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    posted a message on Fallout: War Never Changes REBORN! Tons More Features and Epic Hardcore Role-Play Meet Again!
    Quote from Enady


    IGN: brad2274
    Page: 345, was accepted via message from Anarchyreigns
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Fallout: War Never Changes REBORN! Tons More Features and Epic Hardcore Role-Play Meet Again!
    Quote from Crontic

    I guess that some of us are having white list problems for some reason though. . . (Post above yours) >.>

    I was white listed and I can't get on :angry.gif: .
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Fallout: War Never Changes REBORN! Tons More Features and Epic Hardcore Role-Play Meet Again!
    Is the server up yet, it says there's 20+ people on. And I'm white-listed and it says I'm not on it.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Fallout: War Never Changes REBORN! Tons More Features and Epic Hardcore Role-Play Meet Again!
    Quote from InsaneArtist

    Give more detail to the backstory and I will accept you

    Here's More detail.

    IGN: Brad2274

    Age: 15

    Role-Play Exp.: None in minecraft, but I role played for a estimate 400+ hours In Garrysmod and I play fallout fairly often. I'm currently a level 32 (I have all of the DLC)

    Why Us: This seems like the best fallout server out there as of now.

    Time You Can Dedicate: 1-2 hours during the week, 3-4 during the weekend.


    Name: Ned Kelly

    Gender: male

    Age: 26

    Appearance: White American, OD green trench coat, blue jeans, and a grimy white tee-shirt. Brown hair with beard combo and a satchel bag.

    Fears: The bombs dropping all over again...

    Personality: A kind man at heart, he has done things he's not proud of to get to where he is now. Great spirit and very courageous.

    Occupation: Freelance mercenary, Soldier

    Skills: High guns and survival, melee too.

    Nickname (Optional): Ned

    RP Example (Add Dialogue): "Name's Ned. Tell me where to point my gun."

    Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs):
    Ned spent his early days at his father’s ranch outside of Arroyo, southern Oregon. After the NCR came through his area he left the farm to join them, where he served for 3 years. During those years he traveled through the core region of the American Wasteland with the 309th assault battalion. In 2280 his battalion was ordered to start the assault on Navarro, the Enclave headquarters. He and his fellow soldiers fought bravely but many of his brothers still died. On July 5th, 2280 Navarro was taken and the Enclave fled, Ned was later awarded for his bravery and sent home.

    The trek home killed off most of his fellow infantrymen. Many soldiers became dehydrated and died. His brothers dropped like flies but Ned kept going. After thirty days and fifty eight dead soldiers later he and 6 others made it to Camp Guardian. They were horrified to find the camp deserted and were forced to stay there by a freak sandstorm. Ned and one other soldier stayed at camp while the others explored a nearby cave for shelter. Gun shots cracked through the howling wind and silence fell as the sporadic storm fizzled into a dull breeze. Ned and his fellow soldier knew they’re squadmates were dead. On the cave face, a crimson bull was drawn in their brothers’ blood.

    Leaving Guardian behind, the two survivors of the 309th followed the neon beacons of the New Vegas Strip, knowing that civilization and a cold drink were waiting there. Fighting off a nest or two of geckos was the least of their worries. The duo fought off Jackal gang members, giant radscorpions, the occasional feral ghoul and even a super mutant. They Mojave played all of its cards, but Ned Kelly and his lone ally came up on top. With New Vegas only a few miles away, they set up camp for the night. Ned woke to the sound of gargling as he spotted a Jackal thief slice his friend’s throat like a cosmic knife through Cram. He swiftly shot the murderer in between the eyebrows, the body hitting the floor so his dying friend could see his killer. He left the camp shortly after he paid respects to his fallen comrade. Sleep was not an option at this point. He just wanted a drink…
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Fallout: War Never Changes REBORN! Tons More Features and Epic Hardcore Role-Play Meet Again!
    Quote from Cphillips096

    Hey I Made Some Skins for the server. There All NCR Related But I Would Gladly Make More.
    The Skins That I Have Completed Are As Followed:
    1st Recon Assault Armour
    1st Recon survival armor
    Bandoleer armor
    Bandoleer armor with Beret
    Bandoleer armor with Goggles Helmet
    Bandoleer armor with Trooper Helmet
    Face wrap armor
    Face wrap armor with Beret
    Face wrap armor with Goggles Helmet
    Face wrap armor with Trooper Helmet
    Fatigues armor
    Fatigues armor with Beret
    Fatigues armor with Goggles Helmet
    Fatigues armor with Trooper Helmet
    NCR trooper armor
    NCR trooper armor with Beret
    NCR trooper armor with Goggles Helmet
    NCR trooper armor with Trooper Helmet

    Can we get some pictures?
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on Fallout: War Never Changes REBORN! Tons More Features and Epic Hardcore Role-Play Meet Again!
    IGN: Brad2274

    No one responded to my previous post so Here it is again, Please respond :smile.gif:

    Age: 15

    Role-Play Exp.: None in minecraft, but I role played for a estimate 400+ hours In Garrysmod and I play fallout fairly often. I'm currently a level 32 (I have all of the DLC)

    Why Us: This seems like the best fallout server out there as of now.

