- Pugin94
- Registered Member
Member for 11 years, 8 months, and 10 days
Last active Fri, Aug, 5 2016 00:42:40
- 648 Total Posts
- 82 Thanks
May 15, 2014Pugin94 posted a message on Snapshot 14w20b Ready for Tesla!I have to say, I am really loving the new /title command!Posted in: News
Mar 14, 2014Pugin94 posted a message on Snapshot 14w11b Ready for TestingDinnerbone has stated Endermites will have NEW MODELS in the next snapshot. Or 14w14a. Which ever comes first?Posted in: News
Feb 15, 2014Pugin94 posted a message on Snapshot 14w07a Ready for Testing!I REALLY love the new feature to have maps have their own resource pack. There is this guy named WolfieMario who made a resource pack with over 2000 icons in it. He explains everything in the post. Now, we can have those icons in vanilla.Posted in: News
Here is the resource pack, by the way:
WolfieMario's Icon Pack -
Jan 30, 2014Pugin94 posted a message on Snapshot 14w05a Ready for Testing!Posted in: NewsQuote from Hillhome
Not mentioned in the notes:
You can no longer place two similar items into your crafting grid or a crafting table and "combine" them to repair them. So you can no longer put two half used picks in your 2x2 grid and get a full (or nearly full) pickaxe in return. You now MUST use the anvil and spend XP to combine items in this fashion - even those without enchantments.
You could never fix items with a crafting bench...I'm pretty sure of that. -
Jan 16, 2014Pugin94 posted a message on Snapshot 14w03a Ready for Testing!Posted in: NewsQuote from TurtleTechy
This is how I used the new skin system for my skin
With all the second layers on:
With the second layers off:
I LOVE THIS because even though no one will see the undershirt when my jacket is on, I can just take it off (assuming its server side options) and pretend im getting hot
Wow. That is awesome!
Can one of you guys tell me how to put transparent background in Paint Shop Pro? Because without translucency, my headphones won't show... -
Nov 21, 2013Pugin94 posted a message on Snapshot 13w47a Ready for Testing!WHOA! In Minecraft 1.7.3 snapshot, the Mojang sign is different!Posted in: News
Oct 23, 2013Pugin94 posted a message on 1.7 Pre-Release: "The Update That Changed the World"Posted in: NewsQuote from Sourpowerpete
We don't have to appreciate what someone worked hard for. I wish they would stop adding features until they make the mod API. You also don't have to make a release for every single change you make to the game. Mojang needs to stop releasing an update every two weeks so mods can have a chance to catch up, then release the mod API when it is fully ready.
There isn't an update every few weeks, it's about every few months or so. Do you mean SNAPSHOTS? -
Oct 23, 2013Pugin94 posted a message on 1.7 Pre-Release: "The Update That Changed the World"Posted in: NewsQuote from smurfofsmurf
I have a question
The /ban command will use the player's ID instead of their name. So you can ban them no matter how much they change their name.
Quote from Gezzer51
Dude!! Mojang hasn't "given" anyone anything. We paid for it. And considering how well Mojang has done because we bought in to Minecraft before it was even a "game" Mojang should be just as appreciative of us as we are of them.
So that means we have the right to be critical.
Yeah, I guess you are right. A lot of people have different opinions. -
Oct 23, 2013Pugin94 posted a message on 1.7 Pre-Release: "The Update That Changed the World"Posted in: NewsQuote from FutureNyanCat
Yeah! We made it to the pre-release! I'm so excited for Minecraft 1.7!
Go mojang go! Do it!
Also Pugin, don't mind cindy44lo, he's just being stupid...
Yeaaaaaaaah I can agree with you on that one. -
Oct 22, 2013Pugin94 posted a message on 1.7 Pre-Release: "The Update That Changed the World"Posted in: NewsQuote from cindy44lo
Well lets see, where to start. Now keep in mind I am taking all this in as a server owner of a modded server and a vanilla server owner.
Amplified: well MC runs terribly right now so lets make a mode that requires a super-computer! Pretty bad when your PC gets better FPS in BF3 than it does a voxel based game.
