Ah, I've been hoping a looooooooooooooooooooooooong time for this.
Think how it would look like when the mobs, naturally generated structures and everything is transformed into real life.
I mean, can you imagine Ender Dragon appearing in real life? Or a Wither?
Nice. 1.11 snapshots coming this year. Two major updates within a year, Mojang is making great efforts in keeping Minecraft fresh.
I've extracted the music files from the .obb of a few music games I play. The list grows to be around 200 songs, which last around 5 hours of non-stopping music so I don't get bored of listening to the same music over and over again. I update this list whenever the game updates so the playlist has been growing longer as time pass.
Nope. The weapon cooldown is 0.6 seconds long. The invulnerability frame of a mob is 0.5 seconds, so theoretically speaking for the next 5 hits (For most people that clicks around once per 0.1 sec) is not going to deal any damage even if the weapon cooldown is gone(i.e. Back in 1.8 and below). But people still refuse to take this fact in and kept on giving their false facts on this attacking mechanism which was already around as far as I know since 1.3
This thread is still alive? My goodness. After more than 3 weeks since the release of 1.9 and people are still complaining as a fact. Get used to changes, I say. People that give reasons on uncraftable Notch apples, deal with it. I've been playing Minecraft for 4 years and I have yet to craft any for consumption as the gold is better used elsewhere. People that say the attack cooldown is painful to deal with, deal with it, if it means you want to spam hit a mob 40 times to kill it, the decision is up to you. Your other solution is to modify the attack speed attribute of the weapon to some number (Can't remember how much) which will take you back to the old combat system. Either way, it does not change the fact of the invulnerability frame of 0.5 seconds posed by the natural game logarithm. I admit I was at lost when I first used the 1.9 snapshots and found out the mobs takes an exceeding amount of hits to kill, then I figured out myself something is done on the weapon cool down, and now I'm suited to the combat system in 1.9. Nor will I deny the fact on the painful process that it takes to gather the materials for the Ender Dragon re-fight. However, change is always inevitable, and I hope sometime later in this year people can appreciate the changes made in the game and start to like Minecraft again, not to stay forever in their comfort zone of "Oh, back then 1.8 when spam-clicking can easily kill anything... Now 1.9 is horrible and game breaking." Thie would not work, the community will never grow if this continues to be the case.
I did not even bother to remember the crafting recipe of the tips arrows, if you looked back at my huge wall of text you can see that I actually have no idea on the crafting recipe until Escman corrected my mistake, which forced me to check the wiki for correct information.
I can confirm to that, Tipped Arrows can now be crafted. It is 8 arrows around 1 Lingering potion. This shows I care little about the PVP aspects of the game.
I've spent the last 2 weeks looking through the previous 146 pages on this topic, and come to the conclusion: People are always complaining on features implemented, one way or another.
I found the game 4 years back, around 1.4.5 to 1.5, but before 1.5 was officially released. I knew not of any complains when 1.5 was released as I only started Minecraft not long ago then, I enjoyed myself as the new Redstone components brought many possibilities to the Minecraft Redstone system. I started my work in Minecraft as an Adventure Map Maker back then.
Then 1.6 was announced, the Horse Update, I will call it. As far as I know I remember it as an update that does nothing but to add a new mob: Horses, and other tiny things that assists you to taming and using it. I remembered back then people complained 1.6 is going to be a failure as Horses break the balance of the game. Horses, as I remember, allows one to ride over long distances, allow easier combat. I said nothing as it does not ruin anything to my Map Making experience, not do I even use Horse. People flooded the forums about this, complained everywhere in servers that I go. I don't even understand what is the fuss about back then, up to now I still have not even tamed or ride a single Horse, and never knew how to because I just couldn't be bothered about it. I don't hate it, but I find it useless in my Survival or Adventure Map Making. And that was 1.6 only, only involving a minor change. Then.....
1.7, The Update That Change The World Update. It really changed the world. People filed in complains on how the new world generation makes their Minecraft experiences more laggy, how more Biomes can result in certain rare sources to be more rare (e.g: Snow). I personally find that was the best update I have been through, more biomes that made the Minecraft World more realistic, the generation of certain biomes still remains as my favourite (Ice Plains Spikes). I have a moderately well computer for Minecraft, and I only experienced lag in Jungle biomes, so I find the people's arguments invalid. Fishing has a new function, which encouraged me to do more fishing now. The 1.7 update also included the HealF tag, with many other NBT tags that improved my ability to create Adventure Maps. I started to appreciate more of the blocks given as well to decorate the Map, and I just cannot understand why people hated that update. Luckily, things started to go downhill after 1.7, that is when...
