I'm sorry that I have to tell you hardworking souls this, but, you WILL have to cancel what you're working on and update all the mods you want working coming with beta if you want your mods to still be active.
I really didn't expect it to happen, I thought it was just server side updates.
(Thanks for not being mad =] )
Who are you, and why are you being all bossy?
It seems like you're just upset about all your mods not working with Beta.
I like the idea, bu the icons are just horrid. They don't even have smooth edges, much less match the style of the game.
Disclaimer: 16x16 icons are crappy at the moment. I'm not a painter, so I have to wait until someone who's better with pixel art will make something nice. I'll update the mod once I get better icons. 64x64 icons are better (see them above), but still quite lame. Again, if you can do better - please do. Otherwise, don't bug me.
Thats right from the post.
Have a good day.
You should put a message in the topic title asking for a texture artist or something, then.
I'd like this too, as long as there are plenty of columns and thing, sorta like the Nether. Heck, you could even put mob villages and some sort of fancy new dungeon down there.
This is a question to all those who've explored dozens of worlds, how big are the average landmasses? I decided to sail around my continent before I built on it because I wanted to see its size and how big I could build a city, about three real-time hours later I came up with the answer of pretty damn big. So how big are they usually? I haven't even sailed around mine yet because I ended up on the exact opposite side of where I started, so my ocean is either a GIANT lake or continents are really, really big.
There are no continents. Odds are you're just sailing down a river or something.
[unnamed]: Kill X creepers before they can explode [OR] Take less then 2 hearts (unarmored) damage from X creeper explosions. (Easy doesn't count, since they can't cancel their kaboom?)
Reward: Drop a block of lit TNT on death to hostile non-creeper mobs [OR] explode on death [OR] spawn a friendly creeper on death to hostile non-creeper mobs who will seek out enemy mobs (with preference to whoever killed the player?)
Also, what's an adaptation? The OP is rather confusing.
I might try making a building if I'm not too lazy.
Well, either that, a crash, or one biome every square meter.
Uh, chests don't burn :tongue.gif:
Who are you, and why are you being all bossy?
It seems like you're just upset about all your mods not working with Beta.
You should put a message in the topic title asking for a texture artist or something, then.
I once made a massive tower base; the bottom, smaller floor was for storage, smelting, etc., the larger upper floor and roof were for my laboratory.
There are no continents. Odds are you're just sailing down a river or something.
[unnamed]: Kill X creepers before they can explode [OR] Take less then 2 hearts (unarmored) damage from X creeper explosions. (Easy doesn't count, since they can't cancel their kaboom?)
Reward: Drop a block of lit TNT on death to hostile non-creeper mobs [OR] explode on death [OR] spawn a friendly creeper on death to hostile non-creeper mobs who will seek out enemy mobs (with preference to whoever killed the player?)
Also, what's an adaptation? The OP is rather confusing.
Notch should really be more aware of major bugs like this one, the community shouldn't have to do it for him.
However, mod isn't an acronym, it's short for modification. It should say mod, not MOD.