I know it's been a long time since I've been active, and I decided that as I am not going to continue working on this mod, I should give it to someone else. As of now, this mod is The_WeatherPony's and their page can be found here:
Hey guys, it's me. I know I haven't been active recently and unfortunately it will continue to be like that. With school I can't find the time to code anymore. However I will release 1.8 and other tweaks when available. That being said, I am adding a policy allowing this to be used in any mod pack where proper credit is given. This will be in the OP as well.
Karkarox, this is a complete remake of the old discontinued mod using no old code. It was completely written by me using only the idea.
showmethemods, I think you're talking about the village distance, but I'm not sure given the small amount of information. The smaller the number there, the more often villages will spawn. Also, the wells being normal is not a glitch, nor is it intended, it's just a limitation of forge (for some reason I can't change it)
catgamer1254, Ver sus mensajes privados de una relación directa
visual basicide, that's a problem on my my end where village distance changing is apparently being cast to the BOPVillage classes by accident. I'll look into it.
showmethemods, that's a problem with battle towers, you can see that there is nowhere my mod is mentioned
HilmFromROBLOX, the EULA where they specified cape uses applies to servers. I'm pretty sure Mojang can't take down my mod, and many other mods also give capes, and they're not going to stop.
Spacecat8192, that is a problem with the gravestone mod. For some reason that certain village distance is causing an incompatibility. Probably just try a different number.
TripDering, I am looking at this thread occasionally, but I'm really busy. Dropbox, which hosts some online files required to make the mod run, is temporarily suspending my public links, disallowing the proper function of the mod. The mod will work sometimes, but unfortunately not all the time.
Everyone getting other crashes, I'm sorry but I don't have the time right now to work on it. I'll keep a record of them for when I do have time.
capes only affect donators or other specific people and won't apply to anyone unless they donate a dollar or more. So if you don't want a cape, just don't donate or just tell me no cape if you want to donate anyway.
I don't want to make it for 1.6.4 because I already have two versions to maintain: 1.7.2 and 1.7.10
This isn't a server, so I don't believe so. I think mods are still allowed to give capes, they didn't specify that. The problem is that my dropbox account quit on me D: and the mod can no longer access certain files that the mod requires to run. I'm going to need to make a new version of this mod for it to work
I don't believe its incompatible, I think it just doesn't add villages for the new biomes of the mod.
Hi everybody,
I know it's been a long time since I've been active, and I decided that as I am not going to continue working on this mod, I should give it to someone else. As of now, this mod is The_WeatherPony's and their page can be found here:
They have fixed several of the main bugs, and if you are looking for updates, head there!
Thanks for all your support!
RandomMango, it does not use Mo' Villages blocks
vapurise, it does work in 1.7.10!
And yes, you can use it in your mod pack if you give credit!
Karkarox, this is a complete remake of the old discontinued mod using no old code. It was completely written by me using only the idea.
RodrigoTaipe93, I think that's a problem with enviromine. Also, please use spoiler tags!
Cheeyev, those are some good ideas! I'll keep them in mind and work on them if I have time. Maybe I'll work on that compatibility too.
MCTalen, yes, it has snuck back in somehow. I don't even know how. What version are you using?
131sawyer131, go ahead.
Whist34, thanks for finding a solution for everyone with crashes! And seriously, why is Minecraft misspelled?
201184, thanks Cody!
jollyghost300, go ahead.
TripDering, I don't think I'll remove it, but I'll see if I can fix the problem sometime if I have time.
catgamer1254, Ver sus mensajes privados de una relación directa
Coal_Sponge, it sure will!
Cheeyev, there will probably not be that option, at least not in the near future.
showmethemods, that's a problem with battle towers, you can see that there is nowhere my mod is mentioned
Spacecat8192, that is a problem with the gravestone mod. For some reason that certain village distance is causing an incompatibility. Probably just try a different number.
TripDering, I am looking at this thread occasionally, but I'm really busy. Dropbox, which hosts some online files required to make the mod run, is temporarily suspending my public links, disallowing the proper function of the mod. The mod will work sometimes, but unfortunately not all the time.
Everyone getting other crashes, I'm sorry but I don't have the time right now to work on it. I'll keep a record of them for when I do have time.
I don't want to make it for 1.6.4 because I already have two versions to maintain: 1.7.2 and 1.7.10
optifine is great.
Mctittles, I don't believe there is a way to disable the client needing the mod. But you don't need to have matching configs.
zachdogg, that is an easter egg!
SuperGoldPoop, feel free to use it!
WillBuilder, the same as in the past versions.
.minecraft -> config -> MoVillages -> VillageDistance.cfg and change the number there
Everyone getting crashes, I am looking at them and will try to fix them when I have some time.