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    posted a message on 1.4.7 invintory issues?!
    That's odd. I'm using the 13w01b snapshot and my shift clicking (out of/into chests, out of crafting tables, putting on armor, etc.) is also broken. I was actually about to post a topic also. Hopefully someone knows.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Why Coal and Nether Quart blocks are needed
    For some reason, I completely forgot about charcoal. Probably because I never use it. xD

    There would need to be a charcoal block also, if there was a coal block. it could look like burned wood logs, but that wouldn't make any sense unless the way to get charcoal was actually burning wood, without a furnace.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Why Coal and Nether Quart blocks are needed
    I agree a coal block would be useful. The thing is, Diamonds, Gold, Emeralds, Iron, and to a certain extent Lapis Lazuli are all gems or metals. Coal, to my knowledge, is a rock- so I don't think it'd be very fitting. A Nether Quartz block, on the other hand, could be very nice.

    And it disappoints me that nobody mentioned slime blocks. D:
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Firework Racks and String Fuses
    So I'm sure string fuses have been suggested since we've been able to place string for tripwire-but with the new snapshot introducing us to fireworks for the next update, it had me thinking. What f I wanted to have a large scale fireworks show? I understand you can launch them out of dispensers with a redstone signal- but dispensers are cumbersome and can only launch one firework at a time, and if you want a show to last, say, 2 minutes, it will require an excessive amount of repeaters. This is why I'm suggesting firework racks.


    (These are simply visuals to get an idea of what I'm talking about. It would be amazing if someone could make a model)

    Firework racks would have a GUI similar to dispensers, but with only six inventory slots. They'd be crafted like this:

    :wood: :wood:
    :wood: :wood: :wood:
    :|: :|:

    (Like a boat in the top six slots, with two sticks in the bottom corners. Sorry about the formatting of that. I couldn't get it straight. Of course any wood type wood work.)

    They would be transparent blocks, with the height of an enchanting table and not a full block in wideness, probably using the oak wood texture. It's placed based on direction, similar to a lever.

    To make use of a firework rack, place string next to it in any direction, and it appears to connect. Lead the string as far as you would like, similarly to laying down a redstone wire, and when you're ready for a show, light the end of the string with a flint and steel. It takes each piece of string 3 "repeater ticks" to burn until moving to the next piece of sting. (String will have new functionality similar to redstone. It will connect with another piece of sting one block higher like redstone.) when the flame reaches the fireworks rack, it will luanch up to six fireworks, depending on how many slots in it have fireworks. To use again, load it with more fireworks, and set up another string. The six fireworks shot will be shot in a fanned orientation, demonstrated by the first picture. Oh, and the string on fire wouldn't have the normal fire animation, it would be a particle effect of the end that's not connected to another string on fire the size of a torch's.

    To set up a chain of firework racks, they can be placed directly next to each other, but with a small delay.. You can also branch more string off of the original string, to make racks go off at the same time. It's the domino effect, really.

    Now, tripwire fuses open a door for igniting TNT. Set up a string trail as you would with redstone but instead of a lever or pressure plate, use a flint and steel.

    TL;DR: Firework racks are specialized dispensers for fireworks. They can launch six at a time. Use string like a fuse. This also applies to TNT.

    Thank you for reading my long suggestion. I'm open to changing parts of it to balance and or make it better for everyone.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Change on dungeon loot?
    Quote from Sen4lifE

    You do realize that the wiki page only reflects data PRIOR to 12w36a, not after the loot change.

    As of when this was posted there was no 12w36a- it was not until 12 days later the snapshot was released. And he mentioned he was using a mod that may have changed it. What exactly was the point of bringing this back after a conclusion was made?

    EDIT: And no matter what, he said he was playing on 1.3.2, not a snapshot.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Rotatable(horizontal) fences?
    And how do you expect to place them? If it's anything like logs, then you have to be above or below them to place them regularly. You can't jump onto fences without placing another block, causing more work. And fences are fences, they shouldn't just be optimized for decorative purposes; most people use them practically. It's Minecraft, things are only going to look as good as they can within their shape limits. And yes, I do support sideways logs. But this is a terrible idea.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Strongholds suck
    Basd loot in Stronghold chests? Diamonds, Ender Pearls, and Iron armor, Golden Apples, among other things, are bad?
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on dead creeper statue gory
    Thatsssss... Nice I suppose.
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on Anyone know of this mod?
    Just switch to creative, give yourself some stacks, then switch back. (/gamemode)
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on -Issue Resolved- (Do not post, please)
    Is it so hard to just kill the occasional slime?
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Why do people do drugs?
    Quote from Govna

    Because they're stupid.

    Steve Jobs did marijuana and LSD for a few years in high school/college.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on How To Handle A Bullying Situation?
    Buy some marijuana at you're local dark alley and put it in his locker.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Mods
    Quote from Epicness1324


    Yogbox and technic are over complicated mods.

    Exactly. They don't fit Minecraft.

    I agree, popular and small mods should be added. Like the cobblestone walls.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Do you like/love/hate school?
    Quote from Whatusay2

    I like learning things, but I don't like sitting in a classroom with a bunch of sweaty people then moving into another room with more sweaty people to learn things, then the occasional assembly where hundreds of sweaty kids are gathered. I still like learning though. Not to mention the people.

    Reading that made my OCD a bit worse. Ewww.

    I don't particularly like school, but this year I may change, being high school and all.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on 12w34b: The wither WILL most likely be the boss for the nether dimension.
    Just thought I'd mention this: Everyone keeps saying the Wither is stronger than the Enderdragon. It's n.ot. It has more health, but it's much easier to kill and takes less time to do so. It's nowhere near harder. With the Enderdragon you have to shoot all of the crystals, then you must constantly shoot/hit the dragon every time he flies by. That takes a good amount of time, and while technically hard, you still have your Enderman friends to deal with. Now since we don't know where the Wither is, we don't know the surroundings we'll have to deal with or the mobs around it.

    Back on topic, I really don't think the Wither fits in the Nether. The Nether makes me think of fiery Hell, but the Wither just has that creepy death thing going on. And based on how it's executed, it could make the Nether even more of an annoyance than it already is.

    The one idea I do like was said by BC_Programming, about having to build a shrine/statue to summon it. It'd have to be an expensive block, possibly something like obsidian and something to bring it to life.
    Posted in: Future Updates
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