Good point, but they'll probably relight themselves when you place them. (otherwise, you'll have to wait until you can find and smelt iron ore before even getting a light source, which is insanely idiotic.
Seems like a simple yet doable suggestion, that would add some enjoyment to the game.
Though the resource-gathering thing would be hard to do, it would be nice if they gathered up stuff and put it the chests. Also, the caves shouldn't be lit because it would make it to easy to get torches early on.
Wow, that's great. It might be too big, though, since these guys have to fit into caves and whatnot.
Also, dragons should fly out to raid the player's fortress and steal their gold and diamonds and whatnot. It's a nice cahnge from the whole come-out-at-night thing everything uses right now.
I love this idea. However, I do think you shouldn't be able to go any higher than a stone pick, and also that the sling is a bit overpowered, because arrows are meant to be hard to come by. Gravel isn't.
I love the idea of being able to craft a rebreather or something using unique materials, but getting this stuff to make a rebreather without a rebreather would be hard, but in a good way. Maybe you have to make basic, simple scuba gear to ge tto it...?
I like this idea. The only problem is that lava is only very low on maps, and water is not. Unless there are like volcanos or something, which also is a great idea, but would be hard to implement.
Now, I know seasons have already been suggested, and I for one will be disappointed if they don't make it in. This thread is specifically for seasonal mobs, but also other stuff.
The core idea here is to make the game (mostly survival) become more challenging as time goes by, but also to allow for regular dips and increases in the amount of mobs and other challenges as time goes by. These are my ideas:
Fall Zombies: As fall approaches, zombies become more numerous and aggressive. They will actively seek out the player, and lay seige to his fortress; breaking down doors, crawling through windows, maybe even trying to break down weak (ie wood or stone walls with windows). They might also bash up the player's stuff; tear up minecart tracks; knock over carts and furnaces and storages boxes and things, spilling their contents; tearing up paintings and bookshelves; etc. This could reach a climax at a decided "Halloween" date, perhaps a full moon (even though Minecraft has no moon stages) or a solar eclipse (even though that makes no sense with perfect day/night cycles).
Winter Camo Mobs: Winter versions of existing or new mobs; white spiders and creepers that blend in with the snow, for instance. There could also be frozen zombies and mobs, who are immune to fire or something. (only really practical if we get workable fire arrows somehow) Another idea would be ice monsters, who are big and powerful, but shatter with the right weapons and melt easily.
Spring Flood Mobs: Now, an obvious idea is disasters like floods, which would, for instance, ruin bookshelves and storage crates, leaving debris floating everywhere. Now, imagine the player wakes up to find their castle and underground mines are flooded. They work their way to the surface, salvaging what they can and trying to seal off certain areas while the water level rises. Then they realize there's something in the water...
Spring Abundance: Most mobs are more numerous in spring. The player might come across a nest of baby spiders or creepers in a cave, or find ocean mobs stranded in inland lakes in ponds after the flooding. There would be less zombies and skeletons, but more of other types of mobs.
Other things: There are plenty of other things that are obvious; most water-borne mobs are gone in winter, cows and pigs and chickens become zombies on "Halloween," etc.
And... that's all I have so far. Further suggestions and feedback are welcome.
Also, underwater lanterns sound awesome, as do victorian-era diving helmets and outfits, which fit in with the theme.
Though the resource-gathering thing would be hard to do, it would be nice if they gathered up stuff and put it the chests. Also, the caves shouldn't be lit because it would make it to easy to get torches early on.
Also, dragons should fly out to raid the player's fortress and steal their gold and diamonds and whatnot. It's a nice cahnge from the whole come-out-at-night thing everything uses right now.
The core idea here is to make the game (mostly survival) become more challenging as time goes by, but also to allow for regular dips and increases in the amount of mobs and other challenges as time goes by. These are my ideas:
Fall Zombies: As fall approaches, zombies become more numerous and aggressive. They will actively seek out the player, and lay seige to his fortress; breaking down doors, crawling through windows, maybe even trying to break down weak (ie wood or stone walls with windows). They might also bash up the player's stuff; tear up minecart tracks; knock over carts and furnaces and storages boxes and things, spilling their contents; tearing up paintings and bookshelves; etc. This could reach a climax at a decided "Halloween" date, perhaps a full moon (even though Minecraft has no moon stages) or a solar eclipse (even though that makes no sense with perfect day/night cycles).
Winter Camo Mobs: Winter versions of existing or new mobs; white spiders and creepers that blend in with the snow, for instance. There could also be frozen zombies and mobs, who are immune to fire or something. (only really practical if we get workable fire arrows somehow) Another idea would be ice monsters, who are big and powerful, but shatter with the right weapons and melt easily.
Spring Flood Mobs: Now, an obvious idea is disasters like floods, which would, for instance, ruin bookshelves and storage crates, leaving debris floating everywhere. Now, imagine the player wakes up to find their castle and underground mines are flooded. They work their way to the surface, salvaging what they can and trying to seal off certain areas while the water level rises. Then they realize there's something in the water...
Spring Abundance: Most mobs are more numerous in spring. The player might come across a nest of baby spiders or creepers in a cave, or find ocean mobs stranded in inland lakes in ponds after the flooding. There would be less zombies and skeletons, but more of other types of mobs.
Other things: There are plenty of other things that are obvious; most water-borne mobs are gone in winter, cows and pigs and chickens become zombies on "Halloween," etc.
And... that's all I have so far. Further suggestions and feedback are welcome.