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    posted a message on Legit Craft
    Real name: John
    IGN: Siphorus
    Time Zone (US and Canada only please): GMT -8, PST
    Do you have Skype: Yes
    If so, do you have a WORKING mic: Yuppers
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on ~DRUG WARS~ ~ Reopen! ~
    - Ingame Name:Siphorus
    - Location:California
    - Have you read all of the rules:Yes
    - Did you register at the forums:In progress atm.
    - Why do you want to join this server:Use to play a ton of cops and robbers back in ye old day of Halo 2, cant wait to try this.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on ~DRUG WARS~ ~ Reopen! ~
    IGN: Pongw16
    WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE IDEA? I really like it, i will be a mexican drug lord :>
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Taking Skin Requests
    Hi I need a skin for my RP server
    A tall thick masculine man, 6'7. Brown hair with blue eyes, wears leaf's and other common clothing that Rallik can find of the land.

    Fitting that description can you make him of nature, not naked, but with leaves as somewhat covering him, also leather.
    Also if you can get http://minecraft-skins.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Screen-shot-2010-12-30-at-1.53.44-AM.png leaves around his face like that it would be awsome! thanks.
    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on Land of Aswein- [NEW] [Serious RP] [16GB Server] [Version1.7] [Factions] [Server RP Events] [Gods] [Plug-ins]- Need Players!!!
    IGN: Pongw16
    A bit about yourself: Played minecraft for over a year now, I'm a bit obsessed with stories so this is where RP comes to my mind.
    Past RP experiences: I played on a medieval age server, with different races / tribes. I had to move since the server came to be offline to often and not enough active admins.
    Past MC experiences (What have you built?, What have you done in Minecraft before?)
    On my last server, I made a grand tree to worship my "tree god" on a floating island with waterfalls falling down.

    IC name Rallik Natura
    Character description (What he looks like) A tall thick masculine man, 6'7. Brown hair with blue eyes, wears leaf's and other common clothing that Rallik can find of the land.
    Faction you wish to join: I would like to make my own faction, worshiping a new god if that can happen.
    Character goals and ambitions: Gathering materials for the grand tree and building the worship shrine for the tree god.
    Character background (At least two sentences) Rallik, was not brought to the land as other people of Minecraft. Raised by nature, he found his way throughout the land. Learned to communicate with nature, the trees, their roots and the ground itself. Heightened senses, he is the alpha of the forest. Destined to raise a shrine to show his true appreciation toward the nature that raised him.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on ♖ NoxCraft ♖ [1.2.5] 3 Servers | No Whitelist | Join Today!
    Whitelist pongw16
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Mobs trap tower - 40144~73000items /hr
    So does the SMP trap work in SMP? Anyone tested it? What about on a populated server?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Mobs trap tower - 40144~73000items /hr
    Would someone be great and calculate the total amount of materials for the 31 by 31 SMP trap, and also the one chunk 20F and 10F ones. That would be great, me and a couple of a friends play on a towny pvp server, and like to have the materials beforehand. Thanks.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 0

    posted a message on Evocatus: [PvP] [Bukkit] [Towny] [iConomy][Shops]
    Man I love this server!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on INACTIVE
    IGN: Pongw16
    Why do you want to join Pioneer: For serious RP
    What alliance do you want to be apart of: Merchant
    What job do you want to have: (optional but only Krythos has jobs at the moment)
    If bitten by a vampire, what do you plan to do: Build a god alter to cleanse me.
    Have you ever been banned?: Yes, I argued with a mod.
    Do you RolePlay often?: Yes, I played on a small hardcore RP server where I was apart of a town.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on Some mob please remove or lock this topic!
    Quote from dangirdas »
    Quote from Pongw16 »
    Minecraft Account Name:
    How old are you?
    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:
    -8gmt USA, California.
    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:
    I am currently in highschool, and out of school I do rowing. In my spare time I play minecraft and help design plugins. Outside of minecraft I play WoW and Starcraft.
    What do you know about roleplaying?:
    That if you were in that age of time, and don't do anything that you would not do IRL.
    What do you expect this server will be like?:
    A small group of humans and mutants trying to survive the apocalypse that they just survived, barley.
    What is your past roleplaying experience?:
    I played on a medieval roleplaying server where I was apart of a town that leaded to destruction by war.
    How long have you played minecraft?:\
    For 6 months.
    Have you ever been banned before? if you have write the reason why to( Be Honest ):

    Have you read the rules? Do you understand them and do you agreed with them?:
    Yes, I agree that if I'm OOC I will be banned.
    Why you want to be accepted(A short answer, nothing big):
    I want a chance to be apart of a great RP community that will bring more than just fun and entertainment, but also the thrill of just playing.
    Character Name:
    A Russian boy raised up by his Father, Zeth. Zeth worked hard for the land that he owned, he paid the local mutants for protection. The mutants made fun of Zeth, teasing him for his wife Harvest dieing at birth. He paid the mutants by giving them common resources. After Rallik had finally come to age, the radiation in the world sunk into the ground, making the land useless. The bandits came at the end of the month, Zeth being worried took of the day before, he set off heading to a boat to take them to a mutant free land. The bandits had finally caught up, and found Zeth and Rallik at the bay. Zeth said "Use the skills I taught you on the land Rallik, I have to go now. I love you." and sprinted off away from the boat. The bandits murdered him, and went back to their land. Rallik being nervous found a friend on his wait to get on the boat, Nimari. Nimari had come from the northern lands of Russia, her family owned a mine and they finally saved up to send one of their own here. Rallik and Nimari set foot on the boat, a large green wooden ship with radios, Xigs and Xows onboard. They survived the three week long trip on milk and meat. The land was not what Rallik and Nimari sought for, this land, this world was ruined. Nimari taught Rallik how to mine, how to use those mining materials to make weapons, and armor. Rallik and Nimari dwell in a cave where no visitors come. Peacefully, until night.
    Character Family:
    Zeth (Father)
    Harvest (Mother)
    Nimari (Friend, like a brother)
    Character Age:?
    Character Appearance:?
    A ragged man with a gas mask.
    Character Personality:?

