Repeat it for all the layers and start pouring water in the respective slots, starting from the bottom...
This is the only solution I can think of in Vanilla MC.
The main menu begs to differ:
Mojang can do whatever the hell they want with the game, if you don't like something you change it how you'd like by modifying it.
This is a clan for anyone who likes to wander and find the natural beauty of the surface. We mainly like to put up pictures of some amazing things we've found on the surface. But we also will join a server and do A big group wandering.
Rules: None, Really, Just the basic stuff like don't spam or be offensive/rude
How to join: Joining is simple, Just put up a post with this format:
Other clans (If applicable):
Reason(s) for joining us:
How long have you played MineCraft:
How exited are you for 1.8:
This isn't really a clan that focuses on ranks or superiority, So there are only 3: Owner:That's me! Officer:To keep the peace when the owner is away Member:You've put up your app and you were accepted, Gongragulations.
NetWalker203, Owner
Platypus, Member
CosmicPanda, Member
DZNJT, Member
Chifflo, Member
vipm1, Member
Chapien, Member
Stoup, Member
Alliances: (None)
Enemys: (None)
Clan Skins:
The Regular Wanderer
The Cloaked Wanderer
The wanderer With An Overcoat
Notes: I am looking for somone to make a Sig for the clan.
D=dirt (or any solid block, your choice)
Repeat it for all the layers and start pouring water in the respective slots, starting from the bottom...
This is the only solution I can think of in Vanilla MC.
Hope this helped.