mining at the bottom of the ocean is hard for me too. However, just because you can't do something in survival, doesn't mean that we need a quick and easy craftable fix for it. I realize minecraft isn't realistic, but REALLY? Putting a metal can on your head allowing breathing underwater? It just seems so... inelagant. There are otehr ways to accomplish a task. Why not make a structure to the bottom o fthe ocean and slowly drain water from it? That could be a cool construction. "sub-aqeous ocean mine tower". I like it already. All I'm saying is, the most obvious or easiest solution to a "prblem" isn't the best one.
I don't get most of the jokes on these forums. Wait is this a joke?
Not a joke. Just an inarticulate poster. I assume he means that the current mentality of the community is unsuited towards a structured and successful launch of SMP. It's a little late for that. xD
Anyway, it's BS, the community will never be ready for a completely successful launch of SMP, so why put it off? Again, xD.
Peri, I've educated myself on government. Nonetheless, I believe the Word of God supersedes that of Man.
And man made god, have fun with that.
As for abortion, it's been said:
A fetus is without what we think of as sapience. Therefore it is not a "person" and "murder" does not apply.
If you were to try and say that a fetus is a person, then where is the definitive line in pre-natal development that marks a "person"? When a zygote is formed? If so, that means that many billions of people die everyday, because many many zygotes are formed and destroyed in the act of m/f sexual intercourse.
As for those who argue that all life should be preserved at any cost (some people have tried that on me), hypocrites all.
oh ****.
Also, that sounds slightly disgusting.
Also, sorry I read your last post wrong.
It can be entertaining, but for the most part when dealing with people.... it's just depressing.
Make that four!
The youTube music loops are nearing their end! D=
Sadness. Well, time to go. Goodnight forums!
EDIT: Just realized what endless YouTube entails. **facepalm**
Still leaving.
I've struggled with the question of morals for a long time. What is the ultimate conclusion of good morals? That everyone is perfectly happy? How would life then be interesting? Anyway, I've come to the conclusion that morals are illogical for the individual, but beneficial to society as a whole. In fact, that's a point for organized religion... stopping now, I'm babbling, and I'm about to go off on a further tangent. Apologies.
You must have missed this: A god is omnipotent. I assume "your god" create everything, correct? That's the typical belief. Why did this god even create humanity? For its entertainment? That suggests a being that I just don't like, something that cares not about humans, but rather how interesting humanity might be, which does not necessarily mean it wants the best for humanity.
As for theism being a logical belief, why? I don't see you giving any proof.
Believing in something that isn't supported isn't rational. It's what some call faith, a very illogical human affliction, which is sometimes appropriate, though not in this case, as you're putting faith into an imaginary being.
Normal? Normal is weird. Weird is normal.
I care less about anonymity, more about separating my porn and my intellectual fun interests. =D
Hells yes sir or madame. You are truly classy.
On another note:
I will not share my sexual preferences on the internet. No matter what. That is one tenet I hold. xD
So, god exists. Let's assume that. God created the universe and dictates what goes on within it. In that case, he is one SICK ****ING SON OF A *****. Why are there wars? Why do people have conflicts over misunderstanding? Why does this god not reveal itself to the entirety of humanity? Looking at these questions and assuming this god exists, why would anyone worship this being? It appears to enjoy the suffering of sentient beings. Some might argue: "Well, it's purgatory, god is just trying to separate the good from the bad." Why? It's omnipotent, a god, why didn't it just make all of humanity good? Some might say: "You must worship it, it's more powerful than you and may do as it feels." Sorry that's not working for me. My personality is not one that I submit to injustice or oppression, no matter how powerful.
Of course, all this assumes there even is a god. Which there is virtually no evidence to confirm or deny. Human-kind is a devious bunch, we have to keep that in mind. So, it follows that it's reasonably likely that all gods were made up by some clever human in the past, be it fueled by misunderstanding, personal gain, trying to make humanity better, et. cetera.
So, in the end I really have no reason to worship a god. Even if I knew at least one existed, I would not worship it. Thus I am an atheist, or an anti-theist if you choose to believe.
I apologize that I didn't cover my beliefs on non-theistic religions. Maybe later.
Part of the point of survival is that it's hard. It's not like creative mode. Therefore your player cannot breath underwater. Now people seem to have a problem with this. Understandable, never having the experience of mining at the bottom of the ocean is hard for me too. However, just because you can't do something in survival, doesn't mean that we need a quick and easy craftable fix for it. I realize minecraft isn't realistic, but REALLY? Putting a metal can on your head allowing breathing underwater? It just seems so... inelagant. There are otehr ways to accomplish a task. Why not make a structure to the bottom o fthe ocean and slowly drain water from it? That could be a cool construction. "sub-aqeous ocean mine tower". I like it already. All I'm saying is, the most obvious or easiest solution to a "prblem" isn't the best one.
Not a joke. Just an inarticulate poster. I assume he means that the current mentality of the community is unsuited towards a structured and successful launch of SMP. It's a little late for that. xD
Anyway, it's BS, the community will never be ready for a completely successful launch of SMP, so why put it off? Again, xD.
As for abortion, it's been said:
A fetus is without what we think of as sapience. Therefore it is not a "person" and "murder" does not apply.
If you were to try and say that a fetus is a person, then where is the definitive line in pre-natal development that marks a "person"? When a zygote is formed? If so, that means that many billions of people die everyday, because many many zygotes are formed and destroyed in the act of m/f sexual intercourse.
As for those who argue that all life should be preserved at any cost (some people have tried that on me), hypocrites all.