I've ran a few servers for PVP, but was shorted out due to server costs. I would like to propose my idea for the server.
Towny PVP /w Iconomy
A hardcore pvp server with no safezones (besides spawn) with battlegrounds. With a trusted trade system.
My list for plugins
Towns would cost money so players would be forced to work together to make a town, leading into nations for war. There will also be battlegrounds (admin runned) so players may battle to earn Iconomy money. Towny providing protection so players can anti theft by simply placing blocks over their chest. War will allow breaking blocks in enimie towns but they are not allowed to build, so everything is lootable. I am open willingly for suggestions to improve the server.
My ultimate attention will go to the server to provide the ultimate PVP experience for players. I have always looked forward to hosting a great minecraft server, I can be online hours every day along with a few close friends to help moderate and admin the server, so the server is safe, fair, and non-biased. Your plan would be the greatest of help! Please add me on skype Username Pongw16 and we could talk it over if your interested in me.
I'm looking to host a pvp server, with around 20-40 people online. With 10-13 plugins, I need the best suitable host for me. Money is a problem at this point, so no host where you have to buy minecraft ingame slots + ram. What plan would you best recommend for me. I want zero lag, and an easy control setup to install and edit plugins as I wish.
+Also would be great if I could run a website off the server too!
How many people can the Package two run? Also how hard would it be how to host a server, I have zero experience with hosting. What would you recommend me to learn before I order hosting?
IGN: Pongw16
Age: 17
Minecraft Experience: 10 months
Why should u be accepted: I love to pvp, can be a great addition to the server
What can u offer: Improvements to the server, my opinion, and my great buildings.
Did u read rules? Yes
extensive plugin knowledge is required
Reward: Mod on my server.
Towny PVP /w Iconomy
A hardcore pvp server with no safezones (besides spawn) with battlegrounds. With a trusted trade system.
My list for plugins
Towns would cost money so players would be forced to work together to make a town, leading into nations for war. There will also be battlegrounds (admin runned) so players may battle to earn Iconomy money. Towny providing protection so players can anti theft by simply placing blocks over their chest. War will allow breaking blocks in enimie towns but they are not allowed to build, so everything is lootable. I am open willingly for suggestions to improve the server.
Borders - http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/mech-b ... -556.3078/
No creeper explode - http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/sec-no ... -556.7491/
Disabled Fire - http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/misc-n ... -556.7151/
Kit's - http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/mech-k ... -556.1201/
Invisible - http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/admn-s ... y-531.345/
War - http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/mech-f ... ost-162285
Trade - http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/econ-t ... -544.9224/
Cheating - http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/sec-no ... -556.4523/
Towny - http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/sec-fu ... -531.3358/
Along with some other basic admin plugins.
My ultimate attention will go to the server to provide the ultimate PVP experience for players. I have always looked forward to hosting a great minecraft server, I can be online hours every day along with a few close friends to help moderate and admin the server, so the server is safe, fair, and non-biased. Your plan would be the greatest of help! Please add me on skype Username Pongw16 and we could talk it over if your interested in me.
+Also would be great if I could run a website off the server too!
Age: 17
Minecraft Experience: 10 months
Why should u be accepted: I love to pvp, can be a great addition to the server
What can u offer: Improvements to the server, my opinion, and my great buildings.
Did u read rules? Yes