This seed spawns you in a savannah with a village in it. It comes with nearby lava pools, a river, and large desert biomes. 1.8 only. Set to large biomes.
Hope you enjoy it. Sorry I can't provide screenshots.
I'd look into it, but it doesn't fit the kind of mods I make. The problem I see is that it would look alot cooler with the eyes on your skin, but I have no idea how to edit a file like that with a certain change, dynamically even more challenging. Also, doesn't it seem a little overpowered? Of course this is why mods are optional, but just saying...
Then instead of starting out with them, maybe you could use the Auto Eye Surgeon to get the eyes. How does that sound, Repixel?
This mod adds a gamemode where you only have a year to live (as in, 365 MC days). If you die, you lose your world, like in Hardcore mode. Except it's on a difficulty of Easy. After the 365th day, things happen. First, mobs stop burning in daylight. The next day, ghast balls start falling from the sky. On the 3rd day of the apocalypse, ghast balls AND primed TNT will fall from the sky. The next day (before I go on, I should mention that each sunrise, the effects of the day before stop), wood starts disappearing randomly. On day 5, your pets start dying, and wolves and ocelots will attack you on sight. The next day, notes saying "the end is near" will randomly pop up in your inventory and your chests, and really creepy messages will come up in the text. On the 7th day, you get teleported to a gigantic, 500x500x500 obsidian box with ten ender dragons and hostile mobs of all kinds. If you die before the 7th day of the apocalypse, it'll be just like in Hardcore mode. But if you die fighting, in that large obsidian box, the screen will slowly fade into blackness, and then you'll see fragments of your Minecraft adventure (and how you handled the apocalypse) like flashbacks. After you see your death, the screen will fade into blackness again. Then the blackness will fade away and you'll be back at the title screen, ready for a new adventure.
That's all this mod has to offer. If you have questions, comments, or ideas, please post them. Also, if you think you can make this mod, don't hesitate in doing so. Side note, please leave some ideas for what the creepy messages from the 6th day of the apocalypse could be. Thanks!
The eye colors are not going to be rendered on the skin so if you want to see what eye color you have equipped I think there will be a /eyecolor command.
Or, your GUI could take on the color of the eyes you have equipped.
Glad you like it, friend
Hope you enjoy it. Sorry I can't provide screenshots.
Sorry I can't provide any screenshots.
1) add stuff for fancier beds
2) make it so that the freezer can turn spider eyes into something
3) try and add mirrors for the bathroom
Then instead of starting out with them, maybe you could use the Auto Eye Surgeon to get the eyes. How does that sound, Repixel?
Also, I came up with more possible eye colors:
Dark blue: able to toggle water breathing
Orange: able to toggle fire protection
Red: able to toggle regeneration
That's all this mod has to offer. If you have questions, comments, or ideas, please post them. Also, if you think you can make this mod, don't hesitate in doing so. Side note, please leave some ideas for what the creepy messages from the 6th day of the apocalypse could be. Thanks!
Or, your GUI could take on the color of the eyes you have equipped.
Exactly what I meant by teleporting.
Did you go to check content? That's what I use.
Also, I need more details. Like, how do you find said moongates? Do you make them yourself? Or do they spawn naturally?