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    posted a message on Pineapple's Totally Successful Role-play/Journal Extravaganza

    I present Rilend's Rise Episode 3! This one was a doozy...

    The following is the sad, sad events I have researched thoroughly, suspense-fully, and dangerously. Rilend has seen better days than the following-- speaking of which, my day was nice. I had a lot of cake, fed it to my many wolves, ocelots, and pigs(Which I keep around commonly as pets for all sorts of purposes), and then realized that I would have to quickly produce large amounts of milk to cure them of their new apparent illness: sickness due to chocolate cake.

    Erm, anyway, back to Rilend's rigorous trials.

    "Day 07

    "Today I found myself waking up in the middle of the night... I don't know why I woke up at that particular time. I felt a very eerie feeling as if someone was watching me, even in my dreams, and that woke me to the strong and particularly unpleasant smell of smoke permeating the air I-- and all the horrendous creatures of the night-- breathed.

    "I felt a strong urge to check for the location of this smoke, as I was frightened... I knew what it would be. All sorts of options ran through my mind in hopes that it would not be what I knew it would be, but the faint screams couldn't mask the truth. The village was burning."

    "I encountered a witch as I headed toward the ruins to find survivors and fix this mess-- she poisoned me, but I injured her. Somehow she managed to get away, but not before telling me something I will not soon forget: "This is just the beginning!" and then she vanished into a cloud of smoke. She left behind a potion of instant healing-- almost as if to mock me and my horrible predicament. How was I supposed to heal this?

    "So much was lost, but at least one of the few local rabbits was still saved. It was a small sight in all that wreckage that gave me at least a semblance of hope, and it moved me to paint it out."

    "I encountered one of the few survivors and asked him what happened. He was frantic-- in shock, I suppose. He blared a few words into my face as the flames crackles... something about pigmen, wolves, and horrible beasts, far scarier and intimidating than the simple creatures of this world's "humble" night. I can't imagine it, I just can't imagine it.

    "They even destroyed the library. The books! They're all gone! Every building was destroyed, leaving only a crater, a mix of sand and odd internal organ-like rocks, lava, and obsidian pillars. Who would do this? What would do this? What, exactly, IS this?"

    "After fighting off the undead of the horrible night so the last few remaining survivors wouldn't die, morning dawned."

    "Day 08-10? 11? 17?

    "Construction began on the village-- well, more like deconstruction. I took down all the wreckage to make room for the repairs. Lava and obsidian, fire and sand... it was everywhere! Thankfully, with the Villager's help, I managed to repair all of the damages! Well, repair the damaged created in the earth; that is, the craters. I myself managed to tear down the old buildings' wreckage. The villagers continued to help in removing the sand and obsidian and I myself took the odd organ-like rock for further studies.

    "I even had to tear down my Mill for extra materials in the process!"

    "After the deconstruction was over, this is what the land looked like. I left a small hut made of a mix of sand, organ-stone, and cobblestone for the villagers to stay in until I had made proper accommodations for them."

    "During the construction process, the villagers were very helpful. They donated materials and helped me build(but probably so they could all the quicker have a proper place to live.)"

    "I had built two buildings very tediously and slowly, but surely. It was a beautiful sight to behold, but not all the villagers yet had a proper place to stay, and I had yet to tear down the old hut made of odd materials."

    "While the building was in progress, I managed to do some talking to the villagers. I never actually knew any of their(or their loved ones') names until now, and found that James(the Shepherd), had a wonderful friend named William that died in the onslaught, and I tried comforting him... by building him a house, of course.

    "Jerry, the Librarian, was quite excited that he had a new home(the first one) and told me all about the knowledge from his ancient-- now burnt to ashes-- books, but I couldn't quite remember it all, so i'll surely have to take notes next time.

    "Joe, the Cleric, was a bit grumpy that he didn't have a house yet, but Jerry and James informed me that he was always rather grumpy, so I made sure to build him the most awkward house. I felt bad for making his house look and feel so awkward, though, so I fixed it a little bit and built him a nice wheat farm. He was very happy."

