If by any chance you're the Jake I know (sorry, I'm terrible with names), you should know TheQuindizzle, killakayla, scottishsniper, etc. Daniel's realm expired, didn't it? Anyway, I would like to join your community again after my long absence (college stuff). If I have mistaken you for a different Jake, disregard this paragraph please.
I know I'm bellow 18, but I'm honestly looking for an honest and mature community. I mostly deal with resource collection, automation and transportation, not that great when it comes to art. I trade a lot, but most of my builds are for public use. For example: nether hubs, exp farms, villager trading hubs, etc. The most enticing part of this is the hard difficulty of this realm.
- There's really nothing much about me, just an average student. I really like the concept of community based stuff, this server seems very optimal. I like to build, mine, basically anything a Minecraft player does, however, i do NOT like to raid... at ALL. I won't call it 'proud', but my redstone designs can be beneficial to others. How long am I planning to play? hmm.. good question, I would love to play for as long as possible, but I won't be very active during the May-June period, I have exams, yo.
I specialise in building technical builds, so building massive bueautiful structures is not my thint, but if you're looking for someone who can create farms, grinders, automation and machines, i'm up for it.
IGN: PotatoGuy284
Age: 16-17
If by any chance you're the Jake I know (sorry, I'm terrible with names), you should know TheQuindizzle, killakayla, scottishsniper, etc. Daniel's realm expired, didn't it? Anyway, I would like to join your community again after my long absence (college stuff). If I have mistaken you for a different Jake, disregard this paragraph please.
I know I'm bellow 18, but I'm honestly looking for an honest and mature community. I mostly deal with resource collection, automation and transportation, not that great when it comes to art. I trade a lot, but most of my builds are for public use. For example: nether hubs, exp farms, villager trading hubs, etc. The most enticing part of this is the hard difficulty of this realm.
IGN: PotatoGuy284
play style: plant potatoes, build technical stuff, build dirt houses with a working mob spawner above it.
IGN: PotatoGuy284
IGN: PotatoGuy284
Age: 15
Country: Indonesia
How much can you play a day?: about once every 2 days, but 5 hours at a time
If it is a survival-based server (no creative), i would love to join.
my timezone might be annoying, so... I might not be online during daytime in other countries.
IGN: PotatoGuy284
IGN: PotatoGuy284
- Bryan V, 15, Indonesia
- There's really nothing much about me, just an average student. I really like the concept of community based stuff, this server seems very optimal. I like to build, mine, basically anything a Minecraft player does, however, i do NOT like to raid... at ALL. I won't call it 'proud', but my redstone designs can be beneficial to others. How long am I planning to play? hmm.. good question, I would love to play for as long as possible, but I won't be very active during the May-June period, I have exams, yo.
- Skype information in PM
IGN: PotatoGuy284
Why you want to join?: I've always wanted to join a community-based server, why not?
How frequently will you play?: quite often, unless i have exams coming up
This is interesting..
IGN: PotatoGuy284
Hi, my IGN is PotatoGuy284
Age: 15
I specialise in building technical builds, so building massive bueautiful structures is not my thint, but if you're looking for someone who can create farms, grinders, automation and machines, i'm up for it.
I am very interested in this kind of realm, I may not be good at building single houses, but building my own or joining a vanilla clan server? oh boy.
ADD ME: PotatoGuy284
(yes, i know, very mainstream name)