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    posted a message on Flan's Mod 5.5.2 Update : 1.12.2, 100s of new Skins! : Helicopters, Mechas, Planes, Vehicles, 3D Guns, Multiplayer, TDM, CTF
    Quote from Neciota »
    Quote from Platypus »
    In the unofficial SDK Gun mod, how the fudge do you use the night-vision goggles? Sorry for the dumb post.

    Press N.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Flan's Mod 5.5.2 Update : 1.12.2, 100s of new Skins! : Helicopters, Mechas, Planes, Vehicles, 3D Guns, Multiplayer, TDM, CTF
    In the unofficial SDK Gun mod, how the fudge do you use the night-vision goggles? Sorry for the dumb post.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on (Request) Dogfights server
    Hey guys! Ever since I got the planes mod, I've been itching for a Dogfight with someone online. So, I kindly ask, could someone please make a Dogfights server?

    PS: I hope I'm in the right forum, if not, feel free to move this post.

    Thanks in advance.
    Posted in: Other hosts
  • 0

    posted a message on Flan's Mod 5.5.2 Update : 1.12.2, 100s of new Skins! : Helicopters, Mechas, Planes, Vehicles, 3D Guns, Multiplayer, TDM, CTF
    OK, I personally think you should change the shooting button to the right mouse button in the planes, its annoying to leave go off the mouse, find the CTRL button shoot, go back to mouse.......
    The right MB is unused, so it should be easy to change it..... (I think, I'm no programmer :tongue.gif:)

    PS: Sorry for double post.....
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Flan's Mod 5.5.2 Update : 1.12.2, 100s of new Skins! : Helicopters, Mechas, Planes, Vehicles, 3D Guns, Multiplayer, TDM, CTF
    Quote from rainfop »
    GOOD IDEA HERE maybe
    make it compatible with TMI (TooManyItems)


    It is..... I AM using TMI, I'm too lazy to craft the stuff needed.... :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Flan's Mod 5.5.2 Update : 1.12.2, 100s of new Skins! : Helicopters, Mechas, Planes, Vehicles, 3D Guns, Multiplayer, TDM, CTF
    Quote from im_und3ad »
    Quote from Platypus »
    First of all: I apologize if this post is stupid in any way, I just need help.

    I have a VERY BIG problem, I can only craft the Biplane, not the Fokker, not the Spitfire, not the Camel NOTHING! Just the Biplane. Since I have TMI, I searched for each plane and they didn't appear, is this an error on my part while installing, or is this actually a bug? I DID install plane.properties and planes.text.

    PS: I AM using the right combinations, I even tried it with every engine and wings, it won't work.

    hahah i had the same problem :biggrin.gif:
    try putting plane.text and properties and all the other text crap in minecraft folder
    not in minecraft bin or recsourses just MINECRAFT FOLDER
    c/yourstupidname XD/appdata/roaming/.minecraft <--- put in here
    then it should work :biggrin.gif:

    .... That's EXACTLY what I thought I did, but instead, my da**ed LT made a new .rar folder and stored the "crap" (:tongue.gif:) inside it. THanks a lot, I'm going to try it out now...
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Flan's Mod 5.5.2 Update : 1.12.2, 100s of new Skins! : Helicopters, Mechas, Planes, Vehicles, 3D Guns, Multiplayer, TDM, CTF
    First of all: I apologize if this post is stupid in any way, I just need help.

    I have a VERY BIG problem, I can only craft the Biplane, not the Fokker, not the Spitfire, not the Camel NOTHING! Just the Biplane. Since I have TMI, I searched for each plane and they didn't appear, is this an error on my part while installing, or is this actually a bug? I DID install plane.properties and planes.text.

