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    posted a message on Taking mod requests and updates

    The creator of modular bosses recently ditched the mod. It looked awesome though and he left his github open for others to continue it... could be worth a look at

    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on Ice and Fire: Dragons in a Whole New Light! - Build 1.1.0 - 1.11.2 Update

    As mentioned, the GIT is open so they would have access to the models and it's clear these guys aren't just sticking with dragons as they have created many other creatures. Was just a thought..

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ice and Fire: Dragons in a Whole New Light! - Build 1.1.0 - 1.11.2 Update

    Hey I know I mentioned this in the discord and it's probably stretching a bit far, but would you guys consider taking models/ai from the Modular bosses mod to use in your own? The creator abandoned the mod and left the GIT open to anyone who wanted to use it for mod creating..

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Minecraft Land Generator

    Hey. This looks cool, but I was just wondering, if I generate a massive world with this, does that mean that when I set my render distance to like 64 chunks it will load pretty much instantly with no lag? Sorry if this is a pretty dumb question. Cheers.

    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on Ice and Fire: Dragons in a Whole New Light! - Build 1.1.0 - 1.11.2 Update

    Just had another look in the video settings in game and can't seem to find anything on entity render distance. My game render distance is on max, doesn't change a thing. Any more help on this would be greatly appreciated.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ice and Fire: Dragons in a Whole New Light! - Build 1.1.0 - 1.11.2 Update

    I was unaware optifine had an option to increase entity render distance... Have it but am yet to see that. And older version... no It is a 1.12.2 version. They are self spawed ones though (using the spawn egg). Also I have the same issue with custom npc mod where I can't see npcs for more than like 70 blocks away. Thanks for the replies though.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ice and Fire: Dragons in a Whole New Light! - Build 1.1.0 - 1.11.2 Update

    Hey there. Great mod. Just a couple of issues though. I am using this mod as part of a massive fantasy map im making. For starters, whenever I spawn a dragon in, they dont seem very hostile. They will stand there and occasionally grab me or just instakill me which is no fun. They also dont chase at all. The other big issue is the fact that the dragons dissapear as soon as you go like 40 blocks away. I want a dragon on a mountain flying around it and stufd but you cant even see it.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Lycanites Mobs - Strange and Deadly Creatures!

    You should add your own combat into the game. Like shields that don't block %100 damage and a stamina system where being attacked while blocking would lower it, attacking would lower it and you wouldn't be able to do stuff when it's empty (Refils quickly after not doing an action) and the more recent your sleep the more max stamina you have haha... Not related to your mod but would be cool to see.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Modular Bosses - High Quality Epic Bosses - 1.0 Release - (11/3/2017) INACTIVE

    Fair enough. No need to hurry to be fair hahahah. Good luck with your things.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Modular Bosses - High Quality Epic Bosses - 1.0 Release - (11/3/2017) INACTIVE

    Hey there. Is this mod still being worked on? Haven't hear anything for a while. Really looking forward to seeing where this mod goes!

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Lycanites Mobs - Strange and Deadly Creatures!

    It is a bit different, perhaps a ring of some sort could be added, though the Nymph and Wraith also has this and kind of the Aegis. As for sand, it's a weird element as it's more both Earth and Air together (but not fused) so I can't really add an elemental for it. Perhaps the Golden Geonach could be more sand like as eventually I want subspecies to look very different from each other rather than just recolors.

    The idea of sand as an element is a tad bit weird I agree but then again I would say the same about magma, acid, nether and explosions. Maybe "dust elemental" instead. Really obviously up to you though. But sand is created from ground materials being eroded and carried typically by the wind (Or water). So I guess it could be a fusion of wind and earth but perhaps a better solution would be a fusion of materials/minerals (vapula) and earth (geonach) as that is commonly what sand is comprised of. They could be created when either ores/coal is mined near a geonach or when dirt or rock materials are mined near a vapula or even just if sand falls on a vapula, Just food for thought. A quick google search shows many possible designs, but perhaps one that best matches the other current elementals in its own way would be either this one from WOW or a design from a user on Deviant Art below.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Lycanites Mobs - Strange and Deadly Creatures!

    Hey. You should add a sand elemental next. Seems to be one of the only ones missing. Also is it just me or does the poison elemental kind of not fit in with the others? They're all sort of humanoid with a kind of partial ring around them except for the poison elemental that sort of just looks like a bug.. just a thought.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Custom NPCs

    Hey still looking on answers for how to increase the render distance of npcs. And if it isn't currently possible, I think it should be. Don't say it isn't possible software wise because the vanilla minecraft nobs are visible from ages away in comparison. I feel like it should at least be a config option for beefier computers.

    Also l feel like we should also have the option to allow npcs to aggro from further than the default max 64 blocks. Again maybe a config setting for beefier computers. This again I feel is possible when we compare to aggro ranges in other games.


    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Custom NPCs
    Quote from daottoad»

    I think like mob they are in load chunks what can be seem, as far as aggro that would take too much computer cpu to figure out

    The default minecraft mobs render from really far away so it appears to just be the npcs in this mod.. they seem to only appear about 64 blocks away. Also endermen can see you from much further than this so I'm guessing it shouldn't be too much stress on the cpu. I don't see why it should be when we consider what other games can due while using less.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Custom NPCs

    Hey is there any way to make npcs render farther away. At the moment they can't be seen from very far. Also is there any sort of config setting or some way I can make npcs aggro range bigger than 64? Cheers

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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