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    posted a message on The Advenurer's Clan
    Quote from NetWalker

    Sorry 'bout the lack of pics, I've been busy. That aside, I have an idea/challenge for you hardcore adventurers. Make a new world and give yourself a book (If you don't have Toomnayitems or an inventory modder just wander until you find reed. It is CRUCIAL that you craft/pick up NOTHING until you find the reed and make a book.) Then Make a journal of your wanderings and post it here. Now you may be saying "Net, Why the book?" glad you asked. The challenge ends 3 ways
    1) Death

    2) You break a rule (Rules below)

    3) You loose the book

    Now for the rules:

    1) Play on East-Hard. Peaceful is for babies.

    2) Have the book at every sundown. It's okay to store it but you MUST have it at sundown

    3) Never stay in one place for more than a day and a night. It makes it boring to read and a waste of the thread space if it's 50 straight pages of "How I built a castle that noone but myself cares about and that protects me just about as much as digging 3 down and covering the hole" (Returning to a place is okay but it must have been more than a week since your last visit.

    Pics of things like your shelter are nice, But not required. Doing this is in no way required to be part of the clan.

    Sounds fun, imma try it tomorrow.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on The Advenurer's Clan
    Quote from Chifflo

    I don't get it. Was it aimed for me or...?

    What I meant was that so many people were joining in such a little time, it wasn't directed to anyone, I was just remarking that fact... Hope it didn't insult anyone in any way. :I

    For pics, you should make a section in the OP for the really good ones.

    Quote from NetWalker

    Nice finds!

    *hint hint* *nudge nudge* *wink wink*

    PS: WELCOME GUYS! *evil face* Let's get exploring (:< *evil laugh is heard*
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Can't uise levers on wall ;-;
    It's a ghost. Done, that's the problem, you will never make it work.

    Nah, just kidding, back up your saves and delete your .minecraft folder and launch MC, could fix the problem (that's the solution for EVERY MC-related problem :tongue.gif:).
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Freeze when trying to acces options
    Quote from sts x killer

    If they say there are bugs and glitches with using F11 and mods at the same time like you've mentioned(don't think I typed that out right) before, then all I can say is that the best resolution to this will be force updating your minecraft or deleting the .minecraft folder in your %appdata% directory.

    I did just that and it's fixed now, thanks for the help anyways.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Freeze when trying to acces options
    Quote from sts x killer

    Hmm.. Well is there any history of the mods conflicting with others? I would very well doubt that Audio mod and Mod loader would cause a crash because they never do. But it might be safe to check out and double check if those mods conflict with one another.

    If they do is it your first time using those particular mods?

    I doubt it's a mod conflict because I've done that combo for a while now and nothing has happened. And yes, it's the first time I use it.

    Like I said in the OP, I doubt it's the mods, it started since I restarted the client after I used F11 (FullScreen).

    EDIT: Nevermind now, it's fixed. It seems to have been the mods, since I had to delete my .minecraft, I loaded up the save and it's working fine.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Freeze when trying to acces options
    Hey guys, I seem to have a very trubling bug:

    When I try to access my options, in either the menu or in-game, I freeze... In-game, MC freezes at "Saving Chunks," in the menu, I get a plain dirt bacrground. Apart from that, everything runs perfectly

    I have some mods running, but I don't think that's the problem since it was working fine until I accesed full screen (which has proven to be riddled with bugs) and exited (F11), said mods are:

    TehKrush's Squirrels
    mitchturn's More Slimes
    Risugami's Modloader
    and Risugami's AudioMod

    The most disturbing part is, I can't offer an error report, it shows me the blue background and an outline of a white square and then becomes a black screen.

    Does anyone know how I could fix this crash?

    Thanks in advance.

    EDIT: Nevermind now, it's fixed. It seems to have been the mods, since I had to delete my .minecraft, I loaded up the save and it's working fine.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on The Advenurer's Clan
    Wow, speak about inflation! XD

    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on The Advenurer's Clan
    Heyo, got some pics for ya!
    Ok, epic valley exploration GO!:

    Whole Valley:

    Above-ground-cave-like mountain:

    Hollowed-out Mountain:

    Same mountian, different side:

    PS: If you want, the seed is "v" (without the ")
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Catch griefing after it happened
    That I know of, the best plugin is this: (don't know the name)
    When you break ANY block with a golden pickaxe, it displays that block's history from when the server was created (or when it was modified, for that matter) in the chat. This might help you find said griefer.

    EDIT: You can ask the guys at Buxville, they have it.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
  • 1

    posted a message on The Advenurer's Clan
    Thanks a lot man. So, any server you wanna invade atm? (:<
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on The Advenurer's Clan
    So, this is an exploration clan? If so:

    IGN: Platypus_101

    Other clans (If applicable):

    Reason(s) for joining us: I like to explore and discover the beatiful landscapes MC has to offer.

    How long have you played MineCraft:
    A year, I think.

    How exited are you for
    1.8: What kind of question is that..? THE HECK I AM! SUPER EXCITED! :biggrin.gif:

    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on New Block?
    Wow.... I feel like an idiot....

    But, then, why would there be 2?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on New Block?
    Hey guys, I apologize if this has been noted and posted before/it IS an actual block, thus making this post useless, and I give permission for this topic to be deleted.

    I've been fiddling around with the terrain.png file and I've noticed a block that (as far as I know) aren't in the actual game. Said block is here (in the terrain.png): At the top-left corner, looks like a cross between stone and gravel, same block is found under the diamond block. I was wondering if this block is just a filler or could it be a block that might be implemented in a future update?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on EveryBlock
    Umm, hate to say this but you forgot 3 XD: The dead shrub in deserts and the little pine-looking seed-dropping thing (forgot it's name, but it does look like a pine) and the portal, as stated above ^^^^.

    But nice map anyways, good for those that are new or need to know which are all (literally) the blocks. Nice work.

    EDIT: And saplings :tongue.gif:
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Moving Maze? (W/Pistons)
    It is possible (using a clock), but I think it could only have 2 positions. Bad side is, if you are in it and it changes too fast, the maze is impossible.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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