1.8, The Bountiful Update. The same argument was poured in for 1.8 from 1.7, and I have to agree to them for the argument. My computer became so laggy that it reaches the point where if I load any world, frame rates constantly hovers below 10, when I used to enjoy around 20 frame rates. Jungle became an inaccessible point to me as the entire game lags so heavily it becomes a slideshow. I waited 3 months in 1.7 for Optifine so I can enjoy 1.8 at the old frame rate. There was also arguments on the Ocean Monument back then, saying how the Guardians are OP, the Elder Guardians are stupid for Mining Fatigue, the rewards for conquering it was too low, etc.. I find those invalid, again. Ocean Monuments are supposed to be difficult, yes, but it is not impossible to protect yourself from the Guardians. Get yourself Depth Srtider 3 boots and you will eliminate the effect of water, bring 3 potion of Water Breathing and Night Vision for survival, 1 torch in case you run out of Water Breathing, use Boats to reach the middle of the Monument and you can safely enter the Monument with minimal attacks from the Guardians. Ignore Mining Fatigue and just find the Elder Guardians, kill them off and you're done. As for the rewards, clear out the Monument and partition it from the Ocean, and you have a guardian farm which generate drops for those beautiful Prismarine Blocks and Sea Lanterns! Those Guardians are pretty nifty to use them in Adventure Maps as well! I cannot figure out why do they hate 1.8 so much then.
And now, 1.9, The Combat Update. Before you start throwing me your arguments again, let me state my stand first. I know that the previous update focused on adding new things, not a complete rewrite in the core of the game's function. But I must state this: No matter what change they make, you will complain it in a way or another. This is a trend I observe from the past 3 major updates. I know that this update has caused the spam-clicking (straff-clicking or clicking many times or high CPS is the same thing, they= Spam clicking = Clicking over and over again.) to be removed, but as many previously said, there is the existence of the invulnerability frame of 0.5 sec, which is nearly equal to weapon cooldown of 0.6 sec. Spam clicking (I know, but I will use the term Spam Clicking for simplicity sake) does not help in anyway to increase your damage output. It only frustrates you even further as you find after so many clicks the target is still alive. Introducing this weapon cooldown is supposed to stop this, and to prevent your muscles from being damaged by clicking too much. Then what about PvE, you ask? What about a group of mobs is about to slaughter you? I will say this: Sword sweeping is input there for a reason. It gives you a minor knockback for so time for you to prepare. Creepers can also be a saviour in these situations. Also, do not forget the Knockback Enchantment, which I daresay many forgot it even exist. Skeletons, I agree, they are more of a nuisance, but there is the Shield. I used the Shield to save myself when I encountered a skeleton spawner once. I got away unharmed, and those bag of bones "practised" their aiming on their fellow friends. On the topic of tipped arrows, they are uncraftable. Stop saying Infinity bow + Tipped Arrows = God. A shield can also get rid of them anyway. On the topic of The End, I find it underwhelming. The whole Ender Dragon fight was reworked, a good job, but with only a few new things for such a reward is just to underwhelming, Chorus fruit and Flowers are fine, Elytra is just ok, but only these? I say that need to insert more things into The End.
So what is my point? My point is: People always find ways to complain on topics, but they forgot the real End in mind: To have a good game. Why did Minecraft get to so far was the part on adding new Mechanics and items to keep players interested. I would not deny the fact that Mods helped as well, but people tend to forget how this game kept its' reputation as a Sandbox game. If the things changes, then don't complain, find a way to work around it! That is the motive of a Sandbox game.
On a side note, I got a better computer now, so I'm unsure 1.9 causes lower performance on low end computers now.
Some strange habits I have....
1) Hotbar MUST be organized in this manner (From left to right):
-Bucket (Or Water Buckets)
-Crafting Table
2) When I go mining, I ALWAYS avoid mining the three new stone types introduced in 1.8 (Andesite and the other 2), if I have to dig a 30 block long hallway to go around it I will do it.
3) My house is never a house. If you see chests, Crafting table and Furnaces lying around with few brewing stands and other crops in my world or server, that is my house.
4) I never settle down anywhere (i.e. No house is made) until I find a place that meets these requirements:
- It must be a cold biome or somewhere that it snows and water can freeze into ice.
- It must be near an Ocean Monument.
- It must NOT have Jungle or Roofed Forest connected to the biome.
5) Any ore that I see must be mined. Even if I have my inventory full of Coal Blocks I'm going to mine that chunk of Coal Ore.
6) Nothing is to be left on the ground. Even the most useless stuff gets picked up. (Which soon ends up in the cactus or lava.)
There is probably a longer list but I seem to do these every time.
Fear, spawns anywhere underground below layer 20 and light level >7. Gives you blindness when its near you, and summons all hostile mobs in.
Mechinary, spawns only in Mesa biome and light level >7. High health and high attack strength,
Ghoul, spawns only in Jungle biomes, light level >7. You can't even see them, but if you're clever enough you can identify where there are.
Creator.(You won't want to spawn this) You need to gather all the blocks created in all Dimensions to create this Boss. After placing the spawn block. The whole world will grow dark, the Creator will fly from the sky to the ground, then start stamping on you, flying mobs(not including Wither and Ender Dragon) will spawn as well. After 1/3 of its health is down, ground mobs will spawn under his feet. When it is left with 1/3 of its health, it spawn ALL mobs. Even mobs that have special potion effects will spawn.