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    posted a message on Tomodachi Life Move-In Code
    Quote from LordOfSapphire

    Sure. Turns out I can get it by today, but it will probably be in the afternoon. I'll try to get it as soon as I can, though ;)

    Thank you so much!! Downloading now!
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Tomodachi Life Move-In Code
    Quote from LordOfSapphire

    I do not have it yet, but I can tell you the code in about 3 weeks when I get the game. It will be an unused code, so I will PM you that way no one else sees it before you. But like I said, you may have to wait a couple week. 2 Weeks is the highest wait time.

    Could you please, perhaps PM me it, since he doesn't need it, once you get it?
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Tomodachi Life Move In Demo Code
    Hey, I am on the fence about getting this game, and was looking to see if anybody could PM me a demo code[NA], so I could try the game.
    Thanks in advance,
    Plasma 3
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Eragon Roleplay: The new beggining. [Intermediate] [Fantasy]
    Quote from Darkangel70

    ((I have read all four books, loved them and I think they are the best thing tied with TLOTR, which I also loved, and I was looking around for games that looked interesting and I was wondering if it was not too late to apply for this one.))

    ((If it isnt dead that is))

    ((If you could PM some of the people of this thread, you could try to restart it. I might have more time to post right now, but I might have some difficulty still. I don't know how high school will affect my free time.))
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Hit Splat Damage Indicators v3.3.2 RPG UI and Damage Amount Mod
    Quote from SoccerStud

    No, and what do you mean by you can't install forge?

    I believe you have to use a new launcher to install forge 1.6.4 and I repeatedly keep on getting an message that says it can't be installed/downloaded
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Eragon Roleplay: The new beggining. [Intermediate] [Fantasy]
    ((I will attempt to tomorrow,[it may be short..] I got a lot of work to get done right now....))
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Eragon Roleplay: The new beggining. [Intermediate] [Fantasy]
    ((Umm, could you start it off? Sorry.))
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Hit Splat Damage Indicators v3.3.2 RPG UI and Damage Amount Mod
    Hey wasn't there a non Forge version? The only reason I am asking is because I can't install 1.6.4's forge...
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Hit Splat Damage Indicators v3.3.2 RPG UI and Damage Amount Mod
    I can't wait for 1.6.4 to be released.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Eragon Roleplay: The new beggining. [Intermediate] [Fantasy]
    ((I have to go to sleep shortly [probably by the time I post this], but why don't we bring alternate realities into play? Something like perhaps, we explore a few alternatives, and have it explained by the chamber possessing a magic to test/judge the worthy by messing with their minds? Or something like that?))

    ((X and Y October 12..... I can barely wait much longer.....))
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Herobrine: The Dark Lord Arrives (Minecraft "based" RP) [Closed] {Nearing three years and strong} (Final Chapter!)
    Quote from bobert778

    ((Again, probably my bad for not making it clearer or better constructed. When I created Morlock I had a basic plot arc in mind and I've reached a point in it where he realizes he himself is dead. He hates the undead, believes they are all abominations (there are very good reasons why but I can't say) and he has somehow become one. That's why I put the 'suicidal' trait in his app; because he believes he should not be. Hope this clears it up ;P))

    ((A pawn can become any new kind of chess piece, and at times I've won games by changing my pawn into a knight rather than queen because of their unique move set. Yes, it may be a little flawed but still a nice metaphor. Sarah probably doesn't play much chess so that could explain it :P ))

    ((Oh, in case you haven't already thought of it; Portal 2. They acknowledge very well that the protagonist is mute and I freaking love the game. One of the things I'm going to replay once I get my hands on an Oculus :) ))

    ((One more thing; Anton and or Alpha are being waited on in the other group in case you forgot ;) ))


    "The mortal form is weak. Only a fool would limit themselves as you sugge-" the man begins to say, cut off by another fierce scream emanating from behind him. The fire of his sword engulfs him completely and his vessel is swallowed by a twenty foot replica comprised of different intensities of flame. Again he screams back, short and frustrated before the duplicate practically spits out it's mortal ties and begins marching down the high roofed tunnel which curves of the the right a short while after entering.

    Sword still in hand the man stands up, the fires tracing his body gone except for the inferno raging behind his eye sockets. "Alright, let's get this over with," he mutters to himself lazily, eyeing his sword briefly before spinning around and sending out a wall of white hot flame about half as wide as the dome shaped room towards your group.

    ((As far as I now, excluding different rules and/or formats, a pawn in chess cannot become a king.[I play chess, although I am not that good at it. I am attempting to start a chess club at my school, but HW is preventing me from typing it. And perhaps a few minutes of video games.]. I will try to work further on my app, when I have time. Currently I need to finish a book report, and then make a Bughouse game, except every three turns you roll a pair of dice, the resulting value giving a piece, and in order to get the piece, you have to answer the question correctly. It had to be sort of original, so I decided against doing some sort of Sorry/Monopoly like game. Oh, and get an Idea for a science fair project, and all I can think of are redundant things, and things I can't do, such as somehow becoming a mutant , which actually isn't much of an experiment.))

    ((Think about one point in time that you will no longer exist, know that you no longer exist, that you ever existed or anything, and this could just be someone's "flashback" and you could be reaching that moment at soon and without out any warning.))

    ((I do believe I have done a horrible and brief job of attempting to explain my fear of death.))
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Eragon Roleplay: The new beggining. [Intermediate] [Fantasy]
    ((Perhaps have mutiple. Like you know alternate realties, just on figure for each possibilty. I saw a movie wjth some of my friends yesterday [first thing other than a Pokemon League or MC that I have done with them really it was me, a friend 1, his girlfriend, two of her friends, and friend 1's sister whom is in college. And friend 2 and 3. I rode with friend one and his sisrer cause they live in my neighborhood and such. It was the Mortal Instruments, I accidently got the mortal egine book instead....))

    ((There was some aqward silence.))

    ((My next post will probly be via email. I just got electronocs back, and now, I have to go to sleep. Anhour late...))
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Eragon Roleplay: The new beggining. [Intermediate] [Fantasy]
    Quote from Teknonick

    ((It is semi-active. Currently we're paused for a little while because Snivy is busy with stuff, but we plan on bringing it back. We might make a new RP, but we suggest you apply here before we get to that :3))

    ((I was actually sort of waiting on you to make a post. I was saying I can't speficaly think of something to do next, that won't be viewed as a cleshe. Or however you say that.))
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina's Return
    ((Also, I know this is probally really stupid, but are the faries spirits?))
    ((Can't i just spell Fairies right once?))
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina's Return
    ((Wait for a second please. Where you saying I have to put Kotori [misspelled. By me?] In my bio, or I have an exuse to possibly use the infinity. Symbol. Which for some reason isn't on my phone.))

    ((Also does it establish what faries actually are?))
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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