    "James and Joe are pictured here above, Joe closest to his house, eager to enjoy a warm bed. That is all I have to report for today."

    That is all Rilend had to report, in fact, for that day-- whichever one it may be, whether it was day 11, 13, or 16. I thought his homes looked rather smart, don't you? Rilend was an excellent architect, and I surely must take a few notes from his book-- or, rather, journal. Until next time, dear reader.

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Pineapple's Totally Successful Role-play/Journal Extravaganza

    Thanks for your input, MrWigglies. I really actually value it a lot, because your journal is one of my favorites, the architecture sprawling...

    If I must take a chance, so be it, I guess. It really would liven up the world to manage putting a bit more story in it, even if it does lose a LITTLE bit of that "vanilla" feel. I think people are tired of that "Vanilla" feel anyway, so give the people what they aren't expecting! ...which they, technically, are now expecting because I said that, but whatever.

    EDIT: The poll has come to a decision! The City Construction challenge it is-- and, of course, we all know it'll be a little bit edited to suit our needs, so it'll really be mostly building.

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Pineapple's Totally Successful Role-play/Journal Extravaganza

    I haven't really updated in a while, sorry for that! I sort of lost heart in Rilend's Rise(but do not intend to forget him) after I got really busy with schoolwork recently and after my computer started randomly crashing. I'll try and get a new update out soon!

    I really have a dilemma regarding the story, however. There's not really any story to Minecraft, and it's not like I can set anything up, so the story I put into the journal will have to be based on the static landscape of Minecraft. What I want to know is... is that okay with you guys? I mean, the only interesting things that will happen will be vague discoveries about the land and continued "research"; but, if I set some things up there can be some ACTUAL story to the journal-- I just think it might ruin the vanilla feel.

    Overrall, for this first journal, I am really leaning towards just playing the vanilla game, maybe tackling the city construction challenge+what should you build? projects and trying to form a loose story... there's always another world for adding in mods, set up stories, etc. but I want you, the "subscriber" to my content, to tell me your opinion.

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Simple - Creepers heads droop.

    I want a simple mod that makes Creeper's heads droop until they spot the player. I forget where I saw it, but I have a vague memory of this happening in early versions of Minecraft and I really liked it. For where I got this info, refer to the wiki.

    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on An Arthropod More
    Quote from ironsloth1993»

    Honestly one of the better suggestions. Sadly, that's not entirely good news. I have seen A LOT of suggestions. I would actually like the nerf of Sharpness in favour of Bane of Arthropods, especially since I have a ton of BOA in my chests in survival mode. I carried around a BOA IV sword on a server I was on. I hated spiders with a passion, since I was mainly a spawner hunter. I actually like the eurypterid idea. It's good to meet someone who appreciates paleolithic monsters as much as I do! I don't like the armour idea, concerning the iron armour, since it's not a true nerf as it becomes more easily renewable. Lastly, I think the arthropods inclusion idea makes overall sense.

    You have 600 permille of my support!

    Hey, thanks for the support! Also, what do you mean "it's not a true nerf as it becomes more easily renewable."? Are you talking about the fact that it's not really limiting due to Iron's abundant nature? I really can't suggest anything to change how common Iron is, but I can nerf its effectiveness, and that's about it.

    If I could nerf the rate that Iron spawns in the world I don't really think I would, too. If Iron was less common people would just build more Iron Golem farms anyway, but my suggestion actually makes leather and leather armor more useful, as it is required to make Iron Armor and one of the top tier armors.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on An Arthropod More

    I finally got to update this, because I had a spark of inspiration. Oops! Forgot to change Eurypterid spawning... i'll change that right now-- anyway, just wanted to let ya'll know.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on You favorite resource pack?

    Modified version of faithful by yours truly, the rain pack, Frakturlike font, and on top of that Pixel Reality lightmap Full. I use optifine, so the last one is almost a shader-like lightmap so I really like it. Makes things a lot darker and prettier on moody lighting.

    I added some random mobs to faithful, removed the skeletons jaw(his random texture changes the color of his teeth), and added some very interesting zombie variants, one including the skeleton's removed jaw and it is probably my favorite. I also added like, two zombie villager variants, removing the jaw and making it a skeleton jaw on one.

