
About Me

I'm Piccomaster, and I'm a French map maker on minecraft. I played for 4 years at this game!

I created the map "Dungeons Doomaster" which was downloaded 36,000 times in France.

And since the summer of 2013 I build with my friend Thundesrtruck one of the biggest RPG ever created map on minecraft: "Across The Time."

- Across The Time - v2.0 FR (Version Française) :
- Across The Time - v2.0 ENG (Version English) :

After so much passion and work, Thundesrtruck and le decided to create the Team Adventquest, and followed closely by Tristepouille to promote their work and, thanks to a website, bring together a community that loves adventure maps.

We are currently 4 members :
Piccomaster : Builder, Command Block, Composition and Music
Thundesrtruck : Builder, Architect, Redstone, Scenario and Lore
TomHarderStylerz : Terraformer
Tristepouille : Webmaster

Otherwise I'm a musician (drummer) and songwriter IRL, and I play in several metal band who are "Verne" and "Alkhimya".

Profile Information

Minecraft piccomaster

Contact Methods

Website URL