WARNING: DONT JOIN This is NOT a PVP server!
Edit: Admin banned me for asking if he would remove LWC, then I said he should remove the pvp in the title since it confused me that he would have lwc on a server with towny ect..
IGN: Ponqw16
Age/Country: 15/United States
Why do you want to join: I like the economy system and jobs.
Have you ever been banned from a server?: No
if so why?:
Will you join a town? or freebuild?: I will freebuild my own farm. and if so. Join a town
ADD. information:
Ingame name: Pongw16
MC Experience: Been playing hardcore for 3 months
Why you want to join THIS server: I understand and like the system of this server. I like the way it runs and with the township system.
Location(Country): United states. Pacific standard time.
No I'm not ok with what he said and I agree, making fun of a disability not only hurts people it also shows what kind of person you are. I would of been ok earlier with an apology but its too late now, I want justice.
i was on when he said stuff about down syndrome he took the **** out of someone who cousin had it i think it was he cousin. and he said it was in his genes
Same stuff with me metroid lol... But it will only last until this towny protection bug will be fixed. Alot of other servers are having this same problem.
He also made a comment about Down Syndrome that really pissed me off, unfortunately I didn't get a screen of that one, however the server was quite busy at the time and many people saw it.
I wouldn't of posted at all if he apologized for the comment about DS.
So every time I say something, you screen cap it and whine to the admin. Seriously if you cant take those comments why are you on the internet?
I DESTROYED the royals.
Edit: It is not Markah's fault for liking the non-retarded people on the server. I see a bunch of 12 year old losers creating some poser clan called the royals and abusing the nation bug. By crating a nation and attacking the ignorant Royals with LOTS of help from the FoE clan (Bastion). We DESTROYED the royals.
Edit: Admin banned me for asking if he would remove LWC, then I said he should remove the pvp in the title since it confused me that he would have lwc on a server with towny ect..
Age/Country: 15/United States
Why do you want to join: I like the economy system and jobs.
Have you ever been banned from a server?: No
if so why?:
Will you join a town? or freebuild?: I will freebuild my own farm. and if so. Join a town
ADD. information:
MC Experience: Been playing hardcore for 3 months
Why you want to join THIS server: I understand and like the system of this server. I like the way it runs and with the township system.
Location(Country): United states. Pacific standard time.
Him logging out while I was killing him. (i will be setting up fraps soon.)
Justice? Who says that? Your so fake.
Mod edit: User warned.
Lol!!! Oh god please learn to write!
So every time I say something, you screen cap it and whine to the admin. Seriously if you cant take those comments why are you on the internet?
Edit: I am having problems connect to your website.
Edit: It is not Markah's fault for liking the non-retarded people on the server. I see a bunch of 12 year old losers creating some poser clan called the royals and abusing the nation bug. By crating a nation and attacking the ignorant Royals with LOTS of help from the FoE clan (Bastion). We DESTROYED the royals.