    Time You Can Dedicate: 1-2 hours during the week, 3-4 during the weekend.


    Name: Ned Kelly

    Gender: male

    Age: 26

    Appearance: White American, OD green trench coat, blue jeans, and a grimy white tee-shirt. Brown hair with beard combo and a satchel bag.

    Fears: The bombs dropping all over again...

    Personality: A kind man at heart, he has done things he's not proud of to get to where he is now. Great spirit and very courageous.

    Occupation: Freelance mercenary, Soldier

    Skills: High guns and survival, melee too.

    Nickname (Optional): Ned

    RP Example (Add Dialogue): "Name's Ned, how can I be of service?"

    Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs): Ned spent his early days at his fathers ranch outside of Arroyo, southern Oregon. After the NCR came through his area he fled the farm and joined them, and served for 3 years before getting lost in the Mojava Wasteland. Completely lost and dazed by the heat of the mojave he shuffled his way twards the lights of New Vegas. Soon he found his way there where he killed fiends and freesider bums to get back on his feet. He never went back to the NCR, gradually slipped away from the NRC and was forgotten by society back south. He worked as a freelance merch until he left for New Antlanta.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on Fallout: War Never Changes REBORN! Tons More Features and Epic Hardcore Role-Play Meet Again!
    IGN: Brad2274
    Age: 15
    Role-Play Exp.: None in minecraft, but I role played for a estimate 400+ hours In Garrysmod.
    Why Us: This seems like the best fallout server out there as of now.
    Time You Can Dedicate: 1-2 hours during the week, 3-4 during the weekend.


    Name: Ned Kelly
    Gender: male
    Age: 26
    Appearance: White American, OD green trench coat, blue jeans, and a grimy white tee-shirt. Brown hair with beard combo and a satchel bag.
    Fears: The bombs dropping all over again...
    Personality: A kind man at heart,
    Occupation: Freelance merch, Soldier
    Skills: High guns and survival, melee too.
    Nickname (Optional): Ned
    RP Example (Add Dialogue): "Names Ned, how can I be of service?"
    Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs): Ned spent his early days at his fathers ranch outside of Arroyo, southern Oregon. After the NCR came through his area he fled the farm and joined them, and served for 3 years before getting lost in the Mojava Wasteland. Completely lost and dazed by the heat of the mojave he shuffled his way twards the lights of New Vegas. Soon he found his way there where he killed fiends and freesider bums to get back on his feet. He never went back to the NCR, gradually slipped away from the NRC and was forgotten by society back south. He worked as a freelance merch until he left for New Antlanta.

    I would love to join the server, Q: Does it require Flans WW2 guns mod?

    EDIT: Is anybody gonna you know...review this? I'd like to get on whitelist :tongue.gif: .
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.8.1]Tale Of Kingdoms Ver 1.0.5
    Explain why there is 2 merch towns next to each other?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.2.5] Cart Mod - Being Updated for 1.6.4!
    The cannon looks sick, please implement it. Here's some ideas you might like
    -Double cart
    -have cows or pig pull your cart
    -compatibility with mo's creatures horses
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.2.5] Cart Mod - Being Updated for 1.6.4!
    GENIUS, I WILL DOWNLOAD...tommorow.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [Idea] Wild West Craft
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on Wild West Craft
    The Wild Wests Mod
    What is it? a mod that make the game western themed
    why? becasue the game will then be allot more fun, with new weapons, people and horses.
    I have been looking for a western mod but there's nothing out there. so I wanted to see if anyone thought a western mod would be cool.

    voice your opinions and tell me what you think.
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on I need ideas for a texture pack
    Maake a western texture pack please, that would be epic!!!!
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] Zeppelin [0.31] [WIP]
    Please fix the in-game control changer, some people arn't using desktop computers and REALLY want to use this mod
    Posted in: WIP Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.2.5] Zeppelin [0.31] [WIP]
    Quote from WildWild

    Can you remap the controls in minecraft? I know you can do the controls in the options.txt put it would be much easier if you made it so the controls options had say, two pages. At the moment this is what it looks like (It is impossible to change some controls in games, still I love the mod and thank you!):

    I'm having the same problem, but the done sighn is covering up the "craft foward".
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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