    Messed around with some textures, changed the wooden door and trapdoor, iron door and trapdoor, villager random textures...(not just one skin color anymore!), etc. Oooh, changed the iron block... still need to change the iron golem.

    Frakturlike font is just medieval font, real fancy, hard to read, but awesome looking.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Pineapple's Totally Successful Role-play/Journal Extravaganza

    Rilend's Rise Episode 2!

    The Minecraft forum is being REALLY weird for me. The fonts aren't going in the right places and it all looks muddled, but the font sizes- oddly enough- are working, sort of. Not with block quotes, though.

    It's really annoying, and I hope I can fix it in the next few updates so the narrator and Rilend can look as pleasing as possible to read.

    If I ever do get the fonts working again, I will also be changing the Narrator's font to something else, like Times New Roman... maybe Andale Mono? Georgia? I don't know. Suggest something, maybe?

    Today I found a few more interesting artifacts and the remnants of an ancient stone-brick wall. It was a very fancy wall, and it happened to give me quite a few ideas on how to build my fifth castle. I was also delving into further research of Rilend's time and, apparently, his experiences took place about 700-900 years ago! I certainly did have to dig a while to find the ruins of his tamed paradise... anyway, onto Rilend's adventures.

    "Day ???

    I really must retrace my steps and figure out what day it is. I'll do that soon... anyway, I discovered some more diamonds down inside of the earthy depths and I used my newly crafted Anvil to create a diamond pickaxe and sword. The pickaxe works marvelously, but I haven't quite gotten the chance to try out the sword.

    A short time after crafting these tools I set out to mine a substance I spotted in the lava, a hard black substance which oddly enough is glassy in appearance. Some sort of volcanic glass which is so solid not even an iron pickaxe seems to be able to mine it? I must obtain it and use it as some sort of out-of-this world crafting ingredient.

    The rainfall from a day past has as well filled my compost bin... basically a cauldron, really, with water. It ruined a lot of compost, frankly, and I don't think I will be using my compost bin outside any longer, though when I moved it inside it made an odor most foul. Instead, I shall just use the mill to grind the looted bones from the mornings into bone meal. It seems like a lot of work, but certainly faster and more accurate.

    At some point in the conglomerate of days that I cannot tell what they are, I made a peace offering to the villagers. In return for rights of trade and research in their library, I would build them a wall. Nothing fancy, just a simple wall. I quickly took to the task, you know, for chances like this aren't always accepted. I hope to, in the future, expand their village and culture them further so that we can live together in unison, continuing to bring a semblance of civilization to these heated lowlands, these plains.

    Gladly, a heated highland dwells just across a cool river close to the plains, that is, the savanna. In this savanna, while going about the process of building this here wall, I saw a particularly exciting sight to behold: Horses.

    Oh a saddle, a saddle, my diamonds for a saddle... I don't know how to craft one. It's starting to bug me... how could I possibly have access to impossible knowledge I never learned and yet not know how to put together a simple leather-and-tether seat for the back of a horse?

    After this, I led some sheep a bit closer to home so I could later put them in a large pen. Animals need their space, and I can't nor will I crowd them all into a tiny pen or barn.

    I bred the sheep, the cattle, and I slayed some more... I'm getting an awful lot of steaks from these cows. The leather is all I want, but I cannot help but use the steak for something, so I eat it. I'm getting awfully tired of the taste of steak... oh how I long to have a working mill for proper bread, and maybe I could even use some cow's milk to make butter?

    In the process of building the simple "two block"(as the Villagers measurements would proclaim it) high wall, most of the villagers congregated in the Library for some sort of odd fasting ritual. It was rather convenient, as mostly they were going out at night unwisely and getting into trouble until this. They had me block off their libraries' entrance and I left it at that... of course, I may or may not have coaxed them into holding this fast, as just before a green monster- creepy thing, really- blew up a portion of land just outside the library door as I fought it off.