    Hard, slight to none feelings, inceptive, brave, confident,and loving.
    Can your character read or write?
    Can your character mine?
    Can your character build?
    Can your character fight?
    Any special skills?
    Yes, the ability to move on for a long time, and great mining.
    Does you character have any health/physical or mental problems/issues?
    exposure to radiation in the lungs, wears a gas mask. Heavy mental scaring when it comes to his father.
    Can you give me a short example of roleplay when you are in danger or when you are in deep pain?:
    Rallik (me): Nimari! Mutants!
    Nimari: Are you ok?!
    Rallik: My leg is infected. Go grab some water!
    (Nimari comes back with the water and pours it on Rallik's leg)
    Nimari: Just a few more seconds!
    (Mutant approaches)
    (Nimari pulls out a power sword and slices the Mutant in half)
    Nimari: Rallik your safe, now lets go.
    (Nimari picks up Rallik and leads him to bed)
    Rallik: I hate mutants...
    A screenshot of your skin:

    Other Information:
    I'm online alot, if you want to contact me add me on skype Pongw16. Please add why if this app is denied, and what I should improve so next time I can be accepted.


    Could you please add why? I asked you in my app but I guess you did not read it.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on Some mob please remove or lock this topic!
    Minecraft Account Name:
    How old are you?
    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:
    -8gmt USA, California.
    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:
    I am currently in highschool, and out of school I do rowing. In my spare time I play minecraft and help design plugins. Outside of minecraft I play WoW and Starcraft.
    What do you know about roleplaying?:
    That if you were in that age of time, and don't do anything that you would not do IRL.
    What do you expect this server will be like?:
    A small group of humans and mutants trying to survive the apocalypse that they just survived, barley.
    What is your past roleplaying experience?:
    I played on a medieval roleplaying server where I was apart of a town that leaded to destruction by war.
    How long have you played minecraft?:\
    For 6 months.
    Have you ever been banned before? if you have write the reason why to( Be Honest ):

    Have you read the rules? Do you understand them and do you agreed with them?:
    Yes, I agree that if I'm OOC I will be banned.
    Why you want to be accepted(A short answer, nothing big):
    I want a chance to be apart of a great RP community that will bring more than just fun and entertainment, but also the thrill of just playing.
    Character Name:
    A Russian boy raised up by his Father, Zeth. Zeth worked hard for the land that he owned, he paid the local mutants for protection. The mutants made fun of Zeth, teasing him for his wife Harvest dieing at birth. He paid the mutants by giving them common resources. After Rallik had finally come to age, the radiation in the world sunk into the ground, making the land useless. The bandits came at the end of the month, Zeth being worried took of the day before, he set off heading to a boat to take them to a mutant free land. The bandits had finally caught up, and found Zeth and Rallik at the bay. Zeth said "Use the skills I taught you on the land Rallik, I have to go now. I love you." and sprinted off away from the boat. The bandits murdered him, and went back to their land. Rallik being nervous found a friend on his wait to get on the boat, Nimari. Nimari had come from the northern lands of Russia, her family owned a mine and they finally saved up to send one of their own here. Rallik and Nimari set foot on the boat, a large green wooden ship with radios, Xigs and Xows onboard. They survived the three week long trip on milk and meat. The land was not what Rallik and Nimari sought for, this land, this world was ruined. Nimari taught Rallik how to mine, how to use those mining materials to make weapons, and armor. Rallik and Nimari dwell in a cave where no visitors come. Peacefully, until night.
    Character Family:
    Zeth (Father)
    Harvest (Mother)
    Nimari (Friend, like a brother)
    Character Age:?
    Character Appearance:?
    A ragged man with a gas mask.
    Character Personality:?

    Hard, slight to none feelings, inceptive, brave, confident,and loving.
    Can your character read or write?
    Can your character mine?
    Can your character build?
    Can your character fight?
    Any special skills?
    Yes, the ability to move on for a long time, and great mining.
    Does you character have any health/physical or mental problems/issues?
    exposure to radiation in the lungs, wears a gas mask. Heavy mental scaring when it comes to his father.
    Can you give me a short example of roleplay when you are in danger or when you are in deep pain?:
    Rallik (me): Nimari! Mutants!
    Nimari: Are you ok?!
    Rallik: My leg is infected. Go grab some water!
    (Nimari comes back with the water and pours it on Rallik's leg)
    Nimari: Just a few more seconds!
    (Mutant approaches)
    (Nimari pulls out a power sword and slices the Mutant in half)
    Nimari: Rallik your safe, now lets go.
    (Nimari picks up Rallik and leads him to bed)
    Rallik: I hate mutants...
    A screenshot of your skin:

    Other Information:
    I'm online alot, if you want to contact me add me on skype Pongw16. Please add why if this app is denied, and what I should improve so next time I can be accepted.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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