Less ocean: hardly ever found any anyway.
New wood colors,stained glass,and new flowers!: Seriously? New flowers? How about a quarry? stained glass and new wood types, totally not a ripoff of BOP and galacticraft or anything.
Fishing: really just really............ Try adding some actual features........ Anybody remember the days of when they added things like pistons? Yea well now they add flowers and wood colors.
Maps less lag: meaning the same or more right? last time I heard that it got worse.
Somebody doesn't appreciate all the HARD WORK AND SWEAT MOJANG HAS PUT INTO THIS UPDATE!!!!!!!!
How about instead of being a jerk to Mojang, you appreciate what Mojang has given you. -
Oct 22, 2013Pugin94 posted a message on 1.7 Pre-Release: "The Update That Changed the World"Posted in: NewsQuote from Arod529
Yes, I'm so freaking sick and tired of them claiming that there is less lag/better performance ect. It is all LIES. Most notably in chunk updates are completely broken.
The lag decrease is in effect for only SOME COMPUTERS!
Oh yeah, and I am lovin' it! -
Oct 22, 2013Pugin94 posted a message on 1.7 Pre-Release: "The Update That Changed the World"Posted in: NewsQuote from RobertFrans
Finally, the new trees are complete! With beautiful new wood. And maybe I'm seeing it wrong, but I have the idea that the stained glass is also a little bit more bright. Minecraft 1.7 is now not far away anymore... I hope. Then we will also finally know what those secret settings really are.
Dude...You are way behind in snapshots. The secret settings are shaders. You click on the button, and it turns on a random shader.
Turn on snapshots in the Edit Profile button, and then choose "snapshot 1.7". -
Oct 22, 2013Pugin94 posted a message on 1.7 Pre-Release: "The Update That Changed the World"I looked on Mojang.com! 1.7 is coming out THIS FRIDAY!...If the snapshot doesn't have bugs.Posted in: News
Oct 21, 2013Pugin94 posted a message on Snapshot 13w43a is...Wait, What?Posted in: NewsQuote from sampeng2
I'm hoping they will eventually implement a use for cauldrons like for cooking and such.
Yeah, you are right. We need more USES for cauldrons. - To post a comment, please login.
This is super impressive. Not only are the textures amazing, but you were determined to do one every single well as WELL as make a full album?
This man deserves an award.
The armour stand is a very nice addition, as this is a feature I, and probably many other people, have wanted for a while. There are three variations; Normal, Small, and Armed. Most of you might already know that the armour stand is actually a living entity. By this, I mean that it is not a block entity, so you can not use /setblock to summon it. In order to summon an armour stand, you need to use the /summon command, like with creepers or skeletons.
The problem I have is that I have no clue on how to summon the armour stand rotated. If you summon an armour stand with /summon ArmorStand, it will simply be in one rotation, and can't be changed. I wanted to know if any people here have found out how to rotate it with the /summon command.
And also, if any of you guys find out any other interesting things about armour stands, feel free to post it on this thread!
If anyone wanted to know, you can summon the Small and Armed versions of the armour stand like this:
Small: /summon ArmorStand ~ ~ ~ {Small:1}
Armed: /summon ArmorStand ~ ~ ~ {ShowArms:1}
Thanks for taking your time to read this!
Sure, go ahead! These seeds are free for anyone to use. Whether it be a forum post or on Minecraft.
Also, I haven't been active for a bit. Kinda busy with school and stuff. But I'll get back to this soon.
Here is the resource pack, by the way:
WolfieMario's Icon Pack
The Dinnerbunny...
I will add that right now.
EDIT: Give me a bit. Playing a server with some friends.
You could never fix items with a crafting bench...I'm pretty sure of that.
I mostly hope you can do this because first: I don't know how. and second: LiteLoader is causing a lot of problems.
Hopefully you can do this. Thanks for reading.
Wow. That is awesome!
Can one of you guys tell me how to put transparent background in Paint Shop Pro? Because without translucency, my headphones won't show...