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    posted a message on Dragon Mounts r46 [WIP]
    199 pages! wasn't it like just last year it was 99 pages?
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [WIP] [1.5.2] [SMP] [FORGE]The Shur'tugal Mod- Mod Discontinued, Source Code Released
    -What Position are you applying for?: tester (if you want one)
    -Examples of past work relating to position. : played with dragon mounts mod and reported bugs when i found them.
    -Do you have Dropbox? Skype?: i have Skype
    -How often will you be available to work on the mod?: arfter school
    -Have you read the books? This is VITAL for a modeler/texturer!: no soz
    -What other skills do you have that would be valuable to the team?: im friendly and willing to help where i can
    In addition, banners to help advertise the project would be appreciated if you would like to make one!: i can give it a go. :)
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Dragon Mounts r46 [WIP]
    Quote from The_Jster

    Yes, and the dragon is already very strong. Especially since the suffocation damage has been removed, armor is basicly useless.

    the armor is to look cool :)
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Dragon Mounts r46 [WIP]
    Quote from BarracudaATA

    In real life, a creature of that size would be anything but a good flyer, probably not even a flyer at all. It's against the laws of aerodynamics and physiology. They're just too large, too heavy and by far not aerodynamic enough, at least for most "classic" dragon designs. Even if their wings are actually large enough to hold their weight, they still would be gliders at most (gliding lizards actually exist, btw.). All you can do is to just make them look believable and ignore some laws here and there.

    dont bag out dragons. thay can fiy and are good at flying. ok! do not ever bag out dragons!!!!!!! :angry:
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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