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    posted a message on ★ Empyrean ★ - No Whitelist|Hardcore|PvP| by DarkTideGames
    #1 In-Game Name
    - PlutoTan

    #2 Country and Age (this is for our demographic purposes)
    - 18 America

    #3 How did you hear about us?
    - MC.net

    #4 Why do you want to Join DarkTide?
    - I want to start playing online, and this one seems like an excellent pick!

    #5 Did you read and understand the rules?
    - I did.

    #6 Have you logged on to DarkTide at least once?
    - I did!
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Notch's blog
    I'm pumped for the dyes. I want the colors back...Once they come out I'm pretty sure there will be some famous paintings in Minecraft. Mona Lisa, etc.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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