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    posted a message on Funny moment
    I was mining and mining my own buisness trying to make an airlock, i make a hole on top so there would be space for a torch and a air pocket. To my surprise, I was UNDER a cave, made a hole in it, and guess what? A friggin' creeper blew up on my face. I almost fell off my chair. :SSSS:
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on Have I dug too deep?
    If you mean that you can't find any more ore, it's because it's very rare to find.

    If you mean that you've hit bedrock, that's the limit of the map and, yes, you've gone too deep.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on Sound
    I was playing around in both indev and infdev, it went out allright. But, i noticed something, there was NO sound!!! Is that supposed to happen or what?
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on Can't play
    I was playing the free sp mode, all right.
    I try to play mp mode, the screen flashes: MINECRAFT and below it says: Switching applet and then it goes black.
    I try with sp agian, and the same thing happens. I can't play anymore. What happened? Please help.
    Posted in: Classic - Creative Mode
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