    PS: I AM using the right combinations, I even tried it with every engine and wings, it won't work.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Broken Redstone "Clock"
    I have a VERY frustrating problem with the friggin' redstone! D:<

    I have made a basic loop which activates and functions ONLY when the lever is on. I was using it for making a basic noteblock song, it was working perfectly yesterday. I load the map, turn on the lever, and it works. After like 5 loops, BOOM! IT DOESNT WORK! I tried dissasembling (is that how you write it?) it and then reassembling it, but every time I put the redstone torch, it "burns" out, just like it would be receiving feedback from itself, and thus turning it on permanently, it even happens to the first torch, which should work perfectly regardless of the loop. I have an almost identical loop in another save and it works just fine! What is wrong with this?

    Could someone please help me fix this?

    Thanks in advance.

    EDIT: WTF!? I just restarted MineCraft, loaded up the save and now it's flawless! I've been having multiple glitches, like I couldn't click on buttons out of fullscreen, the GUI is set to Auto and it's tiny! WTF is going on?
    Posted in: Legacy Support
  • 0

    posted a message on [32x][1.5_01] ◄HALO Minecraft WARS► Texture pack v1.8
    I have to say, very well done!

    I have some suggestions myself:
    1. You should change the monsters, they look kinda.... goofy. Here: Zombie=Elite/grunt
    Skeleton=(i forgot the name) The little scrawny cowards that hide behind the shield and shoot with the plasma pistol.
    Creeper=Suicide Grunt
    And Spider= FLOOD! D:

    2. The Carbine just doesn't quite cut it being a diamond shovel. :tongue.gif:

    Hope this helped! :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on "Siren" test
    Quote from Mirrodingreen »
    What happens when a passive mob steps on a pressure plate? :Pig: :Sheep:

    It's main use is going to take place at night. In the day, I'll do some torch-thingy-trick, so, when said mob steps on it, it would ignore it.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 0

    posted a message on "Siren" test
    Quote from CX gamer »
    So you want it to flash for as long as someone is on it. For that we will need a clock, which will generate the flashing light. We only want to flashing light to flash when the pressure plate is activated, so we AND it with the pressure plate. Since we can only invert and OR in minecraft, we'll use the laws of demorgan and make an AND gate by inverting each input and the output. Since the clock is equally on and off, inverting the input of that doesn't matter, so we'll save you one redstone torch there.

    Quote from Karacus »
    I didn't read It all, but may I make a suggestion? Suggestion forum this probably needs to be, son. :SSSS:

    If you don't even bother to read his thread, don't bother either to reply.

    Thank you very much. And if I wanted to trip mine the whole yard, I just have to make all the plates end off in one torch, which goes to the siren and to the clock right?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 0

    posted a message on "Siren" test
    Quote from Karacus »
    I didn't read It all, but may I make a suggestion? Suggestion forum this probably needs to be, son. :SSSS:

    Well then, READ IT ALL! This is not a suggestion.....
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 0

    posted a message on "Siren" test
    Hey guys! I've been playing around with redstone delayers, torches, loops and the like. (FYI, I AM using a mod, to be able to get all the thingamajigs, I just wanted to play around... credits to Marglyph's TooManyItems mod) I thought maybe I could have a "siren" that alarms me when there is a mob outside at night, using pressure plates. I have made a prototype and I was hoping someone could help me improve it:

    The "Activator" (please ignore abnoxious loop at top.)

    (If you can't see image: http://img813.imageshack.us/i/20110422145435.png/)

    Loop Mech

    (If you can't see image: http://img64.imageshack.us/i/20110422145444.png/)

    And the "Siren"

    (If you can't see image: http://img828.imageshack.us/i/20110422145505.png/)

    What I mainly need help in is that if something/one would stand on the triggers for longer than ~2 secs, the loop would "crash," the redstone would remain active. I don't want to make the loop last longer, the alarm would be harder to note. Could anyone help me with this?

    Thanks in advance.

    PS: Sorry if you can't see the images, I don't know how this works quite well, I was able to do it in other forums, but I don't see why I can't do it in these forums
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on the platypus
    EPIC :biggrin.gif: :iapprove:
    Posted in: Suggestions
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