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    posted a message on Improve the nether and end!
    Hello! Are you tired of having conquered the nether and end multiple times? Are you tired because it is just too easy? Well, you have come to the right place! This thread is based on improving the nether and end. Lets start with the nether.

    The Nether

    Lets start with generation. Note that this will include the nether being raised to Y 256. The nether ceiling will be at 242 Y on average, only exeption being the Open Plains and Tight Plains.There will be 7 biomes in the nether.

    Biome 1: Lava Seas. This is a large vast area, with occasional lava falls. Rarely, there will be "lava pillars", usually 5-7 blocks in diameter.

    Biome 2: Tight Overhangs. This is a small area, usually 100 blocks wide, in which there is only 3-8 blocks of air in between the floor and ceiling.

    Biome 3: Volcanic Wastelands. This is about the size of a desert in the overworld. It is filled with small hills with lava coming out. This biome includes about 2 or 3 large volcanoes, going up to about 170 Y usually.

    Biome 4: The High Lands. This is a large flat area, going up to about 180 Y to 225 Y. It is the size of an overworld jungle.

    Biome 5: The Hidden Secrets. This is a very rare biome, rarer than the Ice spikes biome. This has the most natural structures, having 3. They are only farther out than 1200 x or z from the center, 0 x and z. This includes very rare blocks and ores, which can be used for the boss biome.

    Biome 6: The Open Plains. This biome has its floor close to lava level, and the ceiling raised to 251 Y. This is a good building spot in peaceful. It is typically flat, and usually spawns inside of a lava sea, similar to the mushroom biome in the overworld.

    Biome 7: The Withered Remains. This always spawns a gigantic fortress inside it. This is a boss biome, containing the Great wither, a wither with 5 heads and 4 times the size of the normal wither. It has 1500 health, and its defence is as if it had a full set of diamond armor. You can spawn it, but only with the head it drops. It is usually near the Hidden Secrets. This biome is about 250 blocks wide.

    The Structures

    The Withered Fortress

    Spawns in: The Withered Remains

    Mobs: Great Wither, Wither Skeletons, Magma Cubes, and Ghastly Shadow

    Size: 226x42x226

    Made of: Nether brick, Netherrack, Soul sand, Lava, Nether brick fence.

    Nether Dungeon

    Spawns in: The Hidden Secrets

    Mobs: Wither Skeletons, Zombie Pigmen, Magma Cubes

    Size: 8x7x8

    Made of: Nether brick, Mob Spawner

    Fort of Fire

    Spawns in: The Hidden Secrets

    Mobs: Blazes, Magma Cubes

    Size: 12x8x12

    Made of: Nether Brick, Lava, Netherrack, Fire

    Unknown Ruins

    Spawns in: The Hidden Secrets

    Mobs: None

    Size: 32x4x32

    Made of: Nether Brick, Lava


    Coming soon

    The End

    coming soon

    I wrote enough.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Better Looking Boats
    Quote from CycloneChilli»
    Welcome to the forums! Glad to have a new member ON BOARD! Ha, I love boat puns.
    This suggestion is very vague. Please add some more detail and perhaps some pics?

    Due to this, I'm afraid I don't supPORT this suggestion (ok I'll stop with the puns now).

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on [1.7.2] NaturalCraft v0.12 Beta (Alloy Furnaces, Transmutation, & More!)
    Quote from ugotopia123»

    I honestly haven't taken a look at the later version of Minecraft after 1.7.2, how the code works probably changed between the version, enough to where it would render my mod unable to work. If you want to give it a try, go ahead, but don't hold your breath. I've been a little busy with college stuff and moving so I haven't been able to touch on my mod for a while, plus I'm coding an actual game so I have all that on my plate x) sorry if this is an inconvenience, I can probably try to get it working for 1.7.10 if people want me to

    And we do want you to, unless it already works. Most mods work for 1.7.x, it is only bug fixes between 1.7.2 and 1.7.10
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on More Organized Player menus! [Tabs] ~*(200+ supporters)*~|~*New Over Haul*~
    Quote from Walt_Disney_II»

    um the size of the world is redundant here! The size i was talking about was the actual area the UI takes. Searching feature would be a cool addition along with this too though.

