Accepted, I hope you succeed at running Moscow. There will be Drugs and stuff though so beware because Moscow is going to be kinda like massive suberbs. Also we are using Google Earth to look at Moscow and re-create it as accurate as possible.
Are you active on the forums: Very much so! Why do you want to be the leader of this faction?: Well, for two main reasons. I love Fallout. I've played every game. Even 1 and 2. Although, I think Fallout 3 is the best Fallout made to date. I really like history too. I also know alot about the actual city of Moscow, so I could make sure everything in the city is accurate. I know this sounds stupid, but I think it does matter that post-apocalyptic Moscow looks something like the actual Moscow. I will be very active on the server, making sure the faction is ok. I can build, and handle other issues within the server. I think I'd be the best leader of Moscow because of these reasons. Thanks!
Have You Read All The Rules?: Yes, I have read everything posted.
Why Us?: Well, this server seems to combine my my two favorite games- Minecraft and Fallout, perfectly! The server doesn't seem to big. (I hate those 1000 slot servers.) I also love roleplaying, and I think you guys would be best for that.
How Have You Found About Us?: Minecraft forums, while searching 'fallout'
RolePlaying Experiance?: A few servers, light roleplay and a heavy Rp server. This one seems like a perfect mix between the two.
In Character:
Name: Zayne Hawthorne
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Personality: Zayne is very quite and keeps to himself most of the time. Around his closest friends though, he his kind and outgoing.
Race: Human
SubRace: Citizen
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): Zayne grew up in Moscow Russia. By the time he was born the city had already went to hell. Staving people on the streets, criminals in the alleys, Moscow was not a good place for Zayne to grow up in. But, Zaynes family was different. His dad was a doctor, so Zayne always had plenty of food. At the age of 12, Zayne starting learning about medicine from his father. He became a doctor at age 22. By this story, Zayne's life seems easy. But trust me my friends, it wasn't. At the age of 14 Zaynes mother and father were almost killed. They were taken up by criminals from the East, and they wanted money in return for one of the only doctors left in Moscow. While this was going on, Zayne was left alone in the winter. He nearly died of starvation, he was nearly frozen to death when a older man by the name of Harry found him. Harry was an older man who kept to himself, when he found Zayne, he brought him home. Zayne reluctantly went with Harry, realizing if he didn't follow the old man, he'd for sure die. Harry brought Zayne back to his house, it was there he told Zayne he would be a slave. It was almost a year later, and Zayne was in worse condition now then when he was alone in the Moscow streets. He realized he'd have to break out of the slave camp owned by Mr. Harry. Zayne, being an excellent speaker rallied all the other slaves, and tried to break out. Many slaves died in the revolt. But Zayne didn't he was able to sneak out. And coincidentally, his Dad was on the street when Zayne broke free. Zaynes dad, now a smaller man, due to months of being in captivity. When he saw Zayne he ran to him, nearly crying. Zayne saw his dad and ran to him. Then, Mr. Harry ripped Zayne out of his dads arms, and tried to kill him, but before the knife even touched Zayne's throat, Zaynes father pulled out a gun and kill Harry.
A little after this, things returned to normal, Zayne started to learn about more medicine. When Zayne was 25, He moved away from home. Now Zayne serves as a doctor, since his father is to old to do it anymore. But Zayne also looks around Russia for slave camps. He vows if he ever sees one, He will liberate it.
Name: IGN: Presidentetyler Age: 15 Skype?: Yes Good mic?: Yes Are you a good builder(1-10): Yes, maybe an 8-9 What would you like to do as your journey?: Citizen in capitol at first, the luxurious life! Can you host the server and be dedicated to?: Yes, maybe not hosting, but def. dedication Want to be part of the staff?: If you think I'll be good as staff, then absolutely How mature are you?: Very, I don't like immature people. Have you read the Hunger Games or seen the movie?: Read then re-read the books and saw the movie on opening night, then again. Are you epic?: Yes!
Hey Ben, Its presidentetyler. Me and another building were spleefing and I was typing 3.2.1. go! it says I was spamming chat and banned me.. Can you unban?
