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    posted a message on Can't connect to my own minecraft server?
    This error is usually dealt with a firewall. This means that the firewall is dismissing the connection. What I recommend for you to do is to inspect your router to see if it possesses a firewall, and disable any firewall or antivirus applications that you might have running. You may also want to make sure that Java isn't being blocked.

    If this is not the case, your server may not be running or not routed correctly. In addition, make sure that you didn't put in the incorrect IP. Otherwise, good luck.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Introductions & Leavings
    Alright, I suppose this is the ideal time for me to post a formal introduction.

    Hello, I am DiamondCaper, hence my username. I would've introduced myself sooner, but I was too oblivious of the actual fun of the forums. To start off, my name is Ryan and I am at 13 years of age. I currently reside in the United States; more specifically, I live in the state of California. At often times, I am considered as a childish imbecile because of my evident stupidity that I reveal to my surroundings. Additionally, I am a bashful person, so I don't tend to approach others. ;~;

    Just recently, I began to lurk around the Off Topic section, and it is obvious to me that the community here is pretty amazing. Hopefully, I will get to know more members of the forums and I love you. Cheers. ^_^

    Best regards,
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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