says O_O Unnecessary and may be hard to code...
I agree with what says! Maybe if Notch ever has some spare coding time :tongue.gif:
Please stop the use of the term Unnecessary in Minecraft. Head bobbing is Unnecessary, Rain is Unnecessary (Unless it does something).
BUT these things are awesome
These are aesthetically things, which pull you into the feel, it would be nice to see you're favorite tool getting more busted up, I would like this OVER the green health bar.
Yeah.. imagine a diamond pick full of moss and broken up into little peices >:biggrin.gif:
Building type: Mainly spontanious building. Just give me blocks, put me somewhere in the world and BOOM! There it is. :biggrin.gif: Although, I might get inspiration from mid-era structures and modern brick houses and the like.
Stuff I can build: mainly small to medium-sized structures, I'm trying to get better on large-sized structures.
I have this toilet idea (you know, the great ideas that you get while on the toilet XD). Tools/weapons already deteriorate, so I was thinking that maybe Notch should implemate (is that how you write it?) a visual deterioration of the tools/weapons. Maybe, the tool might lose chucks little by little, the threshold to the next chunck could be when the HP bar changes colour. So, the tool will be losing chucks on it's "efective" part (the part that does the labor...) and, the 2 colours before the bar goes blank, the hilt may start to grow moss, caused by the long work and the sweat from the hand.
I think that there's something wrong..... when i patch it, i check the minimap option, but, when in-game, it doesnt appear. Since i made a backup of minecraft.jar, i deleted the patched one and put the backup and backed it up again. I patch it WITHOUT the minimap and, again, it wont show up! Did i do something wrong?
Just joined, and, from first impressions, the server is FANTASTIC! it has an awesome comunity and great people! I higly recommend it, one of the best servers.
Does everyone else's comp dim down and shows a message (with a shield thingy) and ask if you want the program to make changes to the computer? It looks freaky and not sure if i should run it.... O.O
PS: i'm downloading per suggestion from the JonhnSmith texture pack thread....
Hey! this server looks pretty cool! I would like to join it!
My IGN: Platypus_101
I like both exploring and dwelling in the town, so I would like to be (what you state) Buxville and Wild, please.
I would like to be in the building caste, looks interesting.
Correct me if im wrong, but me thinks that hes one of those people who like to point out that they pirated the game.
If this is the case, buy the game. if its not i apologize for any inconvenience.
Yeah.. imagine a diamond pick full of moss and broken up into little peices >:biggrin.gif:
Age: 14
Building type: Mainly spontanious building. Just give me blocks, put me somewhere in the world and BOOM! There it is. :biggrin.gif: Although, I might get inspiration from mid-era structures and modern brick houses and the like.
Stuff I can build: mainly small to medium-sized structures, I'm trying to get better on large-sized structures.
Thanks in advance.
So, what do you guys think about this idea?
Thanks for your attention.
Thanks in advance
PS: i'm downloading per suggestion from the JonhnSmith texture pack thread....
Well, here goes!!!
My IGN: Platypus_101
I like both exploring and dwelling in the town, so I would like to be (what you state) Buxville and Wild, please.
I would like to be in the building caste, looks interesting.
Thanks in advance.
No, I am a legal buyer of this game.
Thanks in advance.
When do you think it'll be back up?