Hi guys, I have a little game here to pass the time with.
One guy types in a weird non-existent word and another guy writes a crazy definition! Like this:
Since I'm not a computer person (don't know where to search special files and look at resource thingies), could someone explain this to me as if I was a 5-year-old? Please?
Thanks in advance.
If you can tell me what operating system you're on and what you are trying to do, I'll help as much as I can...
I'm on windows 7 on a Toshiba laptop (and a very old version on my comp lol)
EDIT: I'm trying to do the whole thing. lol
Since I'm not a computer person (don't know where to search special files and look at resource thingies), could someone explain this to me as if I was a 5-year-old? Please?
I've been playing minecraft on my laptop or around a week now and it's been working perfectly. Today, i launched minecraft and it said that I had an outdated launcher. I downloaded the launcher again and it launched minecraft. I played in the game and I noticed something, I LOST SOUND!!! WTF??!!??!! What happened and what can iI do to fix it?
I was working offline (i desconnected from the 'net) because my internet whent down for a sec. I browsed through some pages offline and, when i connected, one of the pages i had looked on offline now appears in the offline format! Also, when i add an extension (example: /indev), it says: "404: NOT FOUND." But when I browse on another page, it shows up normal!
Hanging from a hyena.
One guy types in a weird non-existent word and another guy writes a crazy definition!
Guy: rotthery
Guy2: A type of rotting
No inapropriate definition/words.
Get it? Ok, here goes:
a 3/5
now mine :3
I typed this with the mouse wheel.
I'm on windows 7 on a Toshiba laptop (and a very old version on my comp lol)
EDIT: I'm trying to do the whole thing. lol
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in addvance.
What can I do to change that page back to normal?
P.S: I'm on a Toshiba laptop, if that helps.
Thanks in advance.
Not anymore.
I know he updated the game. What i mean is that i cant connect at all to Minecraft.
EDIT: Nevermind, it works now.
Wasn't that for registering?