    That is the kind of area I meant, the size the UI takes. I am tired of scrolling through all my worlds.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on More Organized Player menus! [Tabs] ~*(200+ supporters)*~|~*New Over Haul*~
    I disagree with tabs, we should be able to search, I have about 100 or so worlds, and I am not putting every single one in certain tabs. Also, the size for worlds shown should be decreased. Basically, it would be the following format

    Survival World 1.8 2/3/15 4:22 PM Survival Hard (locked)

    All you need! The size and way date is arranged is shown in a new tab in Options called World Selection Options.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Deeper caves: caves going more than 2 kilometers underground! Less lag! [400+ Supporters]
    hey... guys, i need your help. see, my java and forge stopped working at the same time. i dont know what caused it, but it happened just after i combined this mod, the farlanders mod, and about 34 other mods.
    now, i downloaded a new java, making vannila minecraft work again. but forge can not find java, and does not work.
    so, i will publish the mod, so that you can help out/ have the fun early.



    if you want to help out:

    make .schematics;
    3 ametrine ores
    4 ametrine ores
    5 ametrine ores
    6 ametrine ores
    7 ametrine ores
    8 ametrine ores
    9 ametrine ores
    3 silver ores
    4 silver ores
    5 silver ores
    6 silver ores
    7 silver ores
    8 silver ores
    9 silver ores
    3 sapphire ores
    4 sapphire ores
    5 sapphire ores
    6 sapphire ores
    7 sapphire ores
    8 sapphire ores
    9 sapphire ores
    1 aquamarine ore (aquamarine will be in, after some thinking. it will be 800 times rarer then diamond, likely you will never come accros, but if you do, you are rewarded with 9 aquamarine, to be crafted into a block and forever remind you.)

    if you want to have fun:

    you can manually make a portal. in the tools section is a weird version of sapphire and an object called dummy these are used to ignite a portal. you can make a portal with command blocks or bedrock, depending on the dimension. dense stone is not yet something i have nerfed.

    I am unable to travel through either portal, it crashes
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Deeper caves: caves going more than 2 kilometers underground! Less lag! [400+ Supporters]
    Quote from DrWeegee123»

    The portal is made the same way Nether portals are made, but with bedrock instead of obsidian. Although it crashed my game when trying to enter it, so i'm not sure if it's complete yet.

    Thanks for the help
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Deeper caves: caves going more than 2 kilometers underground! Less lag! [400+ Supporters]
    Can not figure out how to make a portal, what is the structure for it?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Better Villages
    -_- I meant the extensive iron amount in tier 4 and 5
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Village Improvement
    I think it should be how it is now, the village well would determine which material the village is made of

    If the well is in a desert biome but half the village is in a plains biome, then it would be a desert village
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Better Villages
    Just so you know, villages will keep their current rarity, it would just spawn different types depending on their rarity. Also removed the OP aspects of the idea
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 2

    posted a message on Better Villages

    Better Villages

    Have you ever thought villages need to look better? Have you ever encountered a trade in which you pay 10 emeralds for a clock? Then this is the right thread.


    10 emeralds for a clock, really. Most villager trades are rip offs.

    The idea is to be like give 1 emerald to receive 1 diamond (due to the extreme rarity of emerald).
    With some OP trades, those should also be fixed. Wheat for an emerald should be wheat for iron ingots or cobble


    I think there should be 5 types of villages.

    Type 1. Have no cobblestone, and are smaller than normal villages

    Type 2. The normal villages

    Type 3. Have cobblestone roads, larger well, and are larger than normal villages.

    Type 4. Have cobble roads with glowstone in the middle, glowstone lights, and have deeper wells. Larger than type 3
    Special strong golems prevent you from mining/griefing the village

    Type 5: Have tall buildings made of cobble, cobble roads with glowstone in the middle, glowstone lights, large wells, and largest type. Special strong golems prevent you from mining/griefing the village


    Type 1: 30% chance

    Type 2: 35% chance

    Type 3: 20% chance

    Type 4 : 10% chance

    Type 5: 5% chance

    NOTE: This idea is abandoned, if I get 5 requests to unabandon it, I will put it back on track
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Deeper caves: caves going more than 2 kilometers underground! Less lag! [400+ Supporters]
    I know how to fix that problem for silver: Change it to be able to power for up to 30 blocks, and then have the game do this pattern:


    (S is source, 0 is unpowered, 15 is highest power)
    Posted in: Suggestions
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