Out of Character name: presidentetyler
In Character name: Zayne
Have you made a whitelist Applictaion: Yes
Was it accepted: Yes!
Are you active on the forums: Very much so!
Why do you want to be the leader of this faction?: Well, for two main reasons. I love Fallout. I've played every game. Even 1 and 2. Although, I think Fallout 3 is the best Fallout made to date. I really like history too. I also know alot about the actual city of Moscow, so I could make sure everything in the city is accurate. I know this sounds stupid, but I think it does matter that post-apocalyptic Moscow looks something like the actual Moscow. I will be very active on the server, making sure the faction is ok. I can build, and handle other issues within the server. I think I'd be the best leader of Moscow because of these reasons. Thanks!
IGN?: presidentetyler
Age: 15
Sex (Optional): Male
Have You Read All The Rules?: Yes, I have read everything posted.
Why Us?: Well, this server seems to combine my my two favorite games- Minecraft and Fallout, perfectly! The server doesn't seem to big. (I hate those 1000 slot servers.) I also love roleplaying, and I think you guys would be best for that.
How Have You Found About Us?: Minecraft forums, while searching 'fallout'
RolePlaying Experiance?: A few servers, light roleplay and a heavy Rp server. This one seems like a perfect mix between the two.
In Character:
Name: Zayne Hawthorne
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Personality: Zayne is very quite and keeps to himself most of the time. Around his closest friends though, he his kind and outgoing.
Race: Human
SubRace: Citizen
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): Zayne grew up in Moscow Russia. By the time he was born the city had already went to hell. Staving people on the streets, criminals in the alleys, Moscow was not a good place for Zayne to grow up in. But, Zaynes family was different. His dad was a doctor, so Zayne always had plenty of food. At the age of 12, Zayne starting learning about medicine from his father. He became a doctor at age 22. By this story, Zayne's life seems easy. But trust me my friends, it wasn't. At the age of 14 Zaynes mother and father were almost killed. They were taken up by criminals from the East, and they wanted money in return for one of the only doctors left in Moscow. While this was going on, Zayne was left alone in the winter. He nearly died of starvation, he was nearly frozen to death when a older man by the name of Harry found him. Harry was an older man who kept to himself, when he found Zayne, he brought him home. Zayne reluctantly went with Harry, realizing if he didn't follow the old man, he'd for sure die. Harry brought Zayne back to his house, it was there he told Zayne he would be a slave. It was almost a year later, and Zayne was in worse condition now then when he was alone in the Moscow streets. He realized he'd have to break out of the slave camp owned by Mr. Harry. Zayne, being an excellent speaker rallied all the other slaves, and tried to break out. Many slaves died in the revolt. But Zayne didn't he was able to sneak out. And coincidentally, his Dad was on the street when Zayne broke free. Zaynes dad, now a smaller man, due to months of being in captivity. When he saw Zayne he ran to him, nearly crying. Zayne saw his dad and ran to him. Then, Mr. Harry ripped Zayne out of his dads arms, and tried to kill him, but before the knife even touched Zayne's throat, Zaynes father pulled out a gun and kill Harry.
A little after this, things returned to normal, Zayne started to learn about more medicine. When Zayne was 25, He moved away from home. Now Zayne serves as a doctor, since his father is to old to do it anymore. But Zayne also looks around Russia for slave camps. He vows if he ever sees one, He will liberate it.
I hope I get accepted. AND I LOVE RULE 5!!!
Age: 15
Skype?: Yes
Good mic?: Yes
Are you a good builder(1-10): Yes, maybe an 8-9
What would you like to do as your journey?: Citizen in capitol at first, the luxurious life!
Can you host the server and be dedicated to?: Yes, maybe not hosting, but def. dedication
Want to be part of the staff?: If you think I'll be good as staff, then absolutely
How mature are you?: Very, I don't like immature people.
Have you read the Hunger Games or seen the movie?: Read then re-read the books and saw the movie on opening night, then again.
Are you epic?: Yes!
You spawn killed then told people to leave server now. You deserve to be banned.