    Needless to say, that was a fright, and I really needed a way to stop worrying for the poor things, the villagers. Let's say they aren't the brightest of the bunch, either, so they really fell for the trick quite easily.

    While building I did incorporate a few of the trees I was growing into the wall. It was very odd to note that tree saplings grew so quickly and naturally, almost right before my very eye! It was a marvel, and I enjoyed it so. Furthermore, it seems that trees grown in the wide open plains have a higher rate of growing out, out, out, into giant trees with draping branches.

    All the better for me, I say.

    The frightening things that go bump in the night are now things I am more familiar with. Apparently groups of strange creatures spawn forth from the earth and just so happen to seek out me as their own prey-- hopefully I will not wake up one day to encounter I am one of them. It seems that bow-wielding skeletons and their partners, the rotting corpses of the living alike, teem in these peaceful fields when one sees that it is quite dark enough for them to come out.

    Really a shame, as the moon can be so pretty on some nights. The creepy beings I mentioned earlier do have a tendency to stare in your general direction when you look at them, as well. Sometimes I wake up, having drifted off, and I find one only a few blocks away from me, not doing anything except staring. Close call, i'd say. I dispatch them with partial ease, but they seem to be superb at kamikaze, a trait which I hope no more creatures can say for themselves.

    Aswell with the spooky beings of the night I sometimes see the walking corpses coupled with a corpse in miniature, almost a toddler in appearance. It hurts my heart to know these things were once living... what happened to re-animate them? Why are all the corpses here... what great injustice was done?

    Sometimes I even go away from just outside the wall and fight them for ease and upon a singular time I encountered a villager who, himself, had been taken captive by Death's cruel grasp. Do the villagers have graveyards?

    Finally, however, the wall was complete, my work was done, and I was not happening to become deceased anytime soon or in the past, so I figured my work was done. After this, I must promise myself to keep track of the days... what good is a journal?

    My journey, my documentation of this strange world and its hidden wonders along with the hidden wonders of my own mind, these both continue as my knowledge-- and this world-- grows around me. I'm thinking of taking up a calm form of poetry."

    Rilend ended his day-conglomerate style of keeping track here, gladly, allowing me to keep up with what he later did in a fashion much simpler than before.

    It now comes to mind that that stone wall was Rilend's and the Village's own, but, then, why were there so many holes in it? So much ash and sulfur, almost like it self-destructed... I shall continue my journey of understanding the past. Await my further entries into my own sort of journal.

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Caed's Ethopack Survival Journal

    Pineapple_Party, eyyyyy.

    My skin is actually from here and i'm currently using it for my Journal extravaganza, but it's really cool all-purpose and fitting skin anyway, so why not. I look forward to more updates.

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on My 100% vanilla 1.8.1--->1.11.2 SSP world, building aesthetically in hard survival.

    Woah man, I wish I was your roommate!

    Excellent update!

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Pineapple's Totally Successful Role-play/Journal Extravaganza

    Actually not a shader, surprisingly. It's a lightmap! It's the Pixel Perfection full lightmap, and it is brilliant, but the shadows only work on moody lighting. I really loved it the first time I saw it, and everything looks so smooth with pixel perfection mixed in. I'm not using pixel perfection, but I did modify Vattic's faithful 32x32 for my own uses, adding some more random mobs among other things.

    Thanks for commenting, I really appreciate it!

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Pineapple's Totally Successful Role-play/Journal Extravaganza

    My internet is being super slow right now and this accidentally became a double-post, sorry. EDIT: Apparently it was actually CURSE that was slow. Well, it gives me the chance to ask how you viewers like the journal. Any suggestions? Ideas? When do you want me to do my first "What should you build?" generator project?

    I'm getting set up role-play wise in the world by the way before I complete any "What should you build" projects, but if you want me to get to one right away then just tell me! Rilend's actions are partly controlled by you!

    EDIT: Apparently it was actually CURSE that was slow. Huh.

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Pineapple's Totally Successful Role-play/Journal Extravaganza

    Rilend's Rise Episode 1B! (There was problems with the website while I was trying to post this so the font is a bit messed up. Sorry! Whenever I try to fix it it just goes back to normal.)

    I continue to relate the experiences of Rilend. Today after a day of perilous searching I was harvesting my golden yellow fields of Wheat and Potato. While harvesting I brought my diamond hoe upon a stalk of wheat and it struck an oddly hard object. I further inspected the object and found that it was golden and containing many gears but it was unlike any object I had seen before. It was a clock, but one very odd and mangled, burnt and hardened and melted together... I could barely make out what was on the back of it...

    Anyway, onto Rilend's day three.

    "Day 03

    As I left my hovel today after a night of insomnia and mining, I discovered an odd sight. There were several objects on the horizon as the sun rose higher into the sky, but what struck me odd is that they were burning. It seemed odd to me, and by the time I got to where they were there were only piles of miscellaneous materials. Some bones, arrows, and, oddly enough, rotten flesh. I was cautious when picking the items from their bed on the sand of the desert I found them in, and then I was attacked!

    I quickly slashed at them- and violently- with my Iron sword I had at the ready. When the two surreptitious creatures had been defeated they divided themselves into puffs of smoke, leaving behind only some string and an odd red eye. It appeared to me that they were giant spiders, but I didn't get a good look.

    Afterwards I looked over a distance and inspected a large green object... it looked at me with vacant black eyes and a frown on its face, and I nearly fell over it frightened me so. I quickly dispatched the thing, you know, so hopefully there aren't any more out there. These creatures leave me wondering...

    Afterwards I decided that there was one thing I COULD use my wheat for... breeding animals! I decided that if I were to mine any further in the earth that I would need some leather armor to protect my skin, so I would need cows. I used the wheat to breed some of the cattle and harvested some steak and leather.

    After I harvested these cattle from their grassy fields I looked over a savanna hill and found myself staring at some vague balls of white and grey wool... I discovered sheep dwell only a very short walk away from my hovel. I took the chance to harvest some wool from them, and harvested a bit extra for good measure. It will help me make a mill in the future using sheets made of wool to catch the wind.

    I also encountered some more vague figures standing beneath a tree in the savanna wielding some sort of object... a weapon? A tool? Something more meaningful, maybe less?

    I made a leather chestplate afterwards, but I forgot leather needed to be tanned so it sort of... really didn't help. I really should get to building those buildings of function! The chestplate worked, by the way. The lava singes much less now. By the way, I found a pumpkin on the aforementioned adventure involving sheep.

    I retreated back home after this exciting day of adventure and went back to mining... or did I fall asleep on my woolen bed for the first time that night? I forget, for these things are difficult to remember when they really belong to memory from days ago. Hopefully I can catch up to my current day soon.

    Day 04?

    I found some gold last night! I quickly discovered only shortly afterwards that redstone and gold worked quite well together to create effective mechanical devices... and I created for myself a clock! It was rainy, that day. A nice rainy day upon some newly planted fields of mine. I hope to complete my mill soon.

    Day 05?

    I completed the first layer of my mill. It wasn't very difficult, but until I can get it fully functioning I will simply use it to house two oversized crank mills for personal use. I made my first loaf of bread with much effort in cranking out the flour.

    I also made a compost bin for the benefit of my fields.

    I shall further tell my tales at a later date... something has come up."

    After this line I feared the worst, as a few pages were ripped out and I couldn't find many records. From a few more books I had previously discovered I assumed safely that Rilend, during this period, was hard at work building something, but I cannot make out what. I would say the rest of the mill, but the building seems to be more related to the nearby Village he had found.

    I shall continue my investigation into the past, as the present seems too rich to continue on in. What is there more to do? This golden artifact seems somehow related to all of this mess... could it be Rilend's?

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Ownage's Minecraft Journal!

    I always love seeing another journal... it just seems that there are a few errors in the page... so... I can't wait til you fix them and put up pictures! Remember though, pictures are nothing if you don't have an interesting description... and nothing is interesting unless you do something unique, though don't feel forced to. Play your own way, but be unique in doing so, basically. Key to a good journal, right there.

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Minecraft Journal Links (With a small description)

    Is this journal list even kept